Manipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte … › papers › 147_2018.pdfManipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte interphase to enable safe and efficient Li-S batteries - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • Manipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte … › papers › 147_2018.pdfManipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte interphase to enable safe and efficient Li-S batteries


Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Nano Energy journal homepage: Full paper Manipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte interphase to enable safe and ecient Li-S batteries Jing Zheng a,b,1 , Xiulin Fan a,1 , Guangbin Ji b , Haiyang Wang a , Singyuk Hou a , Kerry C. DeMella c , Srinivasa R. Raghavan a , Jing Wang d , Kang Xu e , Chunsheng Wang a, a Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA b College of Materials Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, PR China c Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA d School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jiamusi University, Jiamusi 154007, PR China e Electrochemistry Branch, Power and Energy Division Sensor and Electron Devices Directorate, US Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD 20783, USA ARTICLE INFO Keywords: Lithium-sulfur battery Shuttle eect Lithium dendrite Concentrated electrolyte ABSTRACT Li-S batteries have been considered promising candidates for the next-generation energy storage devices because of their extremely high energy densities and low cost. However, Li dendrite formation/dissolution and shuttle of high-order polysuldes prevent their practical applications. Herein, we demonstrate a highly concentrated electrolyte, 12 M lithium bis(uorosulfonyl)imide (LiFSI) salt in DME solvent (12 M LiFSI/DME), that can ef- fectively suppress both the Li dendritic growth on the anode and the polysulde shuttle reactions on the cathode side. The highly concentrated electrolyte along with the robust solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) formed therein play the key role in achieving high coulombic eciencies for both Li stripping/plating (> 99.2%) and S cathode (> 99.7%). Based on the in-depth understanding of the interactions between electrodes and highly concentrated electrolyte, we designed a novel dilute electrolyte (1 M LiFSI/HFE + DME), which achieves similar electro- chemical performances in Li-S batteries as the concentrated electrolytes. These Li-S batteries with the highest CE for Li anode and sulfur cathode maintains a high reversible capacity of 786 mA h/g at 0.1 A/g after 300 cycles, or 644 mA h/g at 300th cycle even at 1 A/g without any detectable shuttle reactions. 1. Introduction Advanced energy storage systems with high energy density, long cycle life and low cost are critical solutions to our future energy de- mand. Current lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), which have been widely used in portable electronic devices over the past several decades are approaching the energy density celling set by the intercalation che- mistries and the cost bottom set by transition metal oxides. Within this context, Li-S batteries with much higher energy density due to the conversion-reaction manner of both Li-metal and S and low cost of the latter have drawn intense attention. However, two intrinsic barriers associated with the nature of Li-S chemistry still hinder their practical application: (1) Li dendrite growth which not only induces irreversible electrolyte consumption but also raises safety concern [1]; and (2) the dissolution and subsequent shuttle of high order lithium polysulde species that causes persistent loss of active sulfur material and low coulombic eciency [2]. Many approaches have been adopted to suppress the Li dendrite growth and increase the Li anode CE, the most successful way of which are coating carbon-based interlayers on Li metal anode [3], forming solid-state electrolyte protection layer [4], and manipulating the elec- trolyte compositions to suppress dissolution of polysulde species [5]. Due to the relatively lower reactivity of ether on Li metal, ether-based electrolytes with high salt concentration have been extensively in- vestigated for Li-S batteries. Henderson et al. demonstrated that ether- based electrolyte still has considerable ionic conductivity even at a high concentration [6]. Suo et al. reported that the Li dendrite deposition can be suppressed in the highly-concentrated ether electrolyte, al- though the CE of ~ 74% is still not high enough [7]. Zhang et al. also conrmed that a highly concentrated electrolyte can achieve a high Li CE and suppress Li dendrite [8]. However, high CE and/or free Li dendrite can only be achieved at a low current density [3a,9]; and superior electrochemical performance of ether-based electrolytes can only sustain for limited cycles owing to the less reactive of the reduction product (LiOH, Li 2 O and so on) on the Li surface [9]. On the other hand, considerable eorts on reformulating electrolytes in order to suppress Received 21 April 2018; Received in revised form 23 May 2018; Accepted 25 May 2018 Corresponding author. 1 These authors contributed equally to this work. E-mail address: [emailprotected] (C. Wang). Nano Energy 50 (2018) 431–440 Available online 29 May 2018 2211-2855/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd. T

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Manipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte … › papers › 147_2018.pdfManipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte interphase to enable safe and efficient Li-S batteries - [PDF Document] (3)

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Manipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte interphase to enable safe andefficient Li-S batteries

Jing Zhenga,b,1, Xiulin Fana,1, Guangbin Jib, Haiyang Wanga, Singyuk Houa, Kerry C. DeMellac,Srinivasa R. Raghavana, Jing Wangd, Kang Xue, Chunsheng Wanga,⁎

a Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USAb College of Materials Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, PR Chinac Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USAd School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jiamusi University, Jiamusi 154007, PR Chinae Electrochemistry Branch, Power and Energy Division Sensor and Electron Devices Directorate, US Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD 20783, USA


Keywords:Lithium-sulfur batteryShuttle effectLithium dendriteConcentrated electrolyte


Li-S batteries have been considered promising candidates for the next-generation energy storage devices becauseof their extremely high energy densities and low cost. However, Li dendrite formation/dissolution and shuttle ofhigh-order polysulfides prevent their practical applications. Herein, we demonstrate a highly concentratedelectrolyte, 12M lithium bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide (LiFSI) salt in DME solvent (12M LiFSI/DME), that can ef-fectively suppress both the Li dendritic growth on the anode and the polysulfide shuttle reactions on the cathodeside. The highly concentrated electrolyte along with the robust solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) formed thereinplay the key role in achieving high coulombic efficiencies for both Li stripping/plating (> 99.2%) and S cathode(> 99.7%). Based on the in-depth understanding of the interactions between electrodes and highly concentratedelectrolyte, we designed a novel dilute electrolyte (1M LiFSI/HFE+DME), which achieves similar electro-chemical performances in Li-S batteries as the concentrated electrolytes. These Li-S batteries with the highest CEfor Li anode and sulfur cathode maintains a high reversible capacity of 786mA h/g at 0.1 A/g after 300 cycles, or644mA h/g at 300th cycle even at 1 A/g without any detectable shuttle reactions.

1. Introduction

Advanced energy storage systems with high energy density, longcycle life and low cost are critical solutions to our future energy de-mand. Current lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), which have been widelyused in portable electronic devices over the past several decades areapproaching the energy density celling set by the intercalation che-mistries and the cost bottom set by transition metal oxides. Within thiscontext, Li-S batteries with much higher energy density due to theconversion-reaction manner of both Li-metal and S and low cost of thelatter have drawn intense attention. However, two intrinsic barriersassociated with the nature of Li-S chemistry still hinder their practicalapplication: (1) Li dendrite growth which not only induces irreversibleelectrolyte consumption but also raises safety concern [1]; and (2) thedissolution and subsequent shuttle of high order lithium polysulfidespecies that causes persistent loss of active sulfur material and lowcoulombic efficiency [2].

Many approaches have been adopted to suppress the Li dendrite

growth and increase the Li anode CE, the most successful way of whichare coating carbon-based interlayers on Li metal anode [3], formingsolid-state electrolyte protection layer [4], and manipulating the elec-trolyte compositions to suppress dissolution of polysulfide species [5].Due to the relatively lower reactivity of ether on Li metal, ether-basedelectrolytes with high salt concentration have been extensively in-vestigated for Li-S batteries. Henderson et al. demonstrated that ether-based electrolyte still has considerable ionic conductivity even at a highconcentration [6]. Suo et al. reported that the Li dendrite depositioncan be suppressed in the highly-concentrated ether electrolyte, al-though the CE of ~ 74% is still not high enough [7]. Zhang et al. alsoconfirmed that a highly concentrated electrolyte can achieve a high LiCE and suppress Li dendrite [8]. However, high CE and/or free Lidendrite can only be achieved at a low current density [3a,9]; andsuperior electrochemical performance of ether-based electrolytes canonly sustain for limited cycles owing to the less reactive of the reductionproduct (LiOH, Li2O and so on) on the Li surface [9]. On the other hand,considerable efforts on reformulating electrolytes in order to suppress 21 April 2018; Received in revised form 23 May 2018; Accepted 25 May 2018

⁎ Corresponding author.

1 These authors contributed equally to this work.E-mail address: [emailprotected] (C. Wang).

Nano Energy 50 (2018) 431–440

Available online 29 May 20182211-2855/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.



Manipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte … › papers › 147_2018.pdfManipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte interphase to enable safe and efficient Li-S batteries - [PDF Document] (4)

shuttle reaction of polysulfide were also conducted [10]. Recently,novel lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (LiTFSI)-based elec-trolytes with large ionic strength and high viscosity was reported toeffectively suppress the dissolution and migration of polysulfide[2a,11]. Specifically, the solvent-salt complex of acetonitrile (ACN)2:LiTFSI was fabricated as a new class of Li-S battery electrolyte [2a].However, due to the intrinsic instability between the ACN and Li metal[12], large excess Li metal has to be utilized to achieve a long cyclingperformance, which largely reduced the energy density of the cell.

Therefore, it remains a severe challenge to identify an electrolytethat can simultaneously overcome the polysulfide shuttle reaction oncathode side and Li dendrite on anode side without sacrificing the ca-pacity utilization of S cathode [13]. Compared with nanostructure en-gineering strategies, rational design and optimization of electrolytesprovide a more economical and viable approach to resolve these issues.In this work, we report such efforts. We formulate a simple electrolytesystem using high concentration of LiFSI dissolved in dimethoxylether(DME), without any additives such as LiNO3 and/or other co-solvents.The rational design leverages the high ionic conductivity and fluorine-rich interphasial chemistry nature of LiFSI as well as low viscosity andelectrochemical stability of DME toward Li-metal. This simple electro-lyte promotes high reaction dynamics for S cathode even at its saturatedconcentration. Since the solvent molecules are effectively trapped in thesalt solvation sheaths at such extremely high concentration (12M), thepolysulfides dissolution and migration are efficiently inhibited; mean-while, the irreversible reaction between Li metal and ether solvent isminimized, rendering the major chemical composition of SEI being thereduction products from the anion FSI. The LiF-rich interphase effec-tively suppresses the formation of lithium dendrites (Scheme 1). Basedon the understanding of the mechanisms for suppressing both poly-sulfide and Li dendrite, a new dilute electrolyte (1M LiFSI/HFE+DME) is also designed to mimic the mechanism, which achieves

similar electrochemical performances as concentrated electrolytes butwith much lower cost.

2. Results and discussion

Compared with the most commonly used lithium bis (tri-fluoromethane sulfonyl) imide (LiTFSI) salt, lithium bis (fluorosulfonyl)imide (LiFSI) with similar structures possesses excellent properties ofextraodinary dissociated ability in common organic solvents, higherionic conductivity, lower viscosity, and abundant labile fluorine whichwas expected to lead to a more anion-originated interphase rich influorine than LiTFSI does [14]. Its solubility in non-aqueous solventsare also much higher. On the other hand, owing to lone pair electronsituating on oxygen, ether-based solvents always serve as strong Lewisbases with major donor numbers, as evidenced by their strong solvationpower toward Li+. Compared with the cyclic dioxolane molecule(DOL), the linear DME possess a relative higher dielectric constant andlower viscosity; most importantly, its flexibility allows it to form super-molecular chelating structures using both of its oxygens, which leads tomuch stronger solvation capability for cations [14b,16]. In view of theabove properties, an electrolyte of LiFSI/DME system with differentconcentrations was developed. Undoubtedly the most important para-meter for electrolyte is the effective Li+ conductivity, which is theportion of current carried by Li+, and can be expressed by multiplyingthe ionic conductivity and the Li+ transference number. Although theoverall ion conductivity (contributed by both cation and anion) of theelectrolyte is reduced at high salt concentration due to the increase insolution viscosity, the Li+ transference number, which increases withsalt concentration due to the freedom of its diffusion from the solutionnetwork [15c], can partially compensate the loss of Li conductivity. Theviscosity, ionic conductivity and Li+ transference number for LiFSI/DME electrolytes at different concentrations are shown in Fig. S1 and

Scheme 1. Schematic illustration of polysulfide shuttle and lithium dendrite for Li-S batteries in a) concentrated and b) dilute electrolyte, respectively.

J. Zheng et al. Nano Energy 50 (2018) 431–440


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Fig. 1a. From 1–8M the electrolyte viscosity increases with salt con-centration, and then level-off after 8M. The viscosity of high con-centration 12M LiFSI/DME electrolyte (79.6 mPa s) measured at ashear rate of 10 S−1 is only twice higher than that of conventional di-lute electrolyte (39.9mPa s for 1M LiTFSI/DOL+DME) at room tem-perature (Fig. S1). Although the overall ionic conductivity decreaseswith salt concentration owing to the formation of abundant Li+-solventclusters, it also reduce the dissolution capability of polysulfide in theelectrolyte, thus efficiently suppressing the shuttle reaction. More im-portantly, the Li+ transference number dramatically increases alongwith the increasing of electrolyte concentration, offsetting the decreaseof the ionic conductivity. Thus, these excellent Li+ mobility and rela-tively low viscosity of 12M LiFSI/DME electrolyte can alleviate theproperty of sluggish ionic conductivity, providing sufficient Li+ trans-port for electrochemical reactions in Li-S batteries.

The solubility of lithium polysulfide in electrolytes of different saltconcentration was evaluated by dissolving Li2S8 into these differentelectrolytes and waited for two weeks to ensure a saturation state. Asshown in Fig. 1b, the color of Li2S8/electrolyte mixtures gets lighteralong with the increasing concentration of these electrolytes, demon-strating that the solubility of polysulfide is significantly reduced at thehigh salt concentration. The low solubility of polysulfide in highlyconcentrated electrolyte is also confirmed using UV–vis spectroscopy.As shown in Fig. 1c, the intensity of the wide characteristic peak ofLi2S8 at nearly 424 nm decreases with salt concentration from 1M, 4M,to 8M, and totally disappeares at 12M. The profile of the Li2S8 in 12MLiFSI/DME electrolyte at nearly 424 nm region totally overlaps with thepure 1M LiFSI/DME electrolyte, indicating the absence of any Li2S8,and suggesting that the dissolution of lithium polysulfide is completelyeliminated in this electrolyte. Meanwhile, the characteristic absorption

peaks of DME signal (at about 230 nm) and S8 signal (~ 270 nm) existamong all electrolytes [16], owing to the same solvent and the rawmaterial for preparing Li2S8 polysulfide. The elimination of dissolutionand migration of polysulfide in a Li-S battery will remarkably suppressthe parasitic shuttle of polysulfides. Ether electrolytes aare also knownfor their high flammability, which often raise concern for their use inlarge scale batteries. As demonstrated in ignition and combustion testsin air, flammability of the highly concentrated solution was greatlydepressed as compared with the dilute electrolytes. Specifically, theflame propagation distance for 1M LiFSI/DME is ~ 7 cm long and ~4 cm wide, while the flame for 12M LiFSI/DME is only ~ 2 cm×1 cm(Fig. 1d). Therefore, the higher concentration electrolyte should resultin a much safer battery with less flammability in case the cell is ventedin presene of sparks (Video S1).

Supplementary material related to this article can be found online at

Electrochemical performances of Li-S batteries using the S@CMK-3(68.4 wt% of S) as cathode (Fig. S2) and Li metal as anode were eval-uated in different electrolytes. As shown in the cyclic voltammogram(CV) profiles, two reduction peaks and one oxidation peak for sulfurcathode are observed in baseline 1M LiTFSI/DOL+DME electrolyte(Fig. S3a) [17]. Similar peaks were also observed in 1M LiFSI/DMEelectrolyte, as shown in Fig. 2a (top). The two reduction peaks corre-spond to the reduction of elemental sulfur to high-order polysulfides ataround 2.37 V, and further reduction to low-order polysulfides ataround 2.02 V [18]. However, there is only one reduction peak ob-served at about 1.70 V in Fig. 2a (bottom), corresponding to the directand deep reduction of solid S8 to solid-state Li2S [19]. This difference inelectrochemical behaviors can be attributed to the changes in compe-titive solvation of Li+ by solvent molecules and FSI- anions. Various

Fig. 1. a) Li+ transference number and ionic conductivity versus different salt concentration electrolytes at room temperature. b) and c) are the experiments onlithium polysulfide dissolution: b) typical digital photos of the same amount Li2S8 in different electrolytes after standing still for 2 weeks; c) the corresponding UV–visabsorption spectra. d) The ignition experiments of different molarity electrolytes.

J. Zheng et al. Nano Energy 50 (2018) 431–440


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solvation species arise as result from such competition: Li+ coordinatedto solvent-separated ion pair (SSIP), in contact ion pair (CIP), or inaggregate (AGG) that involves multiple cations, anions and solvents.The latter could even extend into dynamic liquid structures in largerscale. The distribution of these solvated species in a solution dependsstrongly on salt concentration and the structures of solvent and anions.In high concentration electrolytes there is hardly any free solvent mo-lecules, thus a quasi-solid-state reaction mechanism could exist for Schemistry as compared with the solid-liquid-solid reaction well estab-lished in dilute electrolyte [20]. This unique reaction mechanism inhigh concentrated electrolyte promotes direct reduction of S8 to low-order polysulfide, as evidenced by the absence of Li2S8 and Li2S6 peakat 2.37 V in CV and the upper plateau at 2.4 V in galvanostatic dis-charge profiles when measured in 12M LiFSI/DME (Fig. S3b), which isalso consistent with the previously reported electrolyte of 7M LiTFSIDOL/DME [7]. For 8M LiFSI/DME, an apparent transitional mechan-ismfrom dilute to concentrated electrolyte was observed, with upperreduction peaks weakening from 1st to 4th cycling (Fig. S3c).

Fig. 2b and c showed the galvanostatic discharge/charge voltageprofiles at the 1st and 100th cycle of sulfur cathode in 1M and 12MLiFSI/DME electrolytes, respectively, at a current density of 100mA/g.The discharge capacities delivered in the concentered electrolytes areconstantly higher than (or equal to) the charge capacities during thesecycles, while the discharge capacities in dilute electrolyte are lowerthan the charge capacity. This difference reveals that the shuttle

reaction of high-order polysulfide in the dilute electrolyte exist, butentirely disappears in the concentrated electrolyte. Meanwhile, thesulfur in 1M LiFSI/DME electrolyte showed two distinct reductionplateaus at around 2.3 V and 2.0 V, which can be attributed to theconversion of solid S8 to soluble high-order polysulfide and then toinsoluble low-order Li2S2/Li2S, respectively. However, only one widevoltage plateau at around 1.7 V exists in 12M LiFSI/DME electrolyte,demonstrating that the high-order polysulfides never formed in thehigh-concentrated electrolyte, hence without any parasitic shuttle.furthermore, due to the relatively slow kinetics in solid-state, theoverpotential observed in 12M electrolyte is slightly larger than that in1M electrolyte in the first cycle; but the difference gradually vanishesdue to the increasing impedances in the dilute electrolytes with cycling.Similar kinetics and stable cycling performance has also been observedin other dilute and concentrated electrolytes based on DOL and TBAsolvents (12M LiFSI/DOL+TBA and 1M LiTFSI/DOL+DME), as in-dicated in Figs. S4b and 4c.

Cycling stability and coulombic efficiency of sulfur cathode in thesefour different electrolytes were evaluated (Fig. 2d and e), where thehigh-concentrated electrolytes show better cycling stability than dilutedelectrolytes, with 12M LiFSI/DME electrolyte being the best, whichmaintains a reversible discharge capacity of 786mA h/g at the 300thcycle under the current of 100mA/g. Importantly, the CE canreach> 99.7% after initial few cycles, which can be attributed to theeffective suppression of polysulfide shuttle effect during charging,

Fig. 2. Electrochemical characteristics of Li-S batteries. a) Cyclic voltammograms in 1M LiFSI/DME (top) and 12M LiFSI/DME (bottom) electrolyte at a sweep rate of0.1 mV/s. Charge-discharge curves at b) 1st and c) 100th cycle in 1M LiFSI/DME and 12M LiFSI/DME electrolytes. d) Specific discharge capacity with correspondingCE with different electrolyte. e) Specific discharge capacity with CE over 300 cycles in 12M LiFSI/DME at the 0.1 A/g and 1 A/g, respectively. f) Rate capability in12M LiFSI/DME.

J. Zheng et al. Nano Energy 50 (2018) 431–440


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while the S cathodes in traditional dilute electrolytes (1M LiFSI/DMEand 1M LiTFSI/DOL+DME) have a higher CE of 115% and 108% atthe initial cycles, respectively, which are caused by the shuttle reactionthat transports high order polysulfides to Li surface results in irrever-sible consumption of the active species and a quick capacity decay. Theslightly faster capacity decay (to ~ 576mA h/g at 175th) for S in 12MLiFSI/DOL+TBA than that in 12M LiFSI/DME is due to the easy ring-open polymerization of DOL solvent, which occurs even in the presenceof the anti-polymerization stabilizer TBA [21]. When a high currentdensity of 1000mA/g was applied for S cathode in 12M LiFSI/DMEelectrolytes, S still maintains 644mA h/g for 300th cycles (Fig. 2e).Meanwhile, the sulfur cathode in 12M LiFSI/DME electrolyte alsopresents an excellent rate capability, as indicated in Fig. 2f. The dis-charge capacity of 307mA h/g is maintained even at a current densityof 8.0 A/g after the initial activation at 0.1 A/g and subsequent ratecycles at 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0 A/g. More importantly, when the currentdensity is switched back to its initial value of 0.1 A/g, the initial ca-pacity is also completely recovered, implying the excellent tolerance tothe rapid reactions in the highly concentrated electrolyte.

Galvanostatic intermittent titration techniques (GITT) is applied to Scathode to reveal the reaction mechanism in dilute electrolyte (1MLiTFSI/DME, 1M LiTFSI/DOL+DME) and concentrated electrolytes(12M LiTFSI/DME, and 12M LiFSI/DOL+TBA). As shown in Fig. 3aand b and Fig. S5a and S5b, quasi-equilibrium potential of S cathode intwo dilute electrolytes show two discharge plateaus and the over-potential in discharge reaction from Li2S2 to Li2S is much larger thanthat in discharge process from Li2S4 to Li2S2. The initial delithiation ofLi2S experiences a large overpotential, and the overpotential graduallydecreases during further delithiation and stabilizes at a small valueafter forming soluble high-order polysulfide along with long flat po-tential plateau from shuttle reaction (Fig. 3a), which is in accordancewith previously reported results in common 1M LiTFSI/DOL+DMEelectrolyte (Fig. S5a) [22]. In contrast, no quasi-equilibrium potentialplateaus above 2.3 V was observed in two highly-concentrated elec-trolytes (12M LiFSI/DME and 12M LiFSI/DOL+TBA). Instead, thedischarge quasi-equilibrium potential shows only a long slop potentialcentered at 2.0 V (Fig. 3b). The overpotentials of S cathodes in highly-

concentrated electrolytes maintain the similar values during entirecharge/discharge process, which is distinctly different from the diluteelectrolyte (Fig. 3a and Fig. S5b). Since no active materials dissolve inthe high-concentrated liquid electrolyte, the amount of electrolyte inthe high-concentrated electrolyte has been reduced to 3.3 µL/mA h,which is much lower than the electrolyte amount reported Li/S bat-teries. A stable GITT curve of S cathode during the first five sequentialcharge/discharge cycles in 12M LiFSI/DME electrolyte (Fig. 3c) de-monstrate that shuttle phenomenon has been thermodynamically in-habited. Therefore a high CE of S cathode with a low electrolyte loadingcan be realized in a highly-concentrated electrolyte.

The suppression of the shuttle reaction also reduce the self-dis-charge rate, which has been one of the most severe challenges for theLi-S battery. Fig. 3d and e present the evolution of open-circuit po-tential for fully charged Li/S cells during the relaxation for 500 h atroom temperature using either 12M LiFSI/DME or 1M LiFSI/DMEelectrolyte following 15 activation charge/discharge cycles, respec-tively. The 15 activation cycles at 0.1 A/g was conducted to ensure thecells are in equilibrium condition. The immediate potential drops uponturning-off the charge current is due to the ohmic, charge-transfer anddiffusion polarization. After that, the open-circuit potential of S cathodein 12M LiFSI/DME electrolyte stabilizes even after nearly 500 h, whilea continuous decreasing is observed for 1M LiFSI/DME electrolyte. Thehigh self-discharge rate in the low concentration electrolyte is causedby the serious shuttle reaction of polysulfides between the cathode andanode [23]. Therefore, the present high-concentrated 12M LiFSI/DMEelectrolyte significantly improved the CE of sulfur cathode and com-pletely suppressed the self-charge by eliminating the dissolution ofpolysulfide into electrolyte and its subsequent migration between thecathode and anode.

The electrochemical behavior of Li metal anode in highly-con-centrated electrolyte was also investigated. The cycling stabilities of Liplating/stripping process was investigated in dilute and concentratedelectrolytes using Li|Cu coin cells. As demonstrated in Fig. 4a, the Lianode in 12M LiFSI/DME electrolyte has an initial CE of ~ 97.8%,along with a stable average CE of ~ 99.2% over 250 cycles. Moreover,such a stable Li depositing/stripping process also can be maintained

Fig. 3. GITT curves in a) 1M LiFSI/DME and b) 12M LiFSI/DME electrolyte. c) 5 successive GITT curve in 12M LiFSI/DME after 15 activation cycles. Long-term self-discharge characteristics for a Li-S coin cell in d) 12M LiFSI/DME and e) 1M LiFSI/DME.

J. Zheng et al. Nano Energy 50 (2018) 431–440


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under different current density, as shown in Fig. 4b. Even at a highcurrent density of 10mA cm−2, a high CE of ~ 95% can be reached inthe 12M LiFSI/DME electrolyte. The CE of Li stripping/plating in 12MLiFSI/DOL+TBA electrolyte is lower (Fig. 4c), which can be attributedto continuous electrolyte decomposition of 12M LiFSI/DOL+TBA dueto the ring-open polymerization of DOL. These results indicated that anexcellent reversibility property for Li depositing/stripping can beachieved in the concentration electrolyte, probably owing to high

recovery of Li stripping via controlling the reaction dynamics for Lidepositing/stripping process. Although a relatively higher CE can beachieved in the first several cycles for 1M LiFSI/DME and 1M LiTFSI/DOL+DME, respectively, the CE of Li anode rapidly decays to 76%and 80% after 250 cycles.

Fig. 4d shows the morphology of Li metal surface after 100 cycles at1mA cm−2 in different electrolytes. It can be clearly seen that a nodule-like Li layer without dendrite structures was formed on the surface of Li

Fig. 4. Voltage profiles of the Li metal plating/stripping on Cu working electrode (Li|Cu cell) in 12M LiFSI/DME electrolyte a) at 1.0mA cm−2 under different cyclesand b) at different current densities. c) A comparison of the Li metal plating/stripping efficiency in different electrolytes over 250 cycles at 1.0 mA cm−2. d) SEMimages of Li metal surface in different electrolytes after 100 cycles at a current density of 1.0 mA cm−2 (scale bar: 20 µm).

Fig. 5. Voltage profiles during subsequent lithium plating/stripping processes from a Li|Li symmetrical cell at 10mA cm−2 in a) 1M LiFSI/DME electrolyte, b) 12MLiFSI/DME electrolyte (The bottom plots of b) are expanded in c). d, e) Element abundance (%) and f, g) high-resolution Li 1 s XPS spectra of lithium anode surfaceafter 100 cycles in d, f) 12M LiFSI/DME and e, g) 1M LiFSI/DME with different etching time.

J. Zheng et al. Nano Energy 50 (2018) 431–440


Manipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte … › papers › 147_2018.pdfManipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte interphase to enable safe and efficient Li-S batteries - [PDF Document] (9)

metal in 12M LiFSI/DME electrolyte. Similar smooth structures on thesurface of Li metal can also be observed in 12M LiFSI/DOL+TBAelectrolyte. In contrast, many tiny Li metal dendrite seeds appear on thesurface of Li metal in 1M LiFSI/DME and 1M LiTFSI/DOL+DMEelectrolytes. These seeds could promote nucleation and continue togrow into needle-like Li dendrites, consuming more electrolyte with itshigh surface area. This obvious difference in surface structures of Limetal in different electrolytes indicated that the side reactions betweenLi metal and electrolyte can be effectively minimized by high saltconcentration, owing to the strong trapping of solvent molecules insolvation sheaths of Li+ [24]. As a result, a high CE of Li metal de-positing/stripping in Li|Cu cells can be achieved.

The cycling stabilities of Li metal during depositing/stripping indilute and concentrated electrolytes were also investigated using a Li|Lisymmetrical cell. The voltage profiles of Li/Li cell during Li plating/stripping in 1M and 12M LiFSI/DME electrolyte at a constant currentof 10 mA cm−2 is presented in Fig. 5. In 12M LiFSI/DME electrolyte,overpotential of the lithium plating/stripping maintains stable at10 mA cm−2 for 250 h, demonstrating an exceptional cycling reversi-bility for Li depositing/stripping in this electrolyte (Fig. 5b and c). Incomparison, a gradually increase in voltage of Li/Li cell can be ob-served in 1M LiFSI/DME electrolyte under the same conditions(Fig. 5a), indicating increasing impedance due to the sustained reac-tions between electrolyte and Li. Similarly, the overpotential for Liplating/stripping in 12M LiFSI/DOL+TBA electrolyte is stable (Fig.S7). Because of the high concentration of the ether-based electrolytewith relatively higher viscosity than that of the low molarity electro-lyte, the overpotential of Li in the high concentration electrolyte islarger than that of 1M electrolyte in the beginning. However, the po-larization of Li|Li cell in 12M LiFSI/DME remains stable during charge/discharge cycles; while polarization of Li|Li cell in dilute electrolytecontinuously increase due to growth of solid electrolyte interphase

(SEI) [25]. The stable and thin SEI layer on Li in the high concentrationether-based electrolyte stabilize Li deposition/dissolution reaction evenat a high current density [7,26].

The nature of SEI film on Li metal in 12M LiFSI/DME and 1MLiFSI/DME electrolytes was studied using XPS. After cycling 100 cyclesat 0.1 A/g, the composition of SEI on lithium metal foils was char-acterized using XPS by continuous etching from 0 s to 750 s, as de-monstrated in Fig. 5d and g. With the increasing of etching time, theelement abundance of C% in SEI obviously decreases, owing to thedecomposition of organic solvent in outer-layer of SEI with a relativehigh potential (away from Li), but the F % increases due to Li salt de-composition at a low potential near to Li (Fig. 5d and e). The compo-sition change is consistence with previous reported results, which themultilayer SEI films mostly consist of outside-organic to inside-in-organic compositions along with depth of the SEI layer [9,27]. Fur-thermore, a lithium metal signal (Li°) appeared in 12M LiFSI/DMEelectrolyte after only 600 s etching time, but no signal of Li0 peak can beobserved in 1M LiFSI/DME even after 750 s etching. Therefore, a muchthicker SEI should have formed in dilute electrolyte than that in con-centrated electrolyte. More importantly, the content of Li–F bond in SEIformed in the 12M electrolyte is much higher than that formed in diluteelectrolyte at the same etching time, so a denser LiF-rich SEI wasformed in 12M electrolyte than that in 1M electrolyte (Fig. 5f and g).The electronic insulating LiF-rich SEI layer is formed in 12M con-centrated electrolyte reduce the SEI thickness [28b,29], and the highinterface energy of LiF with Li metal suppresses the Li dendrite growthin vertical direction.

Based on these analysis, we can conclude that the superior elec-trochemical performance of the Li-S batteries in highly-concentratedelectrolyte are due to following two reasons: 1) the ultra-high con-centrated electrolyte without free solvent restricted the possible dis-solution of the polysulfides; 2) the LiF-rich SEI layer, formed mainly

Fig. 6. a) UV–vis spectroscopy of “Li2S8-containing DME” solution in electrolyte and different solvents. b) charge/discharge curve, c) its specific discharge capacity ofLi-S batteries at 0.1 A/g, and d) rate performance at various current densities in the 1M LiFSI/HFE+DME electrolyte.

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from the reduction of salt anion on the Li anode, dramatically in-creasing the Li metal cycling stability and the CE. The combination ofthese two features significantly enhance the cycling stability of Li/S cellwithout any shuttle reaction.

In the electrolyte, the cost of lithium salt is the highest portion. Eventhrough the price of the LiFSI reduced by 90% in the last two yearsbecause more chemical companies began to manufacture the LiFSI salt(Fig. S8), the price of the high concentrated 12M LiFSI electrolyte isstill higher than that of the common 1M electrolytes. Therefore, a morerealistic approach is to reduce the salt concentration to the normal level(1M) in the electrolyte. Based on the understanding of the electro-chemical mechanism of the highly concentrated electrolyte, we devel-oped diluted electrolyte (1M LiFSI DME/HFE) electrolyte, which showssimilar properties compared with the highly concentrated electrolyte.HFE that does not dissolve the LiFSI salt was added into high con-centrated electrolyte to form an apparent dilute 1M LiFSI in HFE/DME(v/v=96:4) but localized concentrated electrolyte. Since HFE solventcannot dissolve the salt, this diluent actually compresses the solventDME and the salt dissolves into a tiny local region, forming a localizedsuper-concentration. The dissolution of lithium polysulfide species inthis electrolyte was analyzed by UV–vis spectroscopy, as shown inFig. 6a. Because there is a low donor ability and permittivity for HFE,the HFE rarely participates in the solvation, resulting in a minimizedsolubility of polysulfide. When small amount of Li2S8 was added intothe HFE, only a solvent peak can be detected at the wavelength of about230 nm, without any existence of S8 and Li2S8 peaks (the very slight S8and Li2S8 peaks came from the DME solvent in prepared Li2S8 solution).For comparison, when the same amount of Li2S8 added into DME sol-vent, the DME, S8 and Li2S8 peaks can be clearly observed because ofthe high solubility of polysulfide in DME. In this localized-concentratedelectrolyte, all the LiFSI salts are confined to the regimes with the DME,which results in minimum polysulfide dissolution in the bulk electrolyteconsisting of non-solvent. The electrochemical performance of charge/discharge curve with its specific discharge capacity in this dilute (localconcentrated) electrolyte were demonstrated in Fig. 6b and c. Thedischarge curves exhibit only a single voltage plateau near 2.0 V duringcycling without the 2.3 V reduction plateau corresponding to thetransformation from S8 to high-order polysulfide, similar to S chemistryin 12M LiFSI/DME electrolyte. This result can be attributed to the di-rect and deep solid-to-solid (solid S8 to insoluble Li2S) phase transitionin both pseudo dilute and concentration electrolyte [19]. Especially, thesupersaturation of polysulfur have been achieved in both concentratedelectrolyte without free soluble DME solvent and in localized con-centrated electrolyte with non-solvent HFE, both leading to the in-solubility of high-order polysulfides and direct reduction. As a result, Scathode in this 1M LiFSI/HFE+DME pseudo dilute electrolyte alsoexhibits excellent cycle stability. The first discharge in the 1M pseudoconcentration displays a much high capacity of 1449mA h/g (forsulfur) with high sulfur cathode utilization, and maintains a reversiblecapacity of 774mA h/g at 50th cycles. It can be observed that there is afairly large irreversible capacity in the 1st cycle in the HFE/DMEelectrolyte. This phenomenon is totally different from the mostcommon used electrolyte of 1M LiTFSI DME/DOL. The 1M LiTFSIDME/DOL electrolyte is relatively stable in the operating voltage range(1–3 V) for the Li-S cells, therefore the discharge capacity due to theformation of the SEI is rather limited [29]. Instead, the shuttle reactionsmay even result in a larger charge capacity than the initial dischargecapacity [29]. However, for the concentrated 12M LiFSI DME elec-trolyte or in the 1M LiFSI/HFE+DME local high-concentrated elec-trolytes, almost all of the DME are bonded with Li+ and FSI-. Theseconcentrated FSI- anions can easily be reduced at relatively high voltageof ~1.5 V [30]. The cleavage of the S–F bond in FSI- anion can lead to athermodynamically stable LiF, which coated on the surface of theS@CMK-3 cathode [30]. The in situ formed SEI layer on the S@CMK-3due to the reduction of the FSI- anions provides some irreversible ca-pacity in the first cycles in the concentrated electrolyte or in the 1M

LiFSI/HFE+DME. Meanwhile the polysulfide shuttle reactions aretotally suppressed. Therefore, only the S that has good contact with theCMK-3 can provide the capacity. In the lithiation process, the S willpossess a high volume change of 80% [31]. In the first several cycles,some S will break down from the CMK-3 matrix, and thereby results inthe capacity decay. These factors altogether result in the “fairly large”irreversible capacities in the first several cycles (especially for the initialcycle) in the 1M LiFSI/HFE+DME electrolyte.

Fig. 6d demonstrates the rate performance of Li-S battery in 1MLiFSI/HFE+DME electrolyte. A discharge capacity of 1198mA h/g isobtained with current density of 0.1 A/g; meanwhile, a high dischargecapacity of 1028, 864, 689, 516, 371mA h/g is achieved at 0.2 A/g,0.4 A/g, 1.0 A/g, 2.0 A/g, 4.0 A/g, respectively. Moreover, as the cur-rent density changes back to 0.4 A/g, the capacity can return to831mA h/, indicating highly reversibility of rapid reaction mechanismin the 1M LiFSI/HFE+DME electrolyte.

3. Conclusion

In conclusion, we developed a stable and safe highly concentratedelectrolyte for efficient Li-S battery. The shuttle effect of lithium poly-sulfide and the growth of lithium dendrites in Li-S battery were si-multaneously suppressed by the formation of robust LiF-rich SEI withhigh interface energy and controllable Li plating/stripping kinetics,which yield the highest Coulombic efficiencies for the S cathode(99.7%) and the Li anode (99.2%). Such unique electrochemicalproperties for high concentrated electrolytes further inspired us to de-sign a more practical pseudo-high-concentration electrolyte by using ofa “non-solvent” to reduce the cost of the salt. Similar electrochemicalperformances were achieved when compared with the high con-centrated electrolyte. These discoveries provide valuable guidance tothe accelerate the commercial applications of the next generation high-performance Li-S batteries.

4. Experimental section

4.1. Materials and synthesis

The electrolytes are prepared as follows: lithium bis (fluoro sul-phonyl) imide (LiN(SO2F)2, LiFSI) and lithium bis (trifluoromethanesulphonyl) imide (LiN(SO2CF3)2, LiTFSI) purchased from TCI were usedas received. 1,2-dimethoxyethane (DME), 1,3-dioxolane (DOL),Tributylamine (TBA) were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich. 1,1,2,2-tetra-fuoroethyl 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoropropyl ether (HFE) were purchase fromTCI. The electrolytes were prepared by dissolving a certain amount ofsalt into the corresponding solvent. Specifically, the LiFSI salt wasadded into DME solvent to receive 12M LiFSI/DME electrolyte. Here,“M” stands for molar concentration, i.e., mole of salt dissolved in a literof solvent (not the electrolyte solution). In addition, different con-centrated LiFSI/DME electrolytes (1M, 4M, and 8M) can also be ob-tained with similar method. Another contrast electrolyte of 12M LiFSI/DOL+TBA can be prepared with 12M LiFSI in DOL solvent with 1 wt% of TBA (TBA is used to suppress the ring-open reactions of DOL) [21].The reference electrolyte (1M LiTFSI/DOL+DME) was composed of1M LiTFSI in a mixed solvent of DOL/DME (v/v= 1:1). Anotherpseudo dilute electrolyte (1M LiFSI/HFE+DME) was also prepared bydissolving 1M LiFSI salt in a mixed solvent of HFE/DME (v/v= 96:4).Because HFE solvent cannot dissolve the salt, the pseudo dilute elec-trolyte is actually another concentration electrolyte. The carbon/sulfurcomposite (S@CMK-3) was prepared by a melting sulfur diffusionmethod. In detail, a certain amount of CMK-3 and sulfur were uniformlygrounded together, sealed in a glass tube under vacuum, and then he-ated at 155 °C for 15 h.

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4.2. Structural characterization

X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) patterns were recorded by BrukerSmart 1000 (Bruker AXS Inc., USA) using Cu Kα line radiation source.Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were observed on aHitachi SU-70 field emission scanning electron microscope (S4800,HITACHI, Japan). Thermogravimetric Analysis-Differential ScanningCalorimetry (TG-DSC) (TA Instruments, USA) was carried out underArgon gas with a heating rate of 5 °C/min. X-ray photoelectron spec-troscopy (XPS) was achieved on a monochromatized ESCALAB 250 X-ray with Al Kα source radiation with an Ar+ ion sputtering gun. Sampleviscosity was measured using an AR2000 stress-controlled rheometer(TA Instruments), running at 25 °C on a cone-and-plate geometry(20mm diameter, 2° cone angle). A solvent trap was used to minimizeevaporation of the solvent during measurements. The experiments wereconducted under steady shear, and the apparent viscosity was measuredas a function of the shear rate. The viscosity values reported here cor-respond to a shear rate of 10 s–1. The preparation of lithium polysulfidedissolution was carried out as following: a mole ratio of Li2S and S (1:7)were mixed uniformly in an Argon-filled glovebox and then added intothe DME solvent, coming into being with the “Li2S8-containing DME”solution. The electrolyte ignition and combustion experiment was ob-served and recorded by high-speed digital camera with a VisionResearch Phantom v 12.1 digital camera; and the frame rate of 1000frames per second with a resolution of 640× 480 pixel. A small piece ofglass fiber membrane was soaked with ~ 0.5mL electrolyte solutionand fixed by an alligator clip, followed by immediate ignition with abutane lighter.

4.3. Electrochemical measurement

The working electrode preparation: S@CMK-3 composite, con-ductive carbon, polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) with a weight ratio of8:1:1 were mixed in certain amount of N-methylpyrrolidinone (NMP)solvent to form hom*ogeneous slurry by stirring for 4 h. The slurry wascoated onto a thin Al foil and dried at 65 °C for 14 h in vacuum. Thecoin cells (CR2032) were assembled with the prepared working elec-trode, pure lithium metal foil as counter electrode, a sheet of poly-propylene microporous (PP Celgard) film as separator in an argon-filledglove box. The galvanostatic charge/discharge tests were performedwith Arbin Battery test instrument (BT2000, Arbin Instruments, USA) ata voltage range of 1.0–3.0 V versus Li/Li+ at room temperature(23 ± 0.5 °C). The galvanostatic intermittent titrations (GITT) werealso tested on the Arbin station by alternating the current density of0.1 A/g for 20min along with open circuit voltage periods of 120minafter 15 cycle's charge/discharge activation cycles. The Li anode CE invarious electrolytes was tested using Li||Cu coin cells (CR2032) whichwere assembled in the argon-filled glove box, employing Li foil with adiameter of 14mm as both the counter and reference electrode, Cu foilwith a same diameter to Li foil as the substrate for Li metal stripping/deposition, and polypropylene microporous film (PP Celgard) as se-parator. Different current densities for Li metal plating/stripping pro-cess was set by using Arbin Battery test instrument (BT2000, ArbinInstruments, USA) at room temperature. For each current density, thedeposition capacity for Li metal on Cu foil is 1 mA h cm−2, with astripping voltage up to 1.5 V versus Li/Li+. The same Arbin stationswere used to conduct the electrolyte cycling efficiency tests of and Li|Licoin cells (CR2032), with the similar experimental procedure of Li|Cucells except the Li foil replacement of Cu foil. Cyclic voltammetry (CV)measurements were performed on a CHI660D electrochemical work-station with a scan rate of 0.1 mV/s (CH Instrument, Shanghai, China).


J. Z. and X. F. contributed equally to this work. The authors thankthe support from the Nanostructures for Electrical Energy Storage

(NEES), an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S.Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences underAward number DESC0001160. The authors gratefully acknowledge thesupport of the Maryland NanoCenter and its AIM Lab. J.W acknowl-edges Heilongjiang Province Natural Science Foundation (key project)(ZD2016-001) and Jiamusi University Interdisciplinary Project(12J201502)

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

Appendix A. Supplementary material

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in theonline version at


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Jing Zheng started her M.S. and Ph.D. degree in NanjingUniversity of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China. She iscurrently a joint Ph.D. candidate at the Department ofChemical & Biomolecular Engineering, University ofMaryland-College Park. Her research interests focus onnovel materials and electrolytes for electrochemical energystorage and conversion, including lithium-ion, potassium-ion batteries and lithium-sulfur batteries.

Dr. Xiulin Fan received his bachelor's degree and both in Materials Science and Engineering fromZhejiang University. He is currently an assistant researchscientist at University of Maryland-College Park. His re-search interests are novel materials, novel electrolytes andtheir application in energy storage and conversion devicesincluding lithium-ion batteries, sodium-ion batteries andhydrogen storage.

Prof. Guangbin Ji is a Professor in Materials Science inCollege of Materials Science and Technology, NanjingUniversity of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA). Hereceived his Ph.D. Degree (2004) in Laboratory of SolidState Microstructures, Nanjing University, then joinedNUAA in 2004. In 2008, he worked in nanomaterials atDepartment of Physics, Université de Reims, France under aVisiting Professorships program. His current interests arethe study on novel materials for magnetism and energystorage and conversion.

Dr. Haiyang Wang received his B.S. degree in SafetyEngineering and Ph.D. degree in Engineering Mechanicsfrom Nanjing University of Science and Technology. He iscurrently a post-doctoral associate in Dr. Michael R.Zachariah's group at University of Maryland-College Park.His research interests are preparation, ignition and com-bustion characterization of energetic materials. He hasmore than 20 peer-reviewed journal publications.

Singyuk Hou is a Ph.D. student in the Department ofChemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University ofMaryland-College Park. She received her B.S degree (2012)in Chemistry from Wuhan University, China and M.S. de-gree (2015) in Chemistry from University of Massachusetts,Amherst. Her research interests include magnesium andlithium metal battery and transport kinetic in electrode.

Kerry C. DeMella received her B.S. from Virginia Tech andher M.S. from University of Maryland in Chemistry. She iscurrently a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Maryland-College Park. Her research interests include polymer cap-sule design, hydrogel and polymer synthesis, and applica-tions in soft materials.

Dr. Srinivasa R. Raghavan is a Full Professor at theUniversity of Maryland, College Park (UMCP). He receivedhis Ph.D. from North Carolina State University, where hestudied composite electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries. Hisresearch at UMCP has resulted in more than 150 publica-tions and 20 U.S. patents. He was recently designated a“Distinguished Scholar-Teacher” by UMCP, and he has beena three-time nominee for the UMCP “Invention of the Year”.He is the scientific co-founder of several startup companiesbased on technologies invented in his laboratory.

Dr. Jing Wang is a Professor in College of Material Scienceand Engineering, Jiamusi University in China. She receivedher Ph.D. degree from Harbin Institute of Technology. Sheworked as visiting scholar in the laboratory of Prof.Chunsheng Wang at Maryland University–College Park in2012–2013. Her currently research interest focuses on na-nostructural materials for storage and conversion.

Dr. Kang Xu received his B.S. degree in Chemistry fromSouthwest Normal University, in 1985 and M.S. in PolymerChemistry from Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics,Academy of Sciences, in 1988. He received his Ph.D. degreein Chemistry in 1996 at Arizona State University. He wasemployed by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) in2002. He is an ARL Fellow and Team Leader. His researchinterests concern electrolyte development for electro-chemical energy storage applications, which include li-thium/sodium ion batteries and electrochemical capacitors.

Prof. Chunsheng Wang is a full professor at University ofMaryland College Park (UMCP). He was educated in ma-terials science and trained in electrochemistry and got hisPh.D. degree from Zhejiang University. He has more than150 peer-reviewed journal publications and more than 25years of experience in battery research. His Li ion batteryresearch has been highlighted in EFRC news by DoE in2012, and by Chemical & Engineering News in 2013. He is arecipient of the University of Maryland Outstanding JuniorResearcher Award.

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Supporting Information

Manipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte interphase to enable safe and efficient Li-S batteries

Jing Zheng a,b†, Xiulin Fan a†, Guangbin Ji b, Haiyang Wang a, Singyuk Hou a, Kerry C. DeMella c,

Srinivasa R. Raghavan a, Jing Wang d, Kang Xu e, Chunsheng Wang a*

a Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA b College of Materials Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, P. R. China c Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA d School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jiamusi University, Jiamusi 154007, P. R. China e Electrochemistry Branch, Power and Energy Division Sensor and Electron Devices Directorate, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD 20783, USA

* Corresponding author, Prof. Chunsheng Wang, Tel.: 301.405.0352, Fax: 301.314.9216, E-mail: [emailprotected]

J.Z. and X.F. contributed equally to this work.

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0 4 8 120.001








C (mol/L)

Shear rate=10 s-1

Figure S1. Viscosity for different concentration electrolytes at room temperature with shear rate

of 10 s-1.

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Figure S2. a) XRD patterns of S, CMK-3, and S@CMK-3 composite. b) TG curve of S@CMK-

3 composite in Ar with a rate of 5 oC/min.

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Figure S3. Cyclic voltammograms for a Li-S battery in a) 1M LiTFSI/DOL+DME, b) 4M

LiFSI/DME, and c) 8M LiFSI/DME electrolyte with a sweep rate of 0.1 mV/s.

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Figure S4. a) Charge-discharge curve at different cycles in 12M LiFSI/DME. A comparison of

the charge-discharge curves at b) 1st and c) 100th cycle for a Li-S battery with different


Manipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte … › papers › 147_2018.pdfManipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte interphase to enable safe and efficient Li-S batteries - [PDF Document] (18)


Figure S5. GITT curves in a) 1M LiTFSI/DOL+DME and b) 12M LiFSI/DOL+TBA electrolyte.

Manipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte … › papers › 147_2018.pdfManipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte interphase to enable safe and efficient Li-S batteries - [PDF Document] (19)


Figure S6. Voltage profiles of Li metal plating/stripping on Cu working electrode in a) 1M

LiFSI/DME, b) 1M LiTFSI/DOL+DME, and C) 12M LiFSI/DOL+TBA with current of 1 mA


Manipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte … › papers › 147_2018.pdfManipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte interphase to enable safe and efficient Li-S batteries - [PDF Document] (20)


Figure S7. Voltage profiles during subsequent lithium plating/stripping processes from a Li|Li

symmetrical cell at 10mA cm-2 in a) 1M LiTFSI/DOL+DME and b) 12M LiFSI/DOL+TBA


Manipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte … › papers › 147_2018.pdfManipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte interphase to enable safe and efficient Li-S batteries - [PDF Document] (21)


Figure S8. The variation of the LiFSI price in the past two years. In 2017, Gotion began to

produce the LiFSI, the LiFSI price dropped from ~17 USD/g to ~3 USD/g. In 2018, another

company (Nippon Shokubai) began to manufacture the LiFSI, which brings about further

decrease of the price.

Supporting Information dendrite-free and durable all-solid-state …· 2020. 8. 2.· Flexible composite solid electrolyte with high stable interphase for dendrite-free and durable

Flexible Composite Solid Electrolyte Facilitating … Composite Solid Electrolyte Facilitating Highly Stable “Soft Contacting” Li–Electrolyte Interface for Solid State Lithium-Ion

Stable cycling of double-walled silicon nanotube battery ...€¦· Stable cycling of double-walled silicon nanotube battery anodes through solid–electrolyte interphase control

Study and modeling of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase· Study and modeling of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase behavior on nano-silicon

Nanostrukturphysik (Nanostructure Physics)· react to form a Solid-Electrolyte Interphase(SEI) layer on the graphite electrode. ... Komaba et al. Chem. Rev. 2014, 114, 11636 Goodenough

Additive Dependency on Formation of Solid Electrolyte Interphase …· 2020. 1. 16.· formance owing to the formation of

Electrolyte and Solid-Electrolyte Interphase Layer in Lithium-Ion Batteries· 2018. 9. 25.· Lithium Ion Batteries New Developments 148 curve is located at xDMC=0.3 and ÈE=-0.37

A hybrid solid electrolyte for flexible solid-state sodium

How to Prevent Li-Ion Battery Failures DfR Conference Presentati…· Li Ion Battery Working Mechanism 4. o Solid electrolyte interphase ... FORMATION AND TESTING Battery Manufacturing

Solid Electrolyte Interphase on Native Oxide-Terminated ...Article Solid Electrolyte Interphase on Native Oxide-Terminated Silicon Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries ChuntianCao, 1 ,2IwnetimIwnetuAbate,

Improved stability of nano-Sn electrode with high-quality nano-SEI …· 2015-04-05· Solid electrolyte interphase; Fluoro-ethylene

Model studies of the solid electrolyte interphase

Solid Electrolyte Interphase Design for Aqueous Zn Batteries

An Artificial Solid Electrolyte Interphase with High Li ... · PDF fileAn Artificial Solid Electrolyte Interphase with High ... accommodate the ineligible interface fluctuation during

Artificial Solid Electrolyte Interphase-Protected Li …...Artificial Solid Electrolyte Interphase-Protected Li xSi Nanoparticles: An Efficient and Stable Prelithiation Reagent for

Artificial Solid Electrolyte Interphase for Suppressing Surface …· 2020. 1. 16.· Artificial Solid Electrolyte Interphase for Suppressing Surface Reactions and Cathode Dissolution

Electrolyte and Solid-Electrolyte Interphase Layer in ...€¦· 6 Electrolyte and Solid-Electrolyte Interphase Layer in Lithium-Ion Batteries Alexandre Chagnes1 and Jolanta Swiatowska2

Evolution of the Solid–Electrolyte Interphase on ......KEYWORDS: Lithium-ion batteries, transmission electron microscopy, cryogenic electron microscopy, solid−electrolyte interphase,

How Solid-Electrolyte Interphase Forms in Aqueous· aqueous electrochemistry, a common practice to manipulate this lowest

Solid Electrolyte Interphase: Can faster formation at lower …· 2018-03-02· Solid Electrolyte Interphase: Can faster formation at lower potentials yield better performance?

Electrode/Electrolyte Interphase Characterization in Solid ...· Electrode/Electrolyte Interphase Characterization in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells 281 the electrolyte to the anode material,

ImplicationsofCurrentDensityDistributionin Lithium ...· interphase (SEI) is formed on the negative electrode in lithium-ion batteries.1,2 The SEI was first ... The Solid Electrolyte

Operando X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of solid ...· ARTICLE Operando X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of solid electrolyte interphase formation and evolution in Li 2S-P 2S 5

Improvement of the Cathode Electrolyte Interphase on P2

Physiochemical Characteristics of Solid Electrolyte

Yolk-shell silicon-mesoporous carbon anode with compact solid electrolyte …· 2020. 1. 7.· Yolk-shell silicon-mesoporous carbon anode with compact solid electrolyte interphase

Qiang Zhang - IBM Research People and Projects· and its Protective Solid Electrolyte Interphase Qiang Zhang Tsinghua ... Chem. Rev., 2014 ... Why Li is not stable in most electrolyte?

In-situ Study of Solid Electrolyte Interphase on …...Bruker –Webinar SEI on Si using PeakForce Tapping Mode • Problem with Si large expansion during lithiation (up to 420%) •

Article DynamicStructureandChemistryoftheSilicon …...Article Dynamic Structure and Chemistry of the Silicon Solid-Electrolyte Interphase Visualized by Cryogenic Electron Microscopy

Unveiling the Stable Nature of the Solid Electrolyte Interphase …· 2020. 9. 15.· interphase consisting of a distribution

Fluorinated solid electrolyte interphase enables highly reversible solid …· Works. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC). Fluorinated


Solid Electrolyte Interphase in Li-ion Batteries: … › ~decaluwe › Papers › OwejanEtAl_ChemMat...Solid Electrolyte Interphase in Li-ion Batteries: Evolving Structures

Supporting Information Intrinsic Chemical Reactivity of Solid ...Supporting Information S- 1 Intrinsic Chemical Reactivity of Solid-Electrolyte Interphase Components in Silicon-Lithium

First-Principles Investigations of the Working Mechanism ...· for lithium-based batteries is dendrite growth, causing a periodic breaking and repair of the solid electrolyte interphase

Manipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte … › papers › 147_2018.pdfManipulating electrolyte and solid electrolyte interphase to enable safe and efficient Li-S batteries - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is solid electrolyte interphase in solid state batteries? ›

The solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) is a passivating layer formed on the electrode/electrolyte interface, which, under ideal conditions, is stable during cycling, permits fast lithium transport and, at the same time, is an electronic insulator.

What is the sei layer in a battery? ›

The solid electrolyte interface (SEI) is a passivation layer formed on the surface of lithium-ion battery (LIB) anode materials produced by electrolyte decomposition. The quality of the SEI plays a critical role in the cyclability, rate capacity, irreversible capacity loss and safety of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs).

Why is a stable SEI required? ›

The SEI is a passive layer created between the electrolyte and the graphite anode, the existence of which is crucial for the reversibility of Li-ion batteries. Without the SEI, the anode and electrolyte would react spontaneously and the battery would be destroyed.

What is cathode electrolyte interphase? ›

Cathode–electrolyte interphase (CEI) formation between the cathode and the electrolyte is a critical factor that determines the stability of lithium-ion batteries (LiBs).

Why are solid-state batteries bad? ›

The solid electrolyte does not perfectly block lithium dendrites from forming when charging. This causes a short circuit if it reaches the cathode. Discharging the battery on the other hand, can lead to interfacial delamination, causing spots on the anode to lose contact with the electrolyte.

How do you make a solid-state battery? ›

In constructing a solid-state battery using the low temperature sol gel approach, a cathode is formed by mixing a lithium active material, an electrically conductive material, and the liquid sol gel precursor to form a slurry or paste.

How do I know if my battery is SLI or deep cycle? ›

They are often used in conjunction with a deep cycle battery, which powers the accessories in a vehicle, like the stereo or lights. SLI batteries are designed to provide a high initial burst of power, which is necessary to start a car's engine. They are typically smaller and lighter than deep cycle batteries.

Is Sei Layer good or bad? ›

A good SEI passivation layer is permeable to Li-ions and impermeable to electrolytes and electrons. This can allow reversible diffusion of Li-ions without any consumption, and effectively prevent the electrolyte from further reduction.

What is battery rejuvenation? ›

Lead-acid batteries, commonly used in EVs, tend to deteriorate over time, leading to reduced capacity and performance. Battery rejuvenation aims to reverse this degradation by restoring the battery to a state close to its original condition.

What is the voltage of SEI formation? ›

The SEI formation is initiated when the voltage of the graphite electrode drops below approximately 1.0 V vs Li/Li+. The SEI is formed during the activation procedure after the battery manufacturing process has been completed.

What color is lithium carbonate? ›

Lithium carbonate appears as a white powder. Strong irritant when dissolved in water. WHITE POWDER.

What causes sei formation? ›

However, the solid–electrolyte interphase (SEI) formation, caused by liquid electrolyte decomposition, often befalls Si electrodes. The SEI layer is less Li-ion conductive, which would significantly inhibit Li-ion transport and delay the reaction kinetics.

What is the cathode in EV? ›

There are two electrodes in a battery: the anode (a negative electrode) and the cathode (a positive electrode). Electrons start off in the anode and then move to the cathode through an electrolyte medium, which can be either liquid or solid.

Which cell is the cathode? ›

The Anode is the negative or reducing electrode that releases electrons to the external circuit and oxidizes during and electrochemical reaction. The Cathode is the positive or oxidizing electrode that acquires electrons from the external circuit and is reduced during the electrochemical reaction.

What is SEI battery? ›

The SEI layer or solid electrolyte interphase layer is a component of lithium-ion batteries, formed from the decomposition materials associated with the electrolyte of the battery.

What is the electrolyte in a solid-state battery? ›

Lithium–oxygen and nitrogen-based polymer thin-film electrolytes has got fully used in solid-state batteries. Non-Li based thin-film solid-state batteries have been studied, such as Ag-doped germanium chalcogenide thin-film solid-state electrolyte system.

What are the interfaces of solid-state batteries? ›

The interfaces in an inorganic solid-electrolyte battery can feature several basic structures: the cathode-electrolyte interface, the anode-electrolyte interface, and the interparticle interface, as illustrated in Figure 1.

What is the advantage of solid state electrolyte battery? ›

However, a solid-state battery with solid electrolyte shows improved stability with a solid structure, and increased safety since it maintains the form even if the electrolyte is damaged. Then, why do we need a solid-state battery? It is to increase capacity of EV batteries.

What is the principle of solid electrolyte battery? ›

Working of Solid-State Battery

The lithium ions move through the electrolyte between the electrodes. This movement of charged particles in a particular direction produces current. When the ions move from the cathode to the anode, i.e., from the positive electrode to the negative electrode, it is said to be charging.


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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.