The Oregon Daily Journal from Portland, Oregon (2024)

5 3 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, MARCH 24, 1919. 13 MEETING NOTICES GUL REAZEE. GROTTO NO. -Stated session this (Monday) evening, 8. o'clock, Masonic Temple, W.

Park and Yamhill sts. Short business: session, entertainment and refreshments. Members urged to attend. Visiting Monarch. prophets cordially invited.

By R. E. FULTON, Sec. IN ANHOE LODGE No. 1, Knights Pythias, meets every 11th Tuesday evening to ite castle hall.

and Aider sta Visiting Knights Are welcome. THAD L. GRAVES. MT. HOOD LODGE NO.

157. F. A. M. Special communication tomorrow (Tuesday) evening at 6.

Work in M. degree. Visitors welcome. Order W. M.


-Special communication this (Monday) eve. at o'clock. Work, in the F. 0. and M.

M. degrees. Visiting brethren welcome. W. M.

De LIN, Sec. EMBLEM jewelry buttons, pins, charms. Jaeger 181-188 6th st. LODGE TOOmB for rept. East 8080 evenings Vital Statistics Marriages.

Birtbs. Deaths. DEATHS AND FUNERALS STOPPER--March 24, at 94 Skidmore street, Gabriel Stopper, aged 61 years: beloved husband of Francis Stopper, father of Joseph Stopper, Kellogg, Idaho; Mre, Edna Riggs, Salem; Robert, Walter, Mary and Francis of Portland. The funeral services will be held at St. Andrews church, East Ninth and Alberta streets, Wednesday, March 26, at 9 a.

m. Friends invited. Interment at Mount Calvary cemetery. Remains are at A. R.

Zeller's Funeral parlors, 592 Williams avenue. LEWIS--In this city, March 23, Harry Romeo Lewis, aged 64 years, late of the Volheim apartments: husband of Mrs. Mary A. Lewis, father of Mrs. W.

B. Crane. Elsie M. Lewis and Mrs. J.

P. A. Entler and Harry Lewis. The funeral services will be held Wednesday, March 26, at 2:30 p. at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth.

Friends invited. Incineration at the Portland crematorium. DAKIN- At the residence. 1267 E. Harrison March 22, 1919, Ruth E.

Dakin, aged 81 rears, mother of Mrs. 0, P. De Moss' of PortUrnd: Willard and Charles Dakin of Hood River, Or. Funeral services will be held at the Christian Alliance church, Hood River, at 2 p. March 25, 1919.

Friends invited. Remains at Holman's funeral parlors until Tuesday morning. AMES--At the residence, 849 32d st. north, March 23. 1919.

Everett Amme. aged 45 10 months 9 days, beloved husband of Luella Ames, father of Edward Ed and James H. Ames, Friends invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at 2 p. m. tomorrow (Tuesday), March 25, 1919.

Coneluding services at Portland Crematorium. HEYDT- Funeral services for the late Louis Heydt, son of Mrs. K. Heydt; brother of A. Heydt of 123.

West Liberty Portland, and Mrs. A. E. Consens of Newberg, will be conducted at the Holy Redeemer church, Vancouver ave. and Portland at 10 a.

m. Tu-day, March: 25. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery, Killingsworth near Williams. PRICE- Orin aged 75 years, died Sunday, March 23. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs.

Emma Smith of thin city and Mrs. Ruth Ward of Oakland, Cal. Funeral services will be held at '2 p. Tuesday, March 25, at the chapel of Chambers 248 and 250 Killingsworth near Williams. Interment Columbian cemetery.

JOHN March 22, at 544 East 46th st. Summerel John, aged 75 year, beloved ther of Mrs. George Jacobs, Mrs. Christine Fitzgerald, Summerel A. John and Charles John of Portland and Mark John of Arizona.

Funeral services will be held from the A. R. Zeller parlors, March 25, at 2 p. Friends invited. Interment Lone Fir cemetery.

GILLETTE- The funeral services of the late John Perry Gillette will be held Tuesday, March 24, at 2:30 p. at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Lone Fir cemetery. DICKSON-In this city, March 28, Mrs.

James Dickkon, widow of the late Dr. James Dickson, The remains are at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral. later. GAULD- James G.

Gauld, died at. Los Gatos, March 28, following stroke of apoplexy. Rody will 'be brought to Portland for burial. Funeral announcement later. FLORISTS MARTIN FORBES Florists, 854 Washington.

Main 269, A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. LIBERTY MARKET FLORIST. 5th and Tambill sta. Cut, flowers, and designs, Sellgreenhouse, 649 Nehalem are.

Bell. 1520. CLARK florists, Morrison bet. 4th and 5th. Phones Main or A-1805.

Fine flow ers and floral designs. No branch stores. IRVINGTON, Funeral PARK designs: FLORAL lowert prices. 4th and PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder, designs and decorations.

Phone Marshall 5922. eite LALANE Floral designs and decorations. Oppopostoffice. Main 5545. SWISS FLORAL CO.

FLOWERS AND PLANTS. MAX M. SMITH. florist. 141 6th FUNERAL DIRECTORS Holman Undertaking Co.

Funeral Directors Established 1877 Third and Salmon Streets Main 507, A-1511 Lady Assistant. J. P. FINLEY SON Main Progressive Funeral Directors 9-Montgomers at 5th-4-1509. WILSON ROSS EAST 7TH AND MULTNOMAR Directors 0-3165.

F. S. DUNNING. INC. 414 East Alder st.

Phone East 52, Golden Rule Undertakers. B-5225. DUNNING McENTEE Broadway Phones: and Ankeny sta, Lady assistant. Broadway 480, A-4558. Phone Tabor 5802-5804 5267.

024 st. 8. Lenta. Home Phone D-61. East 781 B-1888 P.

L. LERCH Mrs. Lereb UNDERTAKERS. E. 11th and Assistant Hawthorne.

248 and 250 Killingsworth CHAMBERS COMPANY ave. Woodlawn 3306. C-1188. near Williams MILLER TRACEY, Independent Washington rectors. Prices low 88 $20, Funeral DIat Ella.

Main 2691, $60. $40, A-7885. Skewes UNDERTAKING CO. Third Main and 4152. Clay.

Wilson Wilson 1157 4940, Kerby street. HAMILTON neral. 1973 East services. Glisan Tabor st. 4818.

ERICSON rison st. Broadway Parlors. 2584. 445 BREEZE SNOOK Tabor B-2546. 1258.

R. T. BYRNES. new residence establishment. 901 Williams ave.

Woodlawn 220. C-1948. A. R. Zeller Co.

East 592 1088. Williams 0-1088 avenue MONUMENTS GRANITE CO AT MADISON PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, 264-266 4th opposite city hall. 8564. Philip Neu Sons for memorials. A.

D. KENWORTHY CO. LOST AND FOUND LOST- Auto tire, 32x8 clincher, smooth, Sunday 1 p. m. near 18th and Couch.

Finder please leave at Aeme garage, 581 Alder for Warner. LOST- -Widow, Mrs. Amanda Garvin's, government. allotment check No. 3942673.

Finder return or send to 229 Cherry st. and receive reward. LOST- bulldog at Brooklyn theatre Wed. night; cross between a Boston and Pit; answers to the name of Jeff; very thin. Sellwood 1630.

FOUND Bicycle on. 82d st. Owner can have same by identifying. Call Tabor 1142: LOST- -Somewhere north of Pettigrove, set of teeth. Reward.

Broadway 4556. LOST Sunday, lady's Elgin gold wrist watch, near Alberta, Reward. Sellwood 2704, LOST- Child's locket and chain; reward. Tabor 6664. HELP WANTED MALE OFFICE BOY.

WANTED Must be wide-a-wake and willing to work. Steady employment. See Mr. Ruppe, business office, The Journal. to WANTED -Young man for wrapping and packing in nursery $2.50 per day to start.

Call 125 2d. WOULD like see man that understands bricklaying. Have 2 chimneys to be fixed. 104 Stanton st. WANTED -Experienced bookkeeper, one who has had experience with stock exchange house preferred.

D-238, Journal, MEN wanted to handle good line publications. Good proposition for soldiers and sailors. Call Monday 329 Lumbermens bide. WANTED -Good ladies' tailor, good pay. 447 Alder st, J.

K. Stern, ladies' tailor. AMATEUR acts wanted. Clinton theatre, 26th and Clinton sts. Tabor 9133.

WANTED- A man to dig basem*nt. Tabor 4867. WANT a stableman. 546 Front st. WANTED A good cook.

Phone Sell. 849. HELP WANTED--MISC. 49 ARE YOU OUT OF WORK! Now is your chance to learn a trade for $50. We are giving life membership in all of our motor schools in the United States and Canada on automobiles, gas tractors and electric starters, ignition systems and carburetors.

This is the biggest inducement ever offered to any man in this line. If you want to get in on this great offer ch.l at ore nearest office and pay a five dollar deposit before April 1, which will hold good for you to start at any time later, 88 this fame course will cost you $75 after April For further information apply HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOL, 707 HAWTHORNE CORNER E. 20TH, OR 124 N. 6TH, BLOCKS FROM UNION DEPOT. THESE ARE THE PRACTICAL SCHOOLS WHERE STUDENTS ACTUALLY WORK ON AUTOS AND GAS TRACTORS, AND FROM THE FIRST DAY THEY START IN SCHOOL THEIR COURSE IS COMPLETED.

AUTOMOBILES, TRUCKS, TRACTORS Learn to be first class Mechanic and Gas Engineer, rebuild, operate and repair biles, Trucks and Tractors. This is not an Engineering School, teaching THEORY ONLY, neither is it GARAGE, but REAL PRAUTICAL SCHOOL, where you learn the business by ACTUAL WORK on the Machines. We have more and better Equipment than all other Schools in Oregon Combined. SPECIAL TRADES- Acetylene Welding, Vulcanizing and Retreading. Day and Evening Classes.

Write for Catalogue. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, 462 Hawthorne ave. WANTED-100 men at once to learn auto and gas tractor operating and repairing. All students paying a deposit on tuition fee before April 1 will save $25. Apply HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS, Hawthorne ave.

or 124 N. 6th. Branches at Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Lethbridge, Calgary, Vancouver, B. Portland, the largest chain of trade schools in U. S.

or Canada. LEARN AUTOS AND TRACTORS FIVE DAYS' FREE TRIAL PAY TUITION WHEN SATISFIED We teach auto, tractor, gas engine and auto electrical work: BIG 100 PAGE CATALOG FREE. Address Adcox Auto and Tractor school, Dept. Union are. and Wasco st, Portland, Or.

Phone East 7445. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHENKE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, ing, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalog.

LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted. Call 218 Railway Exchange bidg. Splendid opportunity to learn a well paid profession Free booklet. Railway Telegraph Institute. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE SPECIAL COURSE IN COMPTOMETERS ALISKY BLDG.

8D AND MORRISON. MAN to work this city refinishing chandeliers, brass beds, automobiles, by new method. $10 daily without capital or experience. Write Gunmetal 306 Elm, Decatur, IN. TAYLOR-FAITH Business College.

Best because completest. Spanish, French and English commercial courses. Comptometers and adding 204 Stevens West Park and Wash. FIREMEN, Brakemen, monthly; experience unnecessary; must study easy necessary instruction. Send stamp Railway association.

KX-218, Journal. HERE is chance for you to become practical oxy-acetylene open for a short time. Call at 141 Flanders st. WANTED -At once, 3 men to learn automobiles, trucks and tractors. Call at 482 Hawthorne are.

ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCI K. Welles, ex-asst. State N. W. Bank bldg.

Teachers placed promptly. GOING East or South? Household goods shipped at reduced rates; moving and packing. Pacifie Coast Forwarding Co, 408 Hoyt st. Bdwy. 703.

HELP WANTED- -FEMALE WANTED--Experienced sewing machine operators. Apply Standard factory No. 2, Grand ave. and E. Taylor, DRESSMAKER Experienced WANTED Only first-class need apply.

Mrs. A. Sherman, 311 5th st. Marshall 3543. HOUSE to house demonstrators for pure food goods; guaranteed salary or commission basis.

Lumbermens bldg. WANTED Experienced woman for general house work on ranch. Wages $50. per month. Call Tabor 2702.

WANTED Experienced millinery sales lady to work afternoons; good wages. References required. Wilson's, 130 10th st. WANTED- helper with factory experience. wages, Steady work.

Elson, 453 Washington. WANTED Woman to do family washing. 365 Graham near Union, WANTED- -Woman for housework. No washing. Tabor 7477.

HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Pays you while learning; gives you set of tools; positions secured. Write for catalogue, 284 Burnside or phone Broadway 1781. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches trade in 8 weeks; pay while learning; position guarenteed. 284 Couch st. MEN, WOMEN, learn barber trade, wages while learning; position guaranteed.

Mgr. 22 years' experience. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison. SITUATIONS -MALE NOW in the time to repair your roof before tinting. We guarantee to stop all leaks.

For reliable work call Wdln. 5084. 8 years in Port- ACCOUNTANT Thoroughly experienced in general accounting and auditing, is open for engagement, temporary or permanent. Tabor 4800. WANTED Position to gO to Alaska for mining company to prospect or work ground already located.

Have made 4 trips successfully. P-213, Journal. EXPERIENCED gardening, auto repair; best references. Write 939 N. Willamette St.

Johns. MAN with drag saw wants to cut 300 to 500 cords of wood; Clarke county preferred. X-800, Journal, Vancouver, Wash, CONTRACTOR and builder, repair and new work in the city or country. R. D.

Crowe. 441 E. 52d st. Tabor 7982. FOUND A man to repair and reupholster your furniture at your home; prices reasonable; all work guaranteed.

Phone Main 4229. WANTED -Position in garage as assistant repairman; competent; references. Wdln. 1701, evenings. WANTED paperbanging and halsomining, by experienced workman.

Phone bor 4956. FOUND -A man to repair and re- upholster your furniture at your home; prices reasonable; all work guaranteed. Phone Main 4229. EXPERIENCED truck driver wants 8 steady position; best of references. Call Broadway 2337, room 16.

WANTED -Position as foreman on large irrigated ranch. Best of references. K-621, Journal. WANTED- -Position by structural engineer, anything. Can handle team.

K-620, Journal. EXPERIENCED presser wants work in city. H-800, Journal. TINTING, papering and refinishing done most reasonably. Tabor 7828.

PAINTING, papering, reasonable. Mar. 8188. PAINTING. papering, tinting; first class work reasonable.

Main 1509. PAINTING and tinting, reasonable. Phone Woodlawn 8326. LOTS plowed and, harrowed. Call Tabor 8727.

YOUNG man wants work on farm. Wdln. 589. PLOWING DONE. Broadway 821.

SITUATIONS FEMALE WIDOW with 2 children would like work by the day, either house cleaning, washing or ironing. Woodlawn 1172. Call mornings or WANTS work by day or hour: experienced in all kinds of house work, restaurant or hotel Phone Sellwood 2397. DRESSMAKING 40 ALTERING children's dresses and mending done by the day. Tabor 7487.

FURNISHED ROOMS NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Washington Streets. Right in center of Portland's activities. Let us show you our accommodations. Rates $5 per week up. HOTEL FRANKLIN WASHINGTON AT THIRTEENTH 61 daay up.

Free Tub and Shower Bath. HOTEL Sargent, Hawthorne and Grand Starting point special car for Vancouver. FURNISHED ROOMS -PRIVATE FAMILY LARGE front room, 2 beds: also smaller front room, very pleasant; large grounds. Phone Tabor 2677. BUNGALOWS AND HOSES FOR EVERYBODY.

IRVINGTON. EAST 278. HERDMAN. FOR RENT-3 unfurnished rooms, reasonable. Call after 6 p.

m. at 145 15th st. near Hoyt. 2 NICELY furnished rooms, modern home comforts. 589 E.

47th st. N. Breakfast if desired. week. FURNISHED rooms for rent.

180 N. 18th st. Broadway 2262. ONE furnished room for refined working man. Wdln.

2494. 825 Haight ave. ROOM- -Nicely furnished, sleeping porch if desired. Call East 3738. NICE light furnished rooms, very reasonable rent.

875 Minnesota ave. ROOMS AND BOARD ROOM and board for men, home style cooking, reasonable rates. Grand Avenue Hotel, 334 Grand ave. 3 blocks south Hawthorne ave. THE HAZEL- like the others." Every comfort.

Home cooking. 885 Third st THE Martha Washington 880 10th, for business girls and students. Marshall 1251. ROOMS AND BOARD-PRIVATE FAMILY WANTED, two girls board and room, private family, near Crystal Laundry. 188 E.

19th North or E. 8523. STRICTLY modern room with board, $35 and up; 15 minutes' walk; 2 blocks from 3 car lines. 335 E. Halsey, corner of Second.

ELEGANT rooms, also breakfast. Marshall 5188. PLEASANT room, with board; private family; reasonable. 400 Monroe st. East 8096.

HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED SHIPYARD district apartments, cottages, housekeeping rooms, furnished, unfurnished; reasonable. Apply 252 Gibbs. TWO sunny light housekeeping rooms, also garage, for rent. E. A.

Watters, 321 E. 8th north. East 2619. FURNISHED K. rooms, reasonable; no objection to small children.

N. 16th. BELLINGHAM large, light, airy housekeeping rooms. 421 E. Morrison st.

FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: 501 Harrison near 14th and Montgomery. TWO rooms, single room, sleeping porch, for light housekeeping. 655 Flanders, FURNISHED H. K. rooms, 2531 Washington st.

HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 550 Couch block of 16th and Washington ste. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, 267 Knott near Williams ave. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 73 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY TWO neat H.

K. rooms for rent, furnished or unfurnished. Rent reasonable. 877 East Davis st. neat East 28th st.

Phone East 8769. LARGE, cheerful H. K. room $15 per month. 1042 Belmont.

Phone Tabor 302. FOR RENT--HOUSES 19 UNFURNISHED FOR RENT, 7. room house, East Flanders, close to Laurelhurst; completely furnished: furniture for sale at a bargain; $700 cash: rent reasonable. Inquire at 431 Lumber Exchange bldg. between 1 and 6 p.

m. Monday, Tuesday of Wednesday. Second and Stark. 4 ROOM house, 80th and E. Couch, Monta villa.

Sellwood 01551. MODERN house with garage. 149 Hamilton "Main 6622. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 32 FURNITURE for 5 room modern house for sale. Purchaser may rent house.

East 6299, APARTMENTS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED THE JEFFERY, 2 room furnished $16, close in, corner of Russell and Kerby, between Mississippi and Williams aves, ROOM unfurnished apartment, rent $12.50. Call cor. E. 39th and Lincoln Liberty bakery. FOR RENT- room apartment, modern, close in.

622 Delay near Morris. FOR RENT LATS 13 FOR RENT- Store fixed up for living rooms. 794 1st and Gibbs. FURNISHED FLATS 30 ROOM flat, completely furnished for housekeeping; large, airy "rooms. Woodlawn 1205.

WANTED--TO RENT WE WANT TO RENT 5-room up-to-date dwelling in select neighborhood. Also houses, flats and apartments. It 7ou have any vacancies phone Heave Together, care of Northwest Steel 'Main 1193. WANTED--By man and wife; no children: furnished or unfurnished 2. rooms, kitchenette and private bath; within reasonable walking distance of Journal bldg.

C-615, Journal. WANTED- About April 1, or 5 broom house in northeast part of city. Will terms suit. Phone East 1872. WANTED- To rent or 5 room furnished OF J.

flat; J. inust Bateman. be modern. Phone Bdwy. 611.

WANTED To rent, or 5-room house near Piedmont barns; just two; no choldren. Waln. 8889. WANTED -Large unfurnished or furnished house with from 7 to 15 rooms, or an ment house. H-223, Journal.

YOUNG couple will lease 4 or 6 room modern bungalow, with garage preferred, by April 1. Main 5534 or East 8557. BY April 1, 6 or 7 room house, 3 adults. Phone Gregg, Main 4476, Sundays and evenings. Woodlawn 5447.

WANTED, small apt. or flat, modern, furnished, adults. Z-696, Journal. WANTED To rent by April 1, 5 to 7 room house. Phone Tabor 3605.

REAL ESTATE BUSINESS PROPERTY FACTORY site on waterfront, trackage and paved street. Bargain. Owner, 1421 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE -HOUSES $1650-5 ROOM bungalow, lot 85x100, fruit trees, chicken run. Terms.

Owner, Woodstock car. 6330 50th st. S. E. BEAUTIFUL 6 room bungalow, with hard wool floors and built-in conveniences, near 24th and Sandy road, $8200.

Phone East 2566. WEST. SIDE-8 room house and lot on 23d and Hoyt worth $8100: will sacrifice for $4500; investigate. G-439, Journal. AT a bargain, on Boston near Bryant, 100x100 with house 24x36.

Inquire of owner, 40 E. Sumner st. $2100 FOR 6 room house, electric lights, bath, paved streets, in Sellwood; bargain. Telephone Tabor 1667. TWO good 5 room houses on lot 50x100, hard surface street, all paved, block Williams car, $3600; terms.

Phone East 1922. 6 ROOM house, partly modern, -large lot, fruit, close to Standifer train; terms. Phone Columbia 1059, or P-994, Journal. 100x100 TWO room house, 18 fruit trees strawberries, electric lights, 3 biks. to car; $950.

Sellwood 1203. 6 ROOM house, corner lot, Hawthorne district, mortgage $1000; exchange equity for city lots. Call. Main 706. $4500-BROOKLYN HEIGHTS, 8 room house; furnace, large lot; easy terms.

X-595, Journal. $2650, HAWTHORNE 85TH ST. 5 large, light rooms, modern; large Jot; shrubbery. Owner, Tabor 8824. FOR SALE 100m modern bungalow: all built conveniences, corner lot; no lien.

Owner, call Wdln. 5346. ROOM modern house on Meagley heights, all street improvements in; terms. Woodlawn 4178. Call after Sunday.

5 ROOM semi-modern house, lawn, attic; terms. Tabor 6896. FIVE room bungalow: an extra bargain. 83 E. Burnside.

Call Tabor 1156. $1400 FOR 5. room house, 50x100 lot, Sunnyside; nice location. Tabor 1667, Desirable 5-room cottage, lot. 100x100, Woodstock.

Sellwood 1835. $2550 ROSE CITY Park, 5 room bungalow. Phone Tabor 6825. ROOMS, half acre, fruit berries. Tabor 1692.

REAL ESTATE FOR MALE- -HOUSES TO $500 $2800- LOW PRICED NEW BUNGALOWS ROSE CITY PARK- We have for sale number of bungalows NOW UNDER COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. They, with weather permitting, will be finished in about 60 days. Call at our office and let us show you the plans and the ones now under course of construetion. The bungalows will be finished in old ivory or natural finish, and will tint walls and paint bungalows to suit purchaser. Hardwood floors in main rooms.

We have some plans for very nobby room bungalows with sleeping porches. These bungalows should appeal. to you. Not only will you have a new bungalow. but we can build in and make little changes to suit your ideas.

They ate on paved streets and sewer. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY; No. 7 Chamber of Commerce 4th and Stark.

1-Main 208, A-2050. IRVINGTON $4800- ing of this bungalow home located in one of I am here for the TE express purpose of disposthe very best districts in Irvington- 6 room modern bungalow with sleeping porch, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, everything; all assessments paid: terms; 2 months ago this was priced at $6500, now it must and will be sold. See J. C. Barnes, 1814 Sandy bird.

LAURELHURST-84500 BARGAIN Don't pass this up. You can't afford to. Come let us show you this modern home; 6 rooms and sleeping porch. Finished in white throughout. Hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basem*nt, full lot with all assessments paid, -1 block to car.

Don't confuse this with the ordinary house offered at this price. You will be buying this $1000 under value. Must be sold at once, A. G. TEEPE 264 Stark near 3d.

Main 3516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday) NEAR PACIFIC CAR FOUNDRY CO. ON EAST 60TH STREET. $8200-Eight rooms, story house, modern, except hardwood floors.

5 rooms first floor, 2 rooms and sleeping porch 2d floor. 3 blocks to school and 1 block to car. House very suitable for family with children and in modest circ*mstances, $700 will handle; balance about like rent. SEE MR. BROWN, Laurelhurst Tract Office, East 39th and Glisan sts.

Tabor 3483, or Tabor 59, eves. A REAL BUNGALOW $4250 In Rose City Park, near car; we have a really beautiful California bungalow of 6 rooms and den, large dining room, fireplace, handsome buffet. hardwood floors, high grade furnace, all built-in features. If you like the real bungalow type, you'll fall in love with this home. Terms.

Coe A. McKenna Main 4522. 82 4th. Board of Trade bldg. $1850 PART CASH $1850 Party leaving city.

6 room house, plastered, papered, stained and varnished; built-in bufet and beamed ceiling; hot and cold water and bath; full basem*nt; full view of Tualatin valley; '10 minutes' walking distance from end of Council Crest car. Address owner, Lewis Theideman, city. Phone Mar. 5459 for directions. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW FROM OWNER Price cash required; located on 39th near Hawthorne $350 street work all in and included in above price: good 5-room semi-modern house, large attic and full basem*nt, good garage; lot 40x132: nice homes surrounding.

Call Owner, Tabor 941, or 411 E. 39th. SELLWOOD BARGAIN $1850 Say, here is a good buy: A 7 room 2 story house on 50x100 lot, chicken yard, some fruit, garage; upper floor now rented for $15 month. If you have $300 to pay down, see this quick. COE A.

McKENNA 00., Main 4522. 82 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. FURNISHED, new, modern bungalow, 4 rooms and sleeping porch, corner lot, white enameled kitchen and bedroom; best brass fixtures, dandy fireplace, 2 blocks to car, vacant ready to more in. $2750, $800 cash, $25 per month on balance.

SLETTEN JONES Main 2558. 248 Stark St. FOR 4 room house, living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, woodshed, small cellar, lot 85x135, excellent soil, barn 14x26, chicken yard. Terms $350 cash, balance $10 per month. Owner, Woodstock car, 5012 64th 8.

E. $4200-ROSE CITY VACANT APRIL 1 This 5 room new modern bungalow at 895 E. 44th st. just off Sandy: has been traded to J. C.

Barnes and must be sold; terms to suit purchaser. What is your proposition? See bungalow, then see owner at 1314 Sandy bird. BY OWNER Rose City, well built 5 room bungalow with attic that can be built into 2 more rooms; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, large linen closet and other builtin conveniences: is less than year old. Address 758 65th 2 blocks north of Sandy. Call before o'clock.

4 ROOMS and bath, joins West Moreland, walks in and paid; full basem*nt, immediate possession, $1800, $850 cash, balance $20 per month, including interest, SLETTEN JONES Main 25 2558. 248 Stark St. $4000 MODERN bungalow, 2 blocks from car, 5 from school; furnace, fireplace, electric lights, gas, full cement basem*nt and wash trays; fir grove, fertilized garden space, some fruit, chicken house and garage; $8000, 1807 Seneca East St. Johns, SEVEN ROOM COTTAGE Mt. Tabor district, lot 50x140; lies high with beautiful view, 10 choice bearing fruit trees, house newly painted and papered.

On paved street with all improvements paid. Price $2635, with terms. Phone Tabor 4628. BY owner, bungalow, 6 rooms and bath, modern except furnace: Dutch kitchen and garage, Price $2300, $300 down, easy terms. See once.

Some furniture if desired. 693 Sherritt. Sellwood. $3150 New 7 room modern houses Take St. Johns car to Delaware, go south 3 blocks, 227 W.

Sumner. C. E. Anstrom, owner. HOME BUYERS- Do not fail to look this One of the cozy little homes in Rose City; modern improvement.

You will be satisfied when you see this at 687 E. 71st st. and priced right at $2250. Terms to suit. No agents.

7-room $2500- $2500 fruit; come and see this. Woodlawn 4038 house and lot 200x125; plenty of after 9 Monday. Pearl O'Neill. Terms. SUNNISIDE 5 room half block from car.

$2,250, terms. HERMAN MOELLER, 1025 Gasco bldg. Main 1480. $3700- -Big Sacrifice Must sell beautiful home, worth $5000, completely furnished, strictly modern, practically new, 8 rooms, Alberta st. Owner, Wdln.

4720. OWNER LEAVING CITY Good established 5 room home with. modern conveniences, on 100x100 lot, 20 minutes out; lots of bearing fruit, $1800, reasonable terms. Tabor 2984. VERY modern 7 room home, center Irvington.

Upper and lower floors hardwood, furnace, fireplace, white enamel, fine garage. East 273. Herdman. MODERN furnished 4 room cottage, E. 25th near Brooklyn shops; street, sewer, water, gas all paid; $2400: $400 cash, balance monthly.

Owner, East 8225. BY owner, bungalow all furnished, rooms and sleeping porch, plastered, electric light, gas, hot and cold water, bath, lot 62x 112, bearing fruit. Call Marshall 2463. $2300 By owner, 5 room house, modern conveniences, lot 170x137 on macadam paved street. 8822 56th ave.

S. E. Tabor 1516. MUST sell at once 6 rooms and bath, 2 lots, fruit trees and berries, fine place for garden; $1850; $550 cash, balance easy. 1027 E.

33d N. Alberta car. BROOKLYN 8 rooms, furnished: good plumbing, lot 40x 100; street and sewer paid; $800 cash, balance monthly. Owner, East 3225. MODERN bungalow, 7 rooms and sleeping porch, all conveniences, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; a fine home; immediate possession.

Phone Tabor 6645. 6-R. BUNGALOW, strictly modern, built in conveniences, on pared street, choice district, view property, fruit trees; cosy home; $3500, terms, Owner. Tabor 9191. LOT- 7 room, pantry, bath, basem*nt, gas, garage, large chicken yard, berries, fruit trees, $2000, terms, Call 5648 830 S.

E. Mt. Scott car. WANTED 5 room modern bungalow, not over $2500 in price, Alberta district preferred: will pay $200 cash, balance monthly. McKinney.

Phone Col. 2, or Col. 1042. BUNGALOW JUST COMPLETED 6 rooms and garage, 1181 E. Ankeny, near Laurelhurst park.

See owner at place or call E-7358. THE HOUSE YOU WANT Ideal home, 8 rooms, cheap; Irvington district. Phone owner, Portland hotel, for days only. Mrs. W.

McCabe. FOR SALE Eight room house, $5000. 262 E. 8th cor, Multnomah. Hot water heat.

This is a bargain. FOR SALE Large modern home, lots, block to car; easy terms; good buy, Woodlawn 250. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE- HOUSES ROSE CITY PARE 6 rooms and Do see this one, One of Rose City Park's real fine homes, This is so far above the ordinaryit is so downright modern- that we cannot urge too strongly your immediate inspection, We are addressing this to those of you who have lookedand looked- and have never found just what you wanted. There is a great large living room with French doors between living and dining rooms and between living room and hall Large dining room with massive buffet. This house is finished in old ivory and white throughout.

The substantial construction, the plate glass windows and all the real good expensive features so much desired will appeal to you. Of course it has hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, full cement basem*nt, furnace, etc. Located 478 E. 50th North, just south of Sandy. We want you to see this.

You have nothing to lose and all to gain. It will be a downright pleasure for us to show you. Immediate possession can be given. Reasonable terms, G. TEEPE 264 Stark near 3d.

Main 3516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. ROSE CITY PARK Do you want an absolutely new bungalow in Rose City Park at a moderate price? We have listed with us the 35 new homes to be built by the J. W. McFadden Building Co.

Would you believe it possible to buy a new bungalow with 5 rooms and breakfast alcove, with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basem*nt, wash trays, and on a paved street for $3350? We have the plans at both the downtown and branch offices. If you want to buy in Hose City Park, we want you to see the many good buys we have in bungalows and houses. You know we specialize in Rose City Park. Knowing our ability to get prompt action, owners naturally list their houses with us first. A.

G. TEEPE 264. Stark near 3d. Main 3516. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy, (Open Sunday) KENTON $960-4-rooms with bath; lot 50x100; school and car 2 blocks.

$1150-2 houses; ene 4-room and one with 2 rooms; lot 50x100; a good buy. $1250-4 rooms and sleeping porch; on paved street; 10 fruit trees. $800-3 rooms; lot 50x100; school and car blocks. We have several good buys. Call us up after Monday morning, 9 m.

Woodlawn 4038. Pearl O'Neill. 4 ROOM COTTACE $950 Dutch kitchen, closet, gas, water, small basem*nt, 50x105 foot lot, "fenced; roses, berries; 4 blocks from Woodmere school, 2 blocks from hard surfaced street. Small payment down or will take Ford car as first payment, balance easy terms. Call owner at Marshall 1606.

FOR SALE acre, 6-room house, plastered, electric light, gas, water, 22 fruit trees, bearing; $2000, $400 cash, $25 per month, including interest. rooms, ceiled and papered, lot 40x100, $750, $100 cash, $10 per month, interest at 6 per cent. Williams Realty 6206 Woodstock are. 82d St. on Mt.

Scott car. A WELL equipped 5 room house, besides halls, den and pantry; fine place, with fancy mantle, furnace, 2 toilets, bath, laundry trays, large porches, 100x110 feet of AB good soil as can be found; 9 shade trees, 12 bearing fruit trees; good place for chickens; an abundance of berries, located 'in Southeast Portland, between two carlines. $8000 terms or $2750 cash. Phone Tabor 9570. $3800-5 ROOM All improvements in and paid for, near Laurelhurst, close in, almost new, 5 rooms, large attic, full basem*nt, everything complete.

This is a real bargain. Also one in Rose City for $3300, all improvements paid. MR. DELAHUNTY, Main 1700, or Sunday and, evenings, East 2086. BARGAIN 5 room house for sale, pared street, cement sidewalk; all assessment paid; no mortgage, 1 block from Irvington line; elec.

light, bath room; also milk goat goes with it, $2150. 837 East 14th st. N. BIG BARGAIN-5 room house and 185 foot frontage on East 60th street, 124 feet frontage on R. N.

sidetrack to Twohy Brothers' machine shop; suitable for warehouse or factory aS well as home. Price $2500. Owner, 222 East 60th North. EAST 26TH STREET 6 ROOM MODERN, $2500 Terms. Improvements all in and paid.

HERMAN MOELLER, 1025 Gasco bldg. Main 1480. WELL built modern 7 rooms and sleeping porch, large sunroom and porches, garage, 50 feet from car in restricted district: will consider smaller home 88 part payment; all assessments paid. Phone owner, Main 5988 or Tabor 8531 evenings. FOR SALE Furniture of 7 room house for $700, very cheap, everything complete and of best.

House can be rented cheap. East side, good location. Inquire at 431 Lumber Exchange between 1 and 6 p. Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, 2d and Stark. FIVE ROOM bungalow, Hawthorne district: oak floors, all built-ins, full cement basem*nt, best furnace and plumbing, large unfinished attic: space, two rooms, near car; $3250, $500 cash, balance to suit.

By owner. Immediate possession. Tabor 5414. BUNGALOW The best 5 room bungalow buy in the city, 1t is very come to our office and see the photo. Make your own offer.

GILSON REALTY 431 Cham. of Com. WHY NOT BUILD Get an artistic home by an established architectural firm at low cost. We build anything, furnish the money if desired. L.

R. Bailey contracting architects. 924 N. W. Bank.

5 ROOMS and bath, walking distance, E. 10th all improvements in and paid. $1650, $250 cash, $15 per month. SLETTEN JONES 2558. 248 Stark St.

$1950 EQUITY for $1650 in modern 5 room bungalow in Westmoreland addition (E. 17th st.) good cement basem*nt, laundry trays, gas water heater, fireplace, screened back porch, large floored attic. Phone Sell. 90. FOR SALE -LOTS BEAUTIFUL CORNER HALF PRICE Restricted residence section; paved street, ground 100x100 feet.

Will divide or sacrifice all for $1250. A. K. HILL 214 Lumbermens seCOnd Stark sts. A FULL lot along Union 9c fare to Vancouver; lots of berries and $200 chicken house.

All for $650. Terms. Less for cash. Woodlawn 4788. LOT FOR SALE 117x43, walking distance, fruit trees, garage, paved streets and sidewalk paid for; $1200 cash or terms.

J-768, Journal. $5 DOWN, $5 per month 2 lots in Montarilla, $500. P-621, Journal. ACREAGE 57 COUNTRY HOME WORTH $10,000 Sacrifice for $6000 20 acres near Clackamas station, all in high state of cultivation, 3 acres beaverdam land; good 6 room plastered house, woodshed and stone milk house, good well; all fenced, hard surface road, close to school, church, stores and P. O.

No better soil in Oregon. Land in this vicinity has sold as high as $700 per acre. Price on this ONLY $300. Good terms. See this and you will surely buy it.

RELIABLE INVESTMENT 809 Oak st, Broadway 4183. FOR SALE 320 A. of Tillamook Co. dairying ranch: 50 acres of bottom land, nearly all cleared; rest in good grove of timber. Price $5000; half cash, balance at 6 per cent.

Located at Neskowin, Tillamook County, Oregon, Let me hear from you. Sam Bauer, Neskowin, Oregon. TEN acres, 14 miles from Portland; 8 acres in cultivation; close to good school and electric line; on easy terms, Will take Liberty bonds at full value. No trade. Phone evenings.

Marshall 554. 15 ACRES adjoining, electric carline at Cottrell station, 18 miles from Portland, all cleared very best of soil, only $2500, on terms. 209 Oregon bidg. Broadway 1658, 20 ACRES, miles from Battle Ground, Wash. Good location for prunes; creek runs through place.

Price $800, $300 down, balance on easy terms at LX-614, Journa' 20 ACRES in Marion county on railroad and county road, fair buildings and family chard; price $3000; cash. Address G. C. Snider, Beaverton, R. R.

8, 15 ACRES of orchard, in fine locality and just beginning to bear; choicest commercial variety of apples: will sell cheap and on easy terms. Address M. Johnson, 1196 E. 85th st. $100 DOWN, yearly payments on balance, buys 10 acres, fine land," near electric station, school, store, postoffice.

Draper Marsters, 201 Wilcox bldg. 10 ACRES, all cultivated, fine soil, 8 miles from center of Portland, on the Oregon City road, $3500, $1000 cash, balance 6 See owner, 562 Commercial st. 3 ACRES onion land, clear, near electrie station and highway; shares or cash. C. E.

Phillips, Tigard, On 10 ACRES good land near Woodburn; price. East 433. $480 FOR 40.0 acres 2 miles from Gales Creek; terms. 422 1st. 20 ACRE farm at edge of Gresham, $500 per acre.

Your own terms. F-618, Journal 150 ACRES cheap, near Newberg, mile from river. D-235, Journal. FOR SALE 1 or 2 acres, 47th and Burnside sts. Phone Tabor 1546.

$1000-37 GOOD acres, Cowlitz county, Wash, Might trade. Owner, Tabor 8824. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE JUST PUTTING ON THE MARKET ACREAGE ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY CLOSE TO VANCOUVER AND PORTLAND $10 DOWN, 85 PER MONTH Buys 5 acres of land in this addition of 639 acres. The prices range from $50.00 per acte and up, with terms of $2.00 per acre doin and $1.00 per acre per month, no matter how many acres you purchase. There is no rock, gravel, or rough land on this addition: some of these tracts are easily cleared: wilt make an Ideal suburban home, poultry farm, dairy ranch; is ideal for prunes, English walnuts, filbert nuts of bees.

There is a school on the addition; the stage, and truck line run by this land. CHARLES DELFEL, 818 Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon, GOING to California. Will sell the property I have here at reduced price. $2500 for 25 acres near Columbia highway. 1500 cords of wood; 9 acres on elec.

line, 15 miles from Portland, 200 feet from station, mile to rock road. Price $1200; cleared; terms. 20 acres, 5 room house, bara 80x50 feet, chicken house and other outbuildings, 7 acres under cultivation, family orchard, plenty of fruit, mile to rock road. Price $2000; might take good auto as part payment. 5 acre tract for $350 up to $800 per tract, easy payments, One of the best Eastern Wash, farms.

475 acres, 200 under cultivation, stocked and well equipped. good buildings, well located. Price is right, terms easy. 425 Allegheny st. of- phone Columbia 393.

BASE LINE road, about miles east Montavilla, 13 acres: $850 per acre, cash. Will sell all or part. N-620. Journal. SUBURBAN ACREAGE SUBURBAN acreage, 1 to 119 acres.

Owner, Broadway 4683. SUBURBAN HOMES -PARK ROSE ACRE TRACT- All cleared, only 275 feet to macadam road, 2 blocks to Sandy best soil, no rocks. See this once. Terms $100 down, balance monthly, interest J. L.

HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce 4th and Stark. Main 208, A-2050. MY HOME for sale, 10 acres, 5 cultivated, 2 acres bea verdam, 6 room house, all necessary outbuildings, all new. Good well, electricity and gas available. 160 fruit trees, beginning to bear; also small fruits.

About 1 mile 'of station, 30 min. from courthouse by auto, or car, $4000 cash, balance terms. W-618, Journal, OREGON CITY LINE One acre, 3 blocks to station, 5 room house, bath, dandy fireplace, ideal country home. $2000, $550 cash, easy terms on balance. SLETTEN JONES Main 2558.

248 Stark St. 5 ACRE. suburban home, fine location. Price $5000. Take house and lot as part payment up to $2500, balance can stand at Herman Peper, 507 Buchanan bldg.

Phone Main 5175. FOR SALE--FARMS 17 129 ACRES. 90 in cultivation, all fenced and large old barn, other outbuildings; 2 teams, 2 crossfenced; lies well; good 7 room house, sets harness, wagons, 1 hack, 2 harrow 2 plows, 1 binder, mower, rake, drill, fanning mill, manure spreader, lots of small tools, 2 fine COWS, tons hay, 1 ton oats, 6 stands bees and furniture, ail for $125 an acre. (in good road, close to high school, railroad town, 28 miles from Portland. This is the best buy in Clarke county, $6000 cash, as long as wanted at 40 acres, 37 in cultivation, good modern house, furnace, hot and cold water, lies well, 5 acres in prunes, just beginning to bear; acres bearing in walnut apples, 25 cherries, pears, grapes, 70 I trees, all kinds of small fruit: large barn and outbuildings.

This place is 11 miles from Vancouver on good road and is suit. bargain at $9000, $3500 cash, balance time to 10 acres, all in bearing prunes with good small house and garage, 6 miles from city. Price $5000, cash. See us for all kinds of insurance. w.

W. WILSON 511 Washington Vancouver, Wash. 72 ACRES, up-to-date improvements, stock and machinery, about 12 miles from Portland in Clarke county, price $12,000, part trade. 160 acres, about 16 miles from Vancouver, partly in high state of cultivation, balance nearly all in pasture, 25 first class milch cows, 5 heifers, 2 calves and pure-bred bull, milk check for January $330, February $870; first class dairy barn 56x122, hay, track and litter carrier, ing machine, good team, 11 pigs, machinery, price $12,500, terms. 63 acres farm, 55 in cultivation, equipped with stock and machinery: price $7000; take auto or truck to $1000, $4800 in money and leave $1200 stand.

I have dozens of other farms for sale and some of them part trade. See me before you buy, I can save you HERMAN PEPER, 507 Buchanan bidg. money. Phone Main 5175. 45 ACRES $800 DOWN 20 acres in cultivation, balance timber, about 2000 cords of wood that will pay for part of the place, on main road, small house and barn, some fruit, living water.

Here is your chance to earn a good home. We will give you unlimited time on this place as long as you make good. Seven miles from Oregon on mail route and cream route. Price $4000; $800 down. E.

P. ELLIOTT SON. 7th and Main Oregon City, Or. FOR SALE by owner. 142 5 miles from Yamhill, 2 miles from store and shipping point; 90 a.

in 35 a. good pole oak, 48 a. fall wheat, 12 a. winter oats, 12 a. seeded to clover, bal.

will be put in this spring; new barn 40x72; new granary 20x30, small house, stock barn 30x40, with side sheds, 4 never failing springs, family orchard, 824 prune trees. This is very best prune land; head cows and heifers, team, brood BOW, chickens, turkeys, binder, mower, hack and other farm implements, all go with place at $4500 down, good terms on bal. Might consider some trade; can give imruediate possession. B-616, "Yamhill, Oregon. 10 ACRES 2 acres cultivation, 3 more easily cleared, all good level land, on main road from Oregon City; room house, barn 2 miles from Oregon City, $1800; $750 cash, balance $200 per year.

10 acres, all incultivation, 1 acre in prunes, 6 room house, barn, chicken house and yard land all level and in high state of cultivation; 8 miles from my office, good road; $3000, part cash, A. C. HOWLAND, 8th and Main Oregon 'City, Or. 150 ACRES 75 acres in crop, looking 8 room plastered house, fine water system, good barn and outbuildings, horses, cows, 75 sheep, 100 hens, fully equipped with the best modern mAchinery, on good road, 6 miles from Oregon City, 2 miles to R. R.

station and boat landing; price $115 per acre, one haif cash, balance time, low rate interest. S. 0. DILLMAN, 8th and Main Oregon City. FOR SALE- --80 acres, 30 miles from Portland, 8 miles from Molalla, miles from Colton.

15 acres in cultivation, all kinds of fruit and berries, creek through place, part irrigated, spring water piped into house, barn, 2 hen houses, root house, hog house and garage: also another set small buildings. Price $2800. Terms. Come to Molalla. Phone J.

E. Morris, owner, at Colton. I will meet you and show place. 80 ACRES room house, spring water piped in house, barn, root house, 40 bearing trees, 8 horses, light wagon, part in cultivation, 10, acres more easily cleared; on good road, cream route, R. F.

D. and phone line past the door, 10 miles from Oregon City; price $2350; $1200 cash, balance terms. 8. 0. DILLMAN, 8th and Main City.

$85 PER ACRE 79 acres, acres in cultivation, 35 acres of tillable land, 3000 cords of wood, 3 mile haul to railroad, piling, cedar for posts: new 6 room house, barn 24x34, spring water at house, large creek, 3 3 3 3 3 miles from railroad, 9 miles from Oregon City on good road: price $2765. C. HOWLAND, 8th and Main 'City, Or. 160 ACRE improved farm near Toledo, Lincoln county, 20 acres in cultivation, 100 acres can be cultivated, house 24x28: $11 per acre; terms. Neil Smith, 6514 Foster road.

Tabor 1931. BY owner, 72 acres, 25 under plow, balance pasture and timber; house, barn, silo, orchard, telephone, R. F. stock and machinery. Five miles from Yamhill.

$4000 cash or terms to suit. HX-415, Journal. CHICKEN ranch, 5 acres, 8 room bungalow, barn, chicken house, water in barn and house: will take small car, some cash; terms. Phone A. D.

Smith, Tabor 7900. LINCOLN county partly improved stock or dairy farms; will produce green feed for butter fat entire season withont expensive mill feed. Morgan, 506 Railway Exchange Portland, Or. 28 ACRES near Newberg, 12 in cultivation, 5 acres bearing prunes; house, barn, 2 COWS, 801De machinery, $2000, $1200 cash. Apply 782 Patton road.

DAIRY FARM 41 acres, 24 under cultivation. Price $9500; terms. Paul C. Fischer, Beaver Oregon City, Or, DO you want a 8 acre chicken ranch? Good market, lots of fruit, new buildings; cheap in price only: terms. F-619, Journal.

40 ACRE Okanogan ranch. Ideal for alfalfa and hog raising, $5000, part or all cash. Broadway 1578. REAL ESTATE FOR BALE20 ACRES. Clarke county, 5 acres in prunes, in apples, some cherries, pears, plums: 14 acres in cultivation, including orchard, balance in timber and pasture: good black soli, good house, barn; fenced: 3 miles north of Camas! close to school Price $3600, $1500 cash.

20 acres miles from Portland, all kinds of fruit, little timber, good 5 room house, barn, all fenced; mile to station, close to school, good well and reservoir 15 acres fall wheat, pair horses, 1 cow and heifer, wagon, plow, harness and other tools, 2 tons hay, 7 hens, all go at $5400. 6.35 acres fine berry land, close to large cannery in thriving town, lots of fruit, good buildings, fine city water, paved road, only 2 blocks away; some personal property: $3500. 20 acres, miles northwest Newberg, fine new bungalow, barn, other buildings, good rock road, 3 acres 2 year old prunes, other fruit, good buy at $6000; house cost something like $2500 or more; frould consider property for part. Have 2 good buys in walnut and prune or chard: also some fine farms: all sizes. See Hesgard at 614 Swetland bldg.

Address G. N. Heegard, Newbere, Or. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH BY OWNER 231 acres, 3 miles east of Creswell, Lane county, about 70 acres in cultivation, all can be farmed; good 8 room house, good barn and other outbuildings; on good road -close to church and school, running water year around, small orchard; $56 per acre; reasonable terms, H-230, Journal. FOR RENT -FARMS DAIRY MEN, ATTENTION! 52.

cows, 2 bulls, 2 hogs, 2 horses, truck, all dairy -outfit; route brings $54 a day; price 87500: some terms: 90 acres, 5 room house, good barns, rent $75 a month. See Joe Gentemann, 230 Yamhill Portland, Or. FOR RENT. sale, exchange, tine acre ranch lots fruits, ple plant, new 5 room house, barn, at 5020 E. 52d st.

8. E. FOR RENT-43 acres, 28 cultivated, hogs, cattle and for sale. Rent $150. Hugh Magee, Scotts Mills, Or.

FARMS WANTED--RENT OR BUY WANTED- TO rent on shares, by experienced farmer and stockman, stocked and equipped ranch: have family. Box 72, Wauna, Or. MOMESTEADS 640 HOMESTEADS and relinquishment. Large portion tillable, Eastern Oregon; splendid stock ranches, water and timber. convenient.

Bome good timber claims. Lived in that country for years. Call 7 to 9, evenings or Sunday, or write W. T. Lester, room 6.

454 8. Broadway. FOR SALE -Homestead relinquishment. 320 acres, 40 acres in spring crop, all for $200 cash. Call 740 Willis blvd.

Phone Columbia 807. 0. C. homestead relinquishment, 80 acres 8 miles Molalla; good soil; consider trade. Room 11, Beaver Portland, On.

FOR SALE Good homestead relinquishment from owner: 117 acres; cheap; write owner. G. L. Roach, Eugene, Oregon. Commissioner General Land Office.

NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER General Land Office, Washington, D. TIMBER NOTICE of ot government timber. eral land office, Washington, D. February 14. 1919.

Notice is hereby given that, subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June, 0, 1916 (39 218). and the instructions of the secretary of the interior of September 15, 1017, the timber on the follow ing lands will be sold April 8, 1919, at 10 o'clock at public auction, at the United States land office at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder, at at less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be sube ject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase pricee, with aD ditional sum of one-fifth of 1. per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be posited at time of sale, money to be returned vale is not approved, otherwise patent will lose for the timber. which must be removed within 10 Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such sens and corporations organized under the Jaws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only.

Upon application of qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately hefore ing included in any offer of a larger unit: T. 8., R. sec. 5, fir 1690 hemlock 270 NW NE fir 880 ben.lock 150 NE fir 1770 hemlock 250 SE 'NE fir 2300 bemlock 200 NE 8E hemlock 120 BE fir 1680 hemlock 50 fir 790 SE SE fir 1190 hemlock 80 NW fir 630 hemlock 180 NW NW fir 1760 SW fir 1950 m. fir 2100 SW 1250 SW fir 1650 the fir to be sold for less than $1.50 per and none of the hemlock to be sold for less than 75 cents per 8 E.

see. fir 1200 SE 1145 m. Sec. 83: fir 780 cedar 25 fir 850 DOne of the fir or cedar to be sold for less than per CLAY TALLMAN, March 5, is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of act of June 9, 1916 (39 218), and the instructions of the secretary of the interior of ing lands will be sold (April 26, 1919, at 2 September 15, 1917, the timber on the followp. at public auction at the United States land office at Lakeview, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior.

The purchase price, with an additional sum of one fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will -be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of larger unit: T. 41 8., R. 6 E.

Section 13, Lot 1, yellow pine, 670 red fir 120 Lot 2, yellow pine, 770 red fir 100 60 Lot Lot 3, yellow yellow pine pine, 505 530 red red fir 60 none of the yellow pine to be sold at less than $3 per M. and none of the red fir to be sold at less than $1 per M. CLAY TALLMAN, Commissioner General Land Office. 5,000,000 FEET fir, 160, acres, 8 miles from R. land valuable after timber is off: in Klickitat county, $3500; real bargain.

8-214, Journal. EXCHANGE--REAL ESTATE 24 TO TRADE acres on Capital highway, hard surface, 1500 feet from Oregon Electric station. House and barn, creek runs through place, to trade for house. Phone Tabor 2929, owner, FOR SALE or trade, 100x100. corner Woolsey and Winchell opp.

Columbia park. Monthly payments. Liberty bonds accepted. L. Campbell, 7033 Makee Los Angeles, Cal.

160 AND 400 acre farms, Eastern Oregon, change. for city property or small farm near Portland. Call evenings, 7 to 9, or Sundays, oF write W. T. Lester, room 5, 545 8.

Broadway. TRADE 2 VACANT lots, clear of debt, cost $1000, for heavy team, harness and wagon: even if suit. Call Stephens after 8:30 p. m. weekdays, janitor.

FOUR MILLION feet of timber, close to railroad and mills; want bungalow in good seeticn; will pay cash difference. Phone evenings, Marshall 554. 320 ACRES, Winlock, in John Day valley, improved and leased, for acreage, income or rooming house. C. Keoppoe, 490 Clay.

Main 5367. IF YOU want acreage, now your time. Have tracta for land farther out. See Stratton, 217 Abington bldg. SEVEN room house.

barn, acre, school 2 blocks, in suburbs of Lenta, Terms. Take auto or lot. Hugh Magee, Scotts Milk, Or. $500 equity, new 5 room bungalow. St.

Johns. Trade vacant lot. Balance monthly payments. Phone SicKinney, Columbia 2 or 1042. FIVE acres cleared land on carline for house in Portland.

Owner. 688 Thurman st. WANTED- REAL ESTATE I WANT houses to sell. I have the buyer. All listings given proper attention.


WANTED 6 OF room house or bungalow, about $4500 cash; not Jess 50x100 lot: bargain, and modern; good location. 2-691, Journal. BEST house in Hawthorne or Hose City Park $3800 will buy. Give terms and details. D- 227, Journal, WANTED To buy- or 6-room bungalow on hard surface or paved street; will not consider inflated values.

Phone Tabor 8712. DON'T WORRY sell or trade anything anywhere. Layman, 147 Park st. WANTED- TO buy on installment plan, room bungalow; could pay $40 a month. 621, Journal.

WANT modern home; offer Florida home, Portland Tot. 160 acres land. all unincumbered as part; will assume. Main 6265 evenings WANTED Texas land, cach or part exchange. Write George Walling, 841 14th.

PRIVATE party will pay cash to owner for lot at big sacrifice. W-218, Journal. ROOMING HOUSES 12 ROOMS splendid furniture, a home clearing $60 32 rooms, fine location, reasonable rent. 3300 26 rooms, fine transient money maker. 1950 14 rooms, partly housekeeping, money maker 1000 rooms, clean and good buy 850 Investigate before buying.

We solicit your listings for quick sale, it priced right. No junk handled, Main 8127. GILSON REALTY 481 Cham, of Com. IF YOU WANT rooming or apt. house, 1 can get you what you want I have many snaps.

Cash or terms. I handle good places and you get a square deal. La Monte, 506 Swetland bide. 1 WANT to buy direct from owner small rooming and apartanent house. Am comer.

Have the cash to pay. Phone East 2599. HEADQUARTERS for rooming houses; oldest established reliable firm in the city. H. W.

GARLAND, 188 8d st. ROOMING HOUSE, 13 rooms; nice, modern place; close in; west side. Price $850; other bargains. Garland, 188 3d FOR BEST bargains in rooming houses 166 Monte, 506 Swetland bidg. Main 7435.

LIST your house with me. can sell st quickly. Monte, 506 Swetland bide. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR sale or trade; ice and cold storage plant, capacity 5 tons ice per day; could easily be doubled; situated in one of the beat amall cities in the state; equipped with both steam and electric power: a good paying business. It interested write E.

F. Magoon, Yamhill, Or. FOR SALE Complete sawmill with dry kiln. edger, planer, timber, logs, machinery all good running condition. Capacity 15 cont local market.

Good bargain. Fisher Lumber R. F. D. 3, Silverton, Or.

ONLY 7 more men to invest $150 In corporation to manufacture lumber, ties. Draw regular scale of wages and 1-30 of proceeds. All need not be skilled. Possible to make $20 per day. Call Sellwood 1254 for appointment.

-FOUR pool tables, safe, electric cash register, 12-ft. wall case, complete outfit in A-1 condition, by owner. 286 Beech st. near Williams are ESTABLISHED real estate business for sale: includes building which cost $290, denk, chairs, linoleum, store, wood, maps, eta: right into business for $200. Call Tabor 1212.

FOR SALE- Jewelry business in Oakland, CaL Small stock and fixtures; plenty repairing. For particulars, address N. Campbell, 864 Northrup P'ortland. Or. PRINTING- Best quality at moderate prices.

Acorn Press, 512 Buchanan bldg. Main 5564. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED LET me solve your hauling problems with my experience; motor trucks of all sizes. I can serve you better: contracts taken anywhere. Mr.

Young, 330 Burnside st. Phone Bdwy. 476, RELIABLE party is seeking location for small, but high class printing outfit in Portland. P. O.

bor 303. MONEY TO READ ESTATE :7 OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 for 60 months OT $15.17 for 00 months, paya $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property.

Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark Portland, Or. BUILDING loans on city of suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W.

Beck, 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 8407. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property, A. H. BELL, Room 10-11, Mulkey bide.

$400, $500, $600, 8750 and up, lowest rates, quick action, Gordon Investment 681 Ch, of Com. Main 6445. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. EL. Noble, 316 Lumbermens bide.

6250, 6350, $400, $500. 6600 and larger amounts: current rates; quick action. Fred W. German 732 Chamber of Commerce, $300 TO $3000, no commission. Main 1166.

F. H. DESHON, 615 Chamber of Commerce, $200. 3500, $1000. $2000.

no com. City and suburban houses. Ward, 407 Spalding bide. MONEY to loan on city property at lowest rates. Fred 8.

Williams, st. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and Louis Salomon 408 Selling bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE 222 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. MONEY TO LOAN--CHATTELS, SALARIES Do You Need Money? Loans made on automobiles, diamonds, pianos, bousehold goods or anything of valme.

Security usually left in your possession: ALSO to SALARIED PEOPLE on their notes without security, I your payments to other Inn companies of on furniture or automobile CODtracta are larger than you can 'make, we will pay them up, advance you more money if necesand you can repay us in small monthly payments to suit your convenience. LEGAL RATES. No DELAY BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY (licensed.) 806-307 Dekum bide. Marshall 3286, Salary LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONEY On short notice to salaried or workingmen on their own notes. Weekly, semi-weekly of monthly Each transaction strictly confidential.

NO NO INDORSER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on bousehold furniture, pianos, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED 218 Failing bide. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN A88N. Established by Portland Business Men to Protect the Borrower LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY, PIANOS.

HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE City and County Warrants Cashed for Face Vaue, CARRE: MYERS HERRMAN, 894 STARK ST. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry; rates: ail articles held year; established since 1888. Dan Marx, 283 Washington, LOANS WANTED SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE 2.3 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. FINANCIAL LIBERTY BONDS must sell your Liberty Bond, sell If you can buy snore Liberty Bonds, buy from u.

We buy and we sell Liberty Bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WORSE We are today paying the following prices United States government Liberty bonds: which are the opening New York prices plas the accrued interest: $100 Bond $100.47 1st 95.41 2nd 95.10 1st 95.52 2nd 95.19 3rd 95.16 4th 95.48 In purchasing Liberty Bonds We deduct from the above prices 37c on $50 Bond and $2.50 on $1000 Bond, In selling Liberty Bonds we charge the New York market price plus the accrued interest. ASK ABOUT OUR PARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Vaults, SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT Morris Brothers, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond House. Established Over 25 Years.

309-811 Stark Bet, 5th and 6th. (Ground Floor) Telephone Broadway 2151, LIBERTY BONDS All Tastes Bought and Sold Before our buying of quotations. DEVEREAUX COMPANY, Government and Bonds 87 Sixth street. Between Stark and Oak. BONDS BOUGHT SPOT CASH SPOT CASE CASH FOR YOUR RECEIPTS Come to 725 Gasco 5th and Alder.

Mail bonds to us: remit return mall. Come to 725 Gasco bide, 5th and Alder. CELLARS -MURTON CO. OPEN SAT. EVE INVESTMENTS, Joans, notes, EL Lewis, 308 Lewis bide..

The Oregon Daily Journal from Portland, Oregon (2024)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.