Woodford County Journal from Eureka, Illinois (2024)

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i 4tf 1 1 it h' Vol 83 Eureka Illinois January 5 1950 no Championship Bout New Size Journal owned by Ray Schertz lanagan Starts This Week value to the gifts when they are distributed so children of Europe John Brock Manager of the Illi Major Merlin Baker former of rela was appointed chief of After graduating from the Air and the United St Louis to attend a two to the farm xA 11 A tv 'ijt will recognize them as gifts from children of the United States regular army Carol Dr Wyatt Retires After 53 Years In Medical Profession to the board stated the formation of the to' Annual County harm Bureau Meet Planned mon four and Smith three to lead the lightweight scoring The next home game on Thurs day Jan 12 is with Metamora who forced the Eureka Heavies Into a thrilling overtime victory 31 27 earlier in the season On the following Monday Jan 16 the Heavies will face Benson at Metamora In the first round of the county heavyweight tourna ment The Eureka lads are considered a top contender for the county tourney crown as they have al ready defeated all of the teams in their bracket in regular season play which she adopted A report that since Unit District 140 in May they have had 33 meetings with 137 separate actions Minutes of these meetings have been indexed for reference by the board to previous actions The board now meets once each month Another report told the board that definite steps have been taken to secure equipment and personnel for the Goodfield hot lunch pro gram A pupil health program for Unit 140 slated for discussion at the ebruary meeting of the board according MrJSmith Rebekah Past Noble Grands Elect Officers Miss Maggie Pierce was re elected president of the Josephine Carney Past Noble Grands of the Rebekah lodge at their December meeting last Thursday evening She will be supported by Mrs Jake Hexamer vice president and Mrs William Hamilton secretary and treasurer Mrs John Pierce and Mrs Edith Brown were ap pointed on the flower committee The new officers were elected at a business meeting following a potluck supper at the home of Mrs John Pierce Mrs Pierce had planned the decorations and fav ors in the theme of the holiday season Miss Maggie Pierce was presented a gift from the group and a social hour completed the evening Mrs Olive King of Pontiac a former member of the club and Mrs Raymond Cremeens out go ing Noble Grand of the lodge were guests The next meeting will toe at the home of Mrs Iva Shepherd the collection depots at the Eureka Printing Company and at the Ver non Hartter home He said that if anyone has toys to give and is unable to bring them to tthe depot the Legion will pick up the toys if the giver will leave a phone mes sage at 362R or 188 The Legion announcement said that toys should be in good condi tion preferrably new The gifts should also contain a card or let ter with the name and address of the giver This is to add a personal our Cars In Accident West Of Roanoke Grade School Cagers Top Congerville 51 15 The Eureka grade school Heavy weight cagers won a lopsided tilt 31 13 from Congerville on the losers floor last Tuesday night The Eureka defense looked Im pressive as they held their oppon ents to only foifr field goals The Eurekamen led throughout the contest with Jim rerichs scoring ten points and Nolan Myers tallying 12 for the evening Coach Don Light weights dropped a close one 15 13 to Congerville after leading up unui tne last quarter Hebner tallied five points Le ment In Eureka The banquet will VWAM ah AMfl CfrnUU xLmaa The association average was 577 pounds milk and 247 pounds fat with 394 cows on test from 23 herds The association Is sponsoring a banquet on Wednes day evening Jan 25 at 6:30 Clay Tate editor of the Bloomington Pantagraph will be the featured speaker at the Eu reka Community dinner Monday Jan 9 according to Merrill Grah am president of the Community association Mr Tate has received national recognition for his work in com munity betterment programs a mong which was his recognition in the Who in pub lication He was among a small group of newspapermen invited by Columbia university for a course in current affairs It was through the leadership of Mr Tate that the Bloomington Pantagraph was given the Mid west Newspaper Award for Com munity Service This year the Eureka Commun ity Association will consider sug gestions for community projects and activities and Mr Tate has had a great deal of experience in the development of small towns' The Central Illinois Community Betterment Program sponsored by the Dally Pantagraph of Bloomington and the College of Agriculture and College of Com merce of the University of Illi nois sought to help communities make the best possible use of their' existing resources It is an effort tp set a pattern for community self analysis and long range Im provement growing out of the needs and desires of the people This program has been used In the communities of Stanford Col fax Roanoke Lexington and Mi nonk The Community Association has asked that all organized crnuns in the community have a repre sentative at the meeting Jan 9 to consider the possibility of estab lishing a community calendar of events It is hoped that a schedule of regular events and meetings can be set up for the entire year to avoid conflicts In time and place Special events can: thereby be scheduled to avoid regularly scheduled affairs Tickets for the Community din ner are on sale at Stumpfs drug store the Eureka hardware company Waldeck Mortuary Sold To Danvers Men A Otto and Donald Argo of Danvers have purchased the Waldeck mortuary located at 598 South Main street and will take possession today The busi ness will be operated under the name of Otto and Argo funeral home Mr Argo will be the operator of the funeral home He has been associated with his father in law A Otto for the past 15 years Mr Otto has been located in Dan vers for the past 36 years He also operates funeral homes in Carlock and Deer Creek and is associated with the Otto Vincent funeral home in El Paso Mr Waldeck and family are moving back to Washington their former home where he will be associated with his father in law Habecker owner of the Ha becker funeral home our cars were involved In an auto accident at 6:45 m' Mon day a half mile west of Roanoke The occupants of one car disap peared after the accident and have not been located or identified No one was seriously Injured The first car involved was a Dodge for which license plates were Issued to I Iversen of 4649 Waveland avenue Chicago Oc cupants apparently abandoned the car after it left the road and rolled over A car driven by Albert A Har old 127 Summer street Peoria going west stopped to investigate when he noticed the other acci dent and a car driven by William Garretson of Cornell behind him swerved out of his lane of traffic to avoid a collision Jim Rlpsch of Pontiac driving east on the other side of the high way was in path and the Ripsch Garretson and Harold cars collided No one was injured The Rlpsch car was the only one of the four that was driven away The other three required tow service The accident was Investigated by State Police Officer Ladendorf and state police are still seeking i occupants or tne first car The thirty fifth annual meeting of the Woodford County arm Bureau is scheduled to be held Saturday Jan 14 in the Eureka high school according to Ben Streid chairman of the committee in charge of arrangements Others on the committee are Nelson Smith and abian Haas The meeting which will start at 10 a rd will consist of separ ate morning sessions for the men and ladies with a general session afier a free plate lunch served by the Home Bureau Reports for the year are expect ed to show Continued growth and accomplishment Officers and eight directors are to be elected during the morning session Principal speaker for the day is Professor Johnston former Woodford county farm advisernow head of the arm Manage ment division of the Department of Agricultural Economics of the the of I College of Agriculture Professor Johnston spent a num ber of months in Iran this past year and will illustrate his talk on that country with a set of kodachrome pictures taken during his stay there The speaker for the ladies morning session will be Jeanne Paris home economist for the Kroger oods oundation She will present demonstrations and pictures illustrating her talk New in Entertainment throughout' the day will be provided by the 1 vera ean Kemp Ensemble Bloomington Legion Toy Drive Date Extended Legion Commander Vernon Har tter has announced that the of drive will be continued until Jan 9 The toy collection project is being carried on by the Eureka American Legion post in coperation with the National Am erican Legion to send toys to the children in Eujpe The distribu tion 'of the toys vprseas will be handled by CARE Commander Hartter has extend ed the time on the drive because few toys have been turned in to Starting with this issue the Journal is being issued in a new size seven columns to a piage in stead of the usual six This was accomplished by slight ly increasing the paper size and narrowing the width of the 'col umns Last week the page size was 15 22 inches The column width was 13 picas or two and one sixth inches This week the page size is 16 by 22 inches and the columns are' 12 picas or two Inches wide The change adds one column to epch page of the paper so that an eight page paper like this is equal to nearly nine and one half pages of the former size This additional space is the rea son for the change Many times i during the past year it was neces sary to omit news and advertising from the naner hpransp thoro wot VVV at the Presbyterian church base i be the annual meeting of the association This meeting is open 1 weeks Dr Wyatt of Roanoke re tired Saturday after 53 years of medical practice the last 29 years spent in Roanoke He began his practice in Eureka where he built the Eureka hos pital which is still in use Anoth er building the pride of Dr accomplishments is in Roanoke an eight room suite fully equipped for the practice of medicine sold his building and Dr'R X'Davies who will continue the practice without Interruption Dr Wyatt graduated from St Louis university and practiced 14 years In Eureka before going to London England for thrp vonrc I of study Returning from Europe he practiced a few years in Pe oria Then deciding he could 1 friends better than strang he moved into a small town Roanoke Looking back over 29 years Dr Wyatt said any place I would rather have had my Among the other inter ests have been football and ath leucb ne piayed football and tPiA PiirAlr uuircgc wui oau team of the He was a medical officer In the army dur Ing the first world war i Dr and Mrs Wyatt count in their family a daughter son ln law and four grandchildren 200 Attend Steiders iftieth Anniversary Mnro than onn man iiitfiinc Hin 1 tives called at the home of Mir and Mrs Sam Steider last Sunday in observance of their fiftieth wed ding anniversary Miss Emma Schertz' and Sam Steider were married on Jan 4 1899 at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Joseph Schertz liv ing northeast of Eureka The cere mony was performed by Rev An drew Schrock of Metamora Their oldest son Clarence Stei der of Peoria was not able to at tend the celebration on account of illness He has been a patient id the St rancis hospital for three weeks The other children who were here were Glenn Steider of Min neapolis Wis Mr and Mrs Skinner of Rockford Dr and Mrs Ward Adams of Washington and Mr and Mrs Robert Steider of Kirksville Mo Mrs uncle Deboldt Householder who is 90 years old attended the celebration He was a guest at their wedding MJr and Mrs Steider have lived in this vicinity all oLtheir married life and have lived in Eureka about 28 years They received many cards flowers and gifts riends from Peoria and Wash 1 ington called at their home avuviuAug tv asuivvsAvcruwAib acxas ana laier graauatea iromi made at Air orce Head the Army Medical School at 1945 he became ar Washington ollowing a well Air orce Raw Mnn trnwi omr Maior' General Harrv Arm strong" who was appointed Sur geon General upon the retirement of Major General Malcolm Grow on Nov 86 Dan Ogle was born In Keiths burg October 9 1901 He was graduated from Eureka college Eureka In 1924 and received his Doctor of Medicine degree 'from the University of Illinois College of Medicine in 1929 Steps toward the formation of an educational council for Unit District 140 was the principal busi ness at the board meeting Tuesday in tne Office of Superin tendent Tilman Smith Wig gins president of the board pre sided The new council will be a study and advisory body for the board Their function will be in the capa city bi promoting good will and understanding between the school officials and the public as well as helping to disseminate information in regard to board action They will also be a source of informa tion for the school board to dis cover what the public wants and expects of its school system ac cording to Superintendent Smith He said that the members of the council will be geographically and economicaally representative of Unit 140 and will include repre sentatives of the various school related and civic organizations of the unit While the new council will be strictly advisory having no power of action the size of the consolidated unit district has made the need for such a group Mrs Mae Hodel one of the first grade teachers of Davenport grade school has resigned She has been replaced by Mrs Helen Per delwitz Hodel a former second grade teacher in the Peoria school system Mrs Mae Hodel resigned to be able to chre for the baby boy which she and Mk1 Hodel have Returning to the United States in 1941 from Luke ield Hawaii he served at the Army and Navy General Hospital at Hot Springs Ark Chanute ield the Techni cal Training Center at Miami Beach la and the AA Regional Station Hospital at Coral Gables Ra: He went overseas in December 1944 as staff surgeon of the isth In June 1929 he was appointed Air orce in Italy his out a first lieutenant in the Medical standing service with the 15 th Air Corps Reserve and assigned to orce he was awarded the Bronze William Beaumont uenerai hos star Meuai pital El Paso Texas He received On his return to to anyone who wishes to attend that is interested in dairying valltomia Bar Exams lhe IUi Major Merlin Baker former swSr the ly Of now with the TickeScan bA lAir orces at airfield Suisun Air obtained from Base airfield Calif has passed White aarSSWnimhA the California State Bar examina Stelder Dehfv tion after gating from Stan TrAvo? Jr Robert ford law school Troyer and Clarence Banning I Major Baker attended Eureka hiKh school and graduated from Lyda Woodford Rebekah lodge Minonk high school in 1937 and will have their regular meeting from Eureka college in 1941 His eXt week at I father a Gamble store Ume khe lnstallation of for some time here and later in fleets will be conducted Minonk training school conducted by the Western Auto company Mr Ro'cke has been farming east of Eureka on the farm of his fa ther Joe Rocke Mr Moser has made no announcement of future plans other than that he eventually wui return College Opens Against Lewis Saturday Eureka Red Devils re turn to action Saturday night when a Lewis college quintet calls here in a return game Coach Paul La determin ed and climbing quint takes a 4 and 2 record into the last meeting of the schools this year Eureka began the new Lewis series with a 59 40 win earlier in the season Expected starters for the Devils are Dick Broers and Bob Sum mers at the forwards Bill Poor baugh at center and Merle Wue thrlch and Ev Martin at guards Backing these regulars will be Pete Vetter Max Chasteen Claude Mann Ted Zurkowski Don Goe ken and Roy Thompson La Vinn was pleased with the play of Poortoaugh during the 1949 campaign He had equal praise for the play of freshman Vetter who capably replaced Poor baugh when the big boy had a cool Schertz Herd Again Tops Dairy Report The herd of 19 grade and pure bred Holsteins and Guernseys I was me mgn nerd in the Wood ford County Dairy Herd Improve ment Association as reported by Clarence Banning tester The herd has a production of 784 pound milk and 371 pounds fat The red Miller herd of Eu reka with 11 purebred Brown Swiss cows was the second place herd with a production of 929 lbs milk and 357 pounds fat Twenty two nurebred Rrnwn Swiss owned by Rocke and Coplan Carlock were third high In the association with production of 762 pounds milk' and 'h8' pounds fat I The herd of 19 grade and pure bred Brown Swiss owned by Schertz and Son of Metamora was the fourth place herd with 743 pounds milk and 288 pounds fat ure Dduvr vtuduse mere was mds hWd 11 much for eight pages and not JrOWn and enough for 10 Also the extra 702 lbS' needed for Printing and folding and 287 lbs fat the additional two pages was a 2 JesS CKOOXOICIMI VV9 UlVi Surgeon General of the Air orce I In all the entire team has He was transferred from the army shown sparks of greatness which to the air force In July 1949 I will have ample competition to General Ogle has been awarded Prove how great during the torrid weens oi Action fthefid Western Auto Store Changes Management Richard Moser who has op erated the Western Auto Associate store here for more than a year has sold the business to Norman Rocke who took Dossesslon on a daughter Tuesday Mr Rocke has gone to Clay Tate to Speak at Dinner Meeting of ECA Monday Night Unit District School Board Plans Educational Council ormer College Student Here Named Deputy Surgeon General or Army Air orce Brigadier General Dan Ogle his regular commission In the states of Kedthsbure has been named Deputy Surgeon General of the He attended the School of Avia tfte Plans Servlces Division In Air orce Medical Service tion Medicine at Brooks ield the Office of the Air Surgeon at according to an announcement Texas and later graduated from i Washington In NovemberMndA TT At ama A I quarters Washington The Woodford County Journal Milton Smith Named To Post With CARE Milton Smith former Eureka resident and brother of Smith Eureka superintendent of schools has been appointed to the Committee on Educational Recon struction of the United States Na tional Commission for UNESCO Mr Smith Is educational direc tor of CARE The UNESCO Com mission committee is a voluntary bddy which helpsi plan American educational reconstruction aid to war devastated countries' as well as providing guidance for the delegation to the General ences of the United Nations Edu cational Scientific and Cultural Organization A native of Eureka where he spent his childhood Mr Smith took his Bachelor of Arts degree at Goshen College Goshen Ind and his Master of Science tat the University of Pennsylvania Phila delphia Pa Active as an educator for many years he joined the New York headquarters staff of the Cooperative for American Remit tances to Europe Inc in 1947 Before accepting the CARE post Mr Smith was a' superintendent of schools in Ohio and for 16 years was principal of Springfield High School in Springfield Pa where he now makeshift home' He has' been active In many educational organizations including the Na tional Education Association and the Secondary School Principals and Is a member of Phi Delta Kappa educational fra ternity James Hallams To Observe Anniversary Mr and Mrs James A Hallam of Eureka will observe their gold en wedding anniversary on Jan 8 with a family dinner followed by open house from two until: five Miss Daisy Taylor and James A Hallam were married at the Christian church parsonage In Eu reka by Rev Haynes on Jan 8 1900 and have lived in and around Eureka most of their' married life They have three children: Mrs Leslie Culp of Joliet Clyde Hallam of Wichita alls Texas Hubert Hallam of East Peoria two grandchildren and three great grandchildren Mwaim: surKeon oi jviax ollowing fl urall Ain General Ogle has been serving course at the Medical ield Ser 1 Ala and Command SurXnfthA as Special Assistant to the Sur vice School Carlisle Barracks Pa Air University at Maxwell Air geon General since July when he became a flight surgeon and orce the Air orce Medical Ser ward officer at Chanute ield and After graduate from fte' Air vice was first created He succeeds was later named surgeon of Chan War Colleae of Major General narry Arm ute iom nteht MvvwffiV CLddidLCUIl LU UltJi the Bronze Star Medal and Is rated a light Surgeon and Air craft Obseiwer (Medical) He Is a member of the American Medi cal Association the Association of Military Surgeons and the Aero medical Association General Ogle and his wife Mrs Helen Garber Ogle have two children James a sergeant In the handicap During the past year the Jour nal had more 10 and 12 page edi tions than in the proceeding years It is hoped that even with the in creased size news and advertising: can be increased' so that there will be more 10 and 12 page issues in the future ormer Eurekan Passes I I 1.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.