[RUMOR] The SM motherload (2024)

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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (2)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (3)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (4)Subject: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (5)Tue May 20, 2008 9:58 am
Quote :
OK people, the dex is back from the printers and it's a real peach! Base rules written Jervis, trimmings written by Matthew Hoggard I think his name is.

The info bellow is 100% taken from a final print new SM dex.

144 pages. (twice he size of the necron dex)
Written by Jervis + Matt
Cover art of Ultramarines
Section for each of the Chapters of Legend (like Eldar Craftworlds in C:Eldar) but without any in-game rules.

General Marine Rules
Combat Squads works as codex Dark angels. 1 Heavy 1 special.
New marine rule, based on Ld, called Comabt tactics.
New Drop pod rule.
Traits dissapear.
Free frag grenades, krak grenades and bolt pistols.

Unit Rules
new techmarine rules has a new option in the form of the thunderfire
Master of the forge, has a conversion beamer.
new land raider variant, called the Redeemer with Str 6 AP3 flamer sponsons and twin linked assault cannon. Sallies like this and the colour section has one in sallies colours.
3 Dread variants. Again sallies seem to favour the new Ironclad Dread which is like a heavy assault/breaching dread. (AV13)
New Veteran rules - Tactical Vets (special ammo like death watch.), and Assault vets (can have jump packs and an assaulted array of nasty CC weapons) can deep strike and assault in the same turn.
Scout bikers will remain.
No two special weapons even for Sallies .
5 man terminator squads 1 heavy.
Commander in terminator armour on a bike or has a jump pack has no bearing on army selection. However special characters do.
Rites of battle is gone. But marine captain get Halos

Special Characters
11 specials which add chapter traits to your army, Calgar, Tigirius, Lysander, Shrike, Kronos, Sicarius, Kantor, Tu'Shan (WTF really hard guy probably the best SM charater in the game but at 200+ points...), Cassius, White Scar guy and scout character, all will have models.

Other Stuff
Drop pod kit looks similar to the forgworld kit but is hollow with seats around the edges and a control table in the middle. Storm bolter come down from the ceiling of the pod when deployed.
Drop pod kit priced about the same as rhino's (£18)
Codex release date is October
Plastic LR redeemer/crusader
Plastic Scout bikers, imaging scouts on scrambler bikes!
Retooled Plastic Land speeder + another new varient which works with scout squads call land speeder storm.
Scouts have helfire heavy bolter rouns but are WS and BS 3 and are still troops
Thunderfire a thuddgun/molemortar cross.
New metal range (I think more metal vets!..... again.... mmmm jump packs!)
New Sicarus now has hair and a beard! *shrugs* go figure!
Razor back has may weapon option, twin heavy bolter, Heavy Flamers, Assault Cannons, Multimelta, Lascannon, and Lascon and twin plasma guns.
New HQ units.

Marines are now what you may call pretty hard!


Master of the forge


Vanguard Vets (tact vets)
??? Vets (assault vets)
Venerable Dreadnought
Iornclad Dreadnought
Techmarines - Thunderfire


Tactical Marines


Drop Pod
Land Speeder Strom (Scouts only)


Assault Marines
Scout Biks
Attack Bikes


Land Raider
Land Raider Crusader
Land Raider Redeemer"

[RUMOR] The SM motherload (9)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (10)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (11)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (12)Tue May 20, 2008 10:37 am

WOW!! That's alot!!!! I'm going to enjoy this codex!!!

[RUMOR] The SM motherload (15)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (16)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (17)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (18)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (19)Tue May 20, 2008 11:59 am

Looks like the new army for CJ this fall.

Anyone want to make offers on his Eldar now?


[RUMOR] The SM motherload (22)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (23)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (24)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (25)Tue May 20, 2008 12:13 pm


[RUMOR] The SM motherload (26) [RUMOR] The SM motherload (27) [RUMOR] The SM motherload (28) [RUMOR] The SM motherload (29) [RUMOR] The SM motherload (30) [RUMOR] The SM motherload (31) [RUMOR] The SM motherload (32) [RUMOR] The SM motherload (33) [RUMOR] The SM motherload (34) [RUMOR] The SM motherload (35) [RUMOR] The SM motherload (36)

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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (39)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (40)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (41)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (42)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (43)Tue May 20, 2008 2:17 pm

I just got a Space Marines chubby. Yeehaw! Oh, btw. I talked to Kendall and he's pretty sure he's going to be doing pre-orders for the Gamers Rule Book/Kit.


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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (46)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (47)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (48)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (49)Tue May 20, 2008 2:21 pm

Cool, then we get codex:SM about a month later.

I think Combat Tactics is a damn sweet ability, Marines look to get quite competitive again for that reason alone imo. Vet Assault Marines in the regular codex is cool too.

Man... everytime I think of going away from Marines, something pulls me back in.

Marc: White Scar love for you too!

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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (53)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (54)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (55)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (56)Tue May 20, 2008 2:50 pm
Matt wrote:
Marc: White Scar love for you too!

I saw that! Probably if you take the Named then Bikes are treated as Troops. I may have to ditch the Assault Marines for Scout Bikes as well. White to Red with Yellow helmets is quite easy [RUMOR] The SM motherload (57)

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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (61)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (62)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (63)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (64)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (65)Tue May 20, 2008 3:03 pm

Sallies are coming back! [RUMOR] The SM motherload (66)

[RUMOR] The SM motherload (69)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (70)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (71)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (72)Tue May 20, 2008 3:06 pm

hmmmm... [RUMOR] The SM motherload (73)

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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (76)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (77)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (78)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (79)Tue May 20, 2008 3:23 pm

Sallies sure are, and man... what about that str 6 ap 3 template?


I wonder if any of this will somehow effect the BA or DA books. To be honest, it needs to for a number of reasons. Other wise BA + DA players will be playing red or green codex marines.

Of course, this is all just rumor still.

[RUMOR] The SM motherload (83)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (84)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (85)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (86)Tue May 20, 2008 3:58 pm

they should have replaced the TL assualt cannon with the hellhound gun, just for the total effect

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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (89)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (90)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (91)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (92)Tue May 20, 2008 4:13 pm

haha, i'm pretty happy to be rolling an assault cannon myself

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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (96)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (97)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (98)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (99)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (100)Tue May 20, 2008 6:28 pm

might just have to make a 3rd marine army of normal marines

Evil Bob
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (103)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (104)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (105)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (106)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (107)Tue May 20, 2008 6:35 pm
Marc wrote:
I may have to ditch the Assault Marines for Scout Bikes as well.

Considering how dissapointing Scout Bikes have been it should be interesting if they will rely on the new main rules alone to up them or(and) go in and twink them directly.

[RUMOR] The SM motherload (110)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (111)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (112)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (113)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (114)Tue May 20, 2008 10:53 pm

veterans deep striking and assaulting? im gonna play that.


[RUMOR] The SM motherload (115)

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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (118)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (119)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (120)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (121)Tue May 20, 2008 11:03 pm

seriously... there is about 0 reasons not to

[RUMOR] The SM motherload (125)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (126)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (127)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (128)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (129)Wed May 21, 2008 10:18 am

I just hope the Space Wolf Codex get's awesomness like this! [RUMOR] The SM motherload (130)

If not, I might have to give in and run Sallies or White Scars and Space Wolves!

Joy...more marines!

O! And Drop Pods! That is awesome! [RUMOR] The SM motherload (131)

[RUMOR] The SM motherload (134)

[RUMOR] The SM motherload (135)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (136)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (137)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (138)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (139)Fri May 23, 2008 11:13 am

Ok so I was reading around and finally found out the combat tactics for the marine dex means that after a round of hth you can choose to auto break, then use your ATSKNF to auto re-group the next turn. Maybe my gunline tactics arent wrecked from the get go.

And the Land raider redeemer has two INFERNO cannons from what I understand which means a 24" range, hmmm. I think I know what my new heavy options are going to be, and I wasted money on Vindicators, shame.

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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (142)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (143)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (144)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (145)Fri May 23, 2008 11:21 am

Combat tactics is very powerful.

I think the gun line will be really nasty come 5th. As long as you can reach out and grab those objetives. Maybe a rhino squad or two.

[RUMOR] The SM motherload (149)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (150)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (151)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (152)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (153)Fri May 23, 2008 11:28 am

Matt going to get the objectives isnt my style. The question will be if everyone is actually going to build a horde army. I play to kill your army, if you dont have any units left, I don't need to worry about objectives. Some others have started to notice this about my playstyle.

But going down that road I will probably take LR Redemer or two, just move tacticals around later game FTW, hopefully. Or maybe a scout squad or two with their special character so they can be troops and just walk on next to your objective hopefully.

I dunno though. I do know these rumors have me pretty exicted for 5th and the new codex to get here, never thought I would say that. [RUMOR] The SM motherload (154)

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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (157)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (158)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (159)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (160)Fri May 23, 2008 11:49 am
Steve wrote:
combat tactics for the marine dex means that after a round of hth you can choose to auto break, then use your ATSKNF to auto re-group the next turn.

..thats just silly if its any round of combat [RUMOR] The SM motherload (161)

[RUMOR] The SM motherload (165)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (166)
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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (167)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (168)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (169)Fri May 23, 2008 12:09 pm

Yep from what I understand Marc is: You get charged, You choose to break 2 d6, if they arent still within 6" you get to auto- regroup, firing heavy weapons or even moving back and assaulting them. There used to be a special character that allowed marines to do the auto break if I remember correctly.

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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (172)
[RUMOR] The SM motherload (173)Subject: Re: [RUMOR] The SM motherload [RUMOR] The SM motherload (174)

[RUMOR] The SM motherload

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[RUMOR] The SM motherload (2024)


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