Kingman County Democrat from Kingman, Kansas (2024)

First Publication Feb. U. 189. Dave Veatoh came in from Canadian I A Mama' Oiaeerery. farmers' Matting.

PTJBIJCATIOir NOTICK. JOHN P. MOORE, Notary Public, 1851 First Publication Jan. 188. SHERIFF'S SAUL In the District Court within and for the County of Kingman, in the State of Kansas.

Ajsnt for the Kansas Loan and Investment Co. Another wonderful discovery has been made, and that, too, by a woman in this county. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven yean she withstood its severest tests, but her vital were undermined and The farmers1 meetings thus far held have, we think, been productive of much thought among men of that call Johnson Loan ft Trust Jity, in the rannancue or xexas, Sunday, and has. since been visiting with relatives and friends in Kingman. He hails from a splendid cattle country and reports that he is doing a satisfactory mercantile business.

He has made W. A- EATON, Editor and Publisher. Try floor. Plaintiff, J.CButan, Plaintiff, vs. VB, H.

L. Ball et aL. ing, and as thought is the thing that Albert J. Weaver, Mary B. V290O death seemed For three Defendants.

weaver ana jrran- u. Bumora. to issued out of the District Court of Kingman county, Kan- solves all great problems the meetings must, on that ground alone, be voted a success. The discussions have been, quite a snug sum shipping game. Befendants.1 Real Estate, Loans and Insurance.

ROOM 7 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of King's New Discovery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept iTT! "i i. is plaintiff andH. L.

Ball and Eva BaU are defendants. I win, on Frank B. Stafford will take notice that the aid J. C. Rutan, plaintiff, did, on the 26th day of October, 1888, file his petition in said district court, within and for the county of Kingman and state of Kansas, against the MONDAY.

MARCH 1889, The Badger Lumber Co. sells coal for $5.50 per ton. S. T. Butner, of Waterloo, was the city yesterday.

The only place to get Canon City coal is at the Badger lumber yard. I. W. Bush visited the state capital in scope and and comprehensiveness, such as to indicate much thoughtful consideration of the subjects in hand wua Aioert J. weaver, Mary Weaver and Simpson's elevator, at Pratt, was burned to the ground yesterday.

Loss on building, machinery and wheat about $4,000. There was no insurance. It is thought the fire was set by an incendiary. If this had occurred in the ur of o'clock p. at the sheriff's office, at the building now used for the court bouse in the city of Kingman, county of all night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured.

Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C. Ham-rick xt Shelby, N. Get a on the part of the speakers.

Another meeting is to be held in this city next auiuiuaiuisoi nansas, offer for sale JS.u.bUo to the highest bidder, for cash i in hand, all the right, title and interest free trial bottle at Gerson Co. oinnora, aeienaants, ana tnat the said Frank B. Stafford must answer said petition, filed as aforesaid, on or before the 6th day of April, 1889, or said petition win be taken as true, and a judgment rendered in said action against said defendant, Frank B. Stafford, for the sum of one hundred and forty-four (144) dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of 12 per cent, per annum from the 1st day Of November 1S87: and for nnata nt ani. Saturday, March 2nd, and should be Ii aeienaants in and to the Moperty, situated south it would have been heralded all Money Loaned on 6 Months' and 1 Year's Time.

well attended, lne programme is as nangmanana state or Kansas, to-wit: W1 f1' of the "oathwest quarter and drugstore. 2 To Best Two good farms in southern Reno county. Terms easy. One has 120 acres in pasture. Abundant water and plenty of lruit in full bearing-.

Apply to M. A. Bullock, last week, returning home Saturday. Foe rent Two well-improred farm near the city. Apply to Palmer Brown.

J. A. Carey, of Jerome Center. New follows: Spring gardening A. W.

Smith. and a further iudment aa-ainat said defend. uau iu ure nonnwest quarter or seventeen (17), township twenty-seven ant, Frank B. Stafford, for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage upon the following de- rwjfeaeven (7) west of the sixth over the nation as a political outrage, but of course here in Kansas the truly loil papers must lie just as hard on the other side of the case. Simpson has many and bitter enemies in his own party and the presidential election alone saved him from defeat in the icipai meridian.

Bperty Said property is levied upon as the pi i defendants, and York, was visiting Judge Willis last week. bvejuvu nw nuns, io-wu: ixjlb tnirteen (la), fifteen (15), seventeen (17), nineteen (19) and twenty-one (21) and twenty-three (23). in block seven (1). Turner's adriiHna tn Avenue west, Kingman, Kansas. First Publication Feb.

28, 1889. SHERIFF'S SALE. rut muu; muu oraer or sale. Corn C. H.

Manning. Oats John Day. Potatoes L. W. Leach.

Come out everybody and make this the best meeting of the year. It will probably be the last meeting, as from now on farmers will be yery busy. Bald property will be uu without annMiu- mnn tying ana siiuatea in tne county of Kingman, in the state of Kanaaa and adjudging that said plaintiff have the race for representative last fall. State of Kansas, 1988 -ss. The Kingman Paint company made a large shipment of paint to Topeka yesterday.

John P. Jones, of Cold water, came nroi uen on saia premises, to tne amount for which judgment will be taken as aforesaid, and ordering said premises to be sold without annraifwmnnt and the nmravuta mill Kingman County, J.C. McClelland, Biierin. You are Shadowed! ed to the payment of the amount due plaintiff 'School Report The ground is in excellent condition and there never was a time when our farmers were more determined to make a crop than now. They had hard luck last year but come up to the scratch ana costs or suit, ana forever barring and foreclosing said defendants, and each of tham 2497 First publication Jan.

31, 1889. SHERIFF'S SALE. William B. Brown vs. Silas Pinkerton and Elizabeth Pinkerton, R.

S. Cates and Amanda V. Cates, his wife, J. W. Tucker and Ella L.

Tucker, his wife. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the Kingman district court sit vi uu ugm au rignt, utie, estate, interest. The following is the report of the property, and equity of redemption, la or to biuu promises, or any pan inereor. in yesterday and is transacting business in the city. E.

B. Peole will start this evening on a business trip to Chicago. He will be gone about ten days. Hoobb ft Douglass. Missouri Valley school for the month ending- February 15, 1889: Attorney, for Plaintiff.

this spring determined to make up for past losses. The experience of past Attest: John A. Cragun, 1 Plaintiff, WmM Poe'et Defendants. Al Nbidkax, District Clerk. 21-23 ScMarslip.

GRAMMAR GRADE. Ernest 93.4 years gives reason to hope that a grand success will eventually crown their By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the district court of Kingman county, Kan- H. R. Peery, representing the Kansas Newspaper Union, was in the city Mon First Publication Feb. 21, 1889.

SHERIFF'S SALE. ting ana ior saia county, in the above-entitled action and to me directed, I will, on MONDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF APRIL, A. D. 1889, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the building used as the court house in said county, ST Jonn jl. t'ragun is plaintiff and Florence Beard 87.8 Lizzie Stevenson 87 INTERMEDIATE.

m. rue ana emma al. foe, ana against efforts, in fact, no state in the union returns such rich rewards for labor bestowed as does Kansas when she gets at herself properly. The univer Smoot, the Citizens National Bank, Kingman day interviewing the newspaper men, flour is the best. Try it.

District court adjourned Monday. Jarvfi, Conklin YOU! "Ml Ms Cast Mr Mats Mm." Our Great Spring Sale. You think you won't come Yos but you will. You won't buv it vou da il. dhii.

turn a. m. uvingston as to Walter Long. i Plaintiffs, Lonsr, uitur equity are aeienaants, will, on MONDAY. MARCH 4, 1889, "Effie 3 91.6 86 86.8 78 vs.

Edward Hellister et aL. sal belief is that this will be the biggest crop year we have had in all our offer for sale at public auction and sell without appraisem*nt to the highest and best bidder for cash in to Robert Wagner Sallie Davis. .1.. Defendants. at the hour of 1 o'clock at the sheriff's office at the building now used for the court house in the city of Kingman, eountv of It will be in session again Saturday for the purpeie of transacting some miscellaneous business.

By virtue of an order of sale-Issued out of the district court of Kingman county, Kan sas, wherein S. M. Jarvis and R. R. Conklin.

partners as Jarvis, Conklin are plain The grand lodge of United Workmen met at McPhersoji Monday and re tiffs ana isawara Hollister and Jane C. Hollis- above-named defendants in and to the following-described real property, situated in the county of Kingman and state of Kansas, ter are defendants, will, on MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1889, at the hour of 2 o'clock d. m.l at the sheriffs Addie Beard. 77 Blanche Taylor 76.5 Laura Stevenson 76.5 primary. Lee Long 86 Albert Rutkowski 78.6 Charles Hupp 76 William Hupp 59 Luther Wagner 74.2 Alma Ent 72 Annie Ent 61.4 The wheat crop will be greatly benefited by the snow and mist of the past four days.

The earth drinks up every drop of water that falls. L. W. Kabler, of Calista, was on the satisfy said order of sale, all tne ngnt, title and interest whatsoever of the above-named defendants, and each of them, and of all persons claiming under them, in and to the following-described tract, piece and parcel of land lying and situate in said county of Kingman, to-wit: The northwest quarter of section fifteen (15), township twenty-nine (29), range eight (8) west of the 6th principal meridian, and containing one hundred and sixty (160) acres more or office at the building now used for the court teroM leu y- Butlf come you will buy. You will see such goods at nouse in tne city or Kingman, coun uvn prices ina.i ysu.wm warn xo ty of Kingman, and State of Kansas, offer for sale at public auction, to the high est -Didder Tor cash band, all the right, title and interest of the above named defendants, in and to the following described real Save Money by Spending It.

ship twenty-seven (27), range eight (8) west of the sixth principal meridian. Said property is levied upon as the property of the above-named defendants, and will oe sold to satisfy said order of sale. Said property is appraised at four hundred (400) dollars over and above a mortgage of eight hundred (800) dollars and will not be sold for less than two thirds of its appraised mained in session four days, or until to-day. The body is composed of about 250 delegates and fifty grand officers, members of committees and visiting statesmen. During the past year twenty-three new lodges were instituted in Kansas and the net increase in membership was 1,684, making at this date in good standing 13,327.

The grand lodge last year disbursed to the beneficiaries of deceased members $164,000, at a cost of thirteen dollars property, situated in tne county of Kingman, and State of Kansas, to-wit: The southwest Quarter of Rection Iwpntv. streets of Kingman yesterday. He is as jolly as ever and is not a bit discouraged by the close times. C. C.

Vandeventer gathered his grips Monday and started for the far west. lour rownsnip twenty-seven si). range nine west. Sheriff's office. Kingman county, Kansas, January 29, 1889.

Said property is levied upon as the property of the above-named defendants, and will be sold to satisfy said order of sale. He probably has the Washington terri J. C. McClelland. Sheriff.

18-23 less, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. Given under my hand at my office in the city of, Kingman, in said county, this 27th day of February, 1889. J. C. McClelland, Geo.

J. Barkek, Sheriff. Attorney for Plaintiff. 22-26 First Publication Feb. 28, 1889.

SHERIFF'S SALE. Said property will be sold without Rudolph Rutkowski 62.5 Harman Rutkowski 73.5 Frank Rutkowski 72.4 Annie Rutkowski 77.5 Lizzie Rutkowski 77.7 Eva Davis 65.8 Jennie Davis 68.2 Jasper Ent 48.4 James Hupp 61-2 Ernest Hupp -2 Harry Hupp. 5.5 George Beard 68-7 Charles Beard 71.7 TSTf.11i Tavlor 73.2 tory fever and is seeking relief. J. C.

Scott, of Junction City, special SHERIFF'S SALE OF PERSONAL Sheriff's office, February 19, 1889. to each member. A. J. McCollum represents the Kingman lodge of Workmen.

Kingman county, Kansas, J. C. McClelland, Sheriff. By putting money into staples that pay twenty-five per cent on investments YOU'RE SURELY SHADOWED SHADOWED BY OUR SPRING SALE You can't stay away, and we will make you glad you couldn't. WAITING FOB YOU AT KINGMAN SHOE AND CLOTHING CO.

21-25 agent for the Central Kansas Loan and Investment company, was in the city on business the first of the week. On the 25th dav of Fahmirr. 1W9 at. 1 clock d. at the farm of J.

A. WallanA. known as the J. M. Harvel farm, in Vinltg I First Publication Feb.

21. 1889. SHERIFF'S SALE, tvwusuip, njngman county, state or nan sas, I will sell at public sale the followimr- 65 68 1765 descrlbed personal property, to-wit: one red heifer two years old: one whita heifnr twn ss. State of Kansas, Kingman County, Maud Bump. Lucv Stevens Andrew Carson, a farmer residing near Lerado north of this city, died last Friday afternoon from a dose of corrosive sublimate, taken instead of calomel.

Dr. Bair, of Lerado, and Dr. Haskins, of Kingman, did all in their power for his relief, but to no avail. years old; one red calf with white face; one it. R.

Conklin, Plaintiff, V8. wnite can: one roan calf and one hundred and forty bushels of oats, the Drooertv of Robert Biddle vs. William Larkey and Laura E. Larkey, his wife, The Western Farm Mortgage company. jonn laxen on execution in ravor or Samuel Stirlen, father of Mrs.

Dr. Light, departed the latter part of last week for his home at Columbus Grove, Ohio, after a protracted visit in this city. W. M. Cree, of Centerville, Iowa, is in the city looking after the affairs of his deceased brother James who died last fall from an overdose of chlo Lafayette Baker, Defendant.

auace houck. Sheriff's office, Kingman county, Kansas. i J. C. MCCl.ELX.AND, Sheriff.

By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the district court of Kingman county, Kansas, wherein R. It. Conklin is plaintiff and As we understand the matter the druggist, by mistake, dealt out corrosive Dated February 13, 1889. t20-21 Those marked will promoted to the next higher grade. Three prizes were awarded to the ones making the greatest progress in writing from the time school cemmenc-ed until it closed, as follows: First prize, Lucy Stevenson; second, (seventy-five cents), Walter Long; third, (fifty cents), Anna Rutkowski.

The average daily attendance for six Lafayette Baker ig defendant, I will, on MONDAY, MARCH 85, 1889, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. at the sheriff's office at the building now used for the court 2498 First Publication Jan. 31, 1889. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the Kingman district court sitting in and for said Kingman county, in the above-entitled action and to me directed, I will, on MONDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF APBIL, A.

D. 1889, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the building used as the court house in said county, offer for sale at public auction and sell without appraisem*nt to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, to satisfy said order of sale, all the right, title and interest whatsoever of the nouse in tne city or KJngman, county or Kingman and and state of Kansas, offer for sale at Eublic auction to the highest bidder, for cash i hand, aU the right, title and interest of the above-named defendant in and to the follow sublimate instead of calomel, and the error was not discovered until the dose was swallowed. It is very quick in its action and under the must favorable circ*mstances it would have been hardly possible to have saved the unfortunate man's life. Mr. Carson was well known as a good citizen and an Citizens National Bank! of Kingman, Plaintiff.

ral hydrate. Just think, the Democrat and the Detroit Free Press for only $1.75 a year. It would cost you more than that to steal your reading and it wouldn't be half so good. A A 1 1 turn ia rjmmaDnh'nt, lTi'nff. ing-described real property, situated in the county of Kipgman and state of Kansas, to-wit; The south half of the south-east quarter and the northwest quarter of the southeast VB.

H. Stout et al. Defendants, months was 25. Enrollment 36. F.

W. W. Smith, Teacher. Stay Right Where You Are. iJy virtue of an execution luaiiAd nnt nt I tne district court or Kingman county.

Kan industrious farmer. He leaves a wife quarter of section twenty (20), township twenty-eight (28) range seven (7) west. sas, wherein the Citizens National Bank is Said property is levied upon as the property of the above-named defendant, and wiU be giaiiiim ana fi. stout, Adeline u. Stout.

K. C. ichardson, C. W. Parker and Belle J.

Charpie sold to satisfy said order of sale. above named defendants, and each of them, and of all persons claiming under them, in and to the following-described tract, piece and parcel of land lying tan at the annual session of the grand idge of United Wormen in session at Til .1 -1 aiv ucicuutuiis, a will, ua MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1889, THIS SPACE BELONGS TO Said property will be sold without appraise ment. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. at the Sheriff's office at the building now used for the court Sheriff's office, Kingman county, Kansas, nouse in tne city or Kingman, coun A gentleman who has traveled extensively over the country, and who has had every opportunity for informing himself, makes the following very sensible observations about moving around from place to place: During the time of general business depressions I notice, my travels BUELL SUTTON, iucrnerson inis wees, a oetier representative could not have been chosen. he cold snap of last week made the men happy for a few days only.

and two children. Mrs. Frank Reynolds, of this city, is a sister of the deceased. The remains were laid to rest in the cemetery east of the city Sunday afternoon. More than two years ago the Democrat commenced arguing in favor of planting early northern corn.

It looked like throwing words away, there being no perceptible effect. But the ana situate in saia county or Jvingman, to-wit: The southwest quarter of section five (5), township thirty (30), range five (5) west of the 6th principal meridian, and containing one hundred and sixty (160) acres more or less, together ty of Kingman, and State of Kansas, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in band, all the tight, title and interest of the above named defend eeDruary, iee. J. C. McClelland, 21-25 Sheriff.

First Publication Feb. 21, 1889. SHERIFF'S SALE, NO. 114 MAIN STREET, ants in ana to tne lollowfna- described real property, situated in the county of Kingman, and State of Kansas, to-wit: through Kansas, a disposition among Lots thirteen (IS), fourteen mi. flftmtn mi sixteen (16), seventeen (17).

eighteen (18), nine- TULL'S BLOCK, Niantic Savings Bank, 1 uw. twenty yaj), twenty-one (21) and twenty-two (22), in block four (4); lots one (1), two (2), three (3). four (4). five (5). six 6.

As the temperature raised their visions of a prosperous business melted away much as the little ice that had been formed did. C. W. White is able to be on our streets again after a month's wrestle with erysipelas in the head. Charley says he is two pounds heavier now, with his mustache shaved off, than Plaintiff, vs.

John Jackson et Defendants. witn all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. Given under my hand at my office in the city of Kingman in said county, this 27th day of February, 1889. J. C.

McClelland. Geo. J. Barker, Sheriff. Attorney for Plaintiff.

22-26 3872 KING-MAN, KNASAS. sevep (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (U). twelve (12), thirteen (18), fourteen (14). fifteen io), sixteen it, seventeen (17) and eighteen speeches at the farmers' meetings and our own private talks with individuals have divulged the fact that quite a large number have been planting early varieties, and the unanimous verdict is most favorable. The plant grows rap busmsss men, mechanics and farmers, to move to other localities, and as "distance lends enchantment to the scene," they do not hesitate to pronounce every place better than where they reside.

As a traveling man who has had ea el-lent opportunities of judging the business prosperity of the so-called "best towns" and "best countries," I have no hesitancy in advising the people of Kansas not to move out of their own no), in diock eleven (ll) Lots thirteen (13), fourteen (14), nifteen (16), sixteen (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (1), twenty By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the district court of Kingman county, Kansas, wherein the Niantic Sayings Bank is plaintiff and John Jackson and Annls P. Jackson are defendants, I will, on MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1889, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. at the sheriff's office, at the building now used for the court aui, iweuiy-ouo iweniy-two twenty-three (23) and twenty-four (24), in block sixteen (16); lots one (1), two (2). three (3), four First Publication Feb. 28, 1SS9.

PUBLICATION NOTICE. nve six (6), thirteen (13), fourteen (14), fifteen (15), sixteen (16), seventeen (IT), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), twenty (20), twenty-one house in the city of Kingman, county of Kin idly and matures in advance of the dry spell that is almost sure to come in July or early August. Enough early corn was matured in the county to man and state of Kansas, offer for sale at pub (zij, twenty-two (-), twenty-three (Si) and twenty-four (24), in block eighteen (18). AH lic auction, to tne highest Didder, tor cash in hand, all the right, title and interest of the In the District Court within and for the County of Kingman and State of Kansas. 'in town, county, or state.

The writer has traveled in nearly all ot the eastern and western states and parts of Europe, and is of the opinion that no state or country offers better inducements to mo nwviruRwnwu property is Bitumen the Rock Island addition to kg city pf Kii ting. I above-named defendants in and to the following-described real property, situated in the county of Kingman and state of Kansas, to- man, juinfiaa. furnish all the seed that will be needed by our farmers, but the men who raised it did not contemplate selling it for Said property is levied upon as tho property James Washbon, Plaintiff, vs. Edwin Gorton, Mary A. Gorton et Defendants.

wit; Lots four (4) and five (5). on Bridire street. when taken ill. Snow covered the ground to the depth of two or three inches Monday and rain or snow has been falling at intervals since. The snow melts about as fast as it falls and the moisture sinks into the ground in the most approved fashion.

J. C. Root, of Lyons, Iowa, head consul and founder of the Modern Woodmen of America, was in the city Tuesday on some sort of official business. Mr. Root was accompanied by F.

M. Joslyn, of Elgin, Illinois, attor vi me aoove-namea aeienaant, h. Btout, and will be sold to satisfy said execution. Said property is appraised as follows, to wit: Lots in block four (4) appraised at sixty (CO) dollars per lot: lots in blook eleven (if) Kingman, Kansas, in block Ho. two (2), in Jackson's addition, twenty-five (25) fee by one hundred forty (140) feet each.

men of energy and industry than does sunny Kansas. I recently met a gentleman who had returned from California, and I am sure that if the dissatisfied Kansans could hear him describe the condition Edwin Gorton and Mary A. Gorton will take notice that the said James Wasnbon, plaintiff, did, on the 21st day of December, 1888, file his petition in said district court, within and for Said property is levied upon as the property of the above-named defendants, and will b9 appraisea at sixty (W) doimrs per lot; tot in b)ock sixteen (16) appraised at fifty (50) dollars H. W. LEWIS, President.

per tot lots in diock eignieea appraised V. WEST. Keorefa eoiu to sausiy saia oraer or sate. Said property will be sold without appraisem*nt. Sheriff's office, Kingman county, Kansas, seed and have fed most of it out or have Made arrangements to do so.

This explains the shipping in of seed when our own people raised enough and just as good. The home product has been converted into pork and beef and has doubtless brought the enterprising farmers rich rewards for their labors. We say the corn has been con at xorty-nve ioi aoiiars per lot, ana win not be sold for less than two-thirds I of its appraised value. Sheriff's office. Kinirman Conntv.

Kanfuta. Kansas National Loan Company, the county of Kingman, in the state of Kansas, against the said Edwin Gorton, Mary A. Gorton, Hiram G. Gorton, Effie A. Gorton his wife, and George Kendall, defendants, and that the said Edwin Gorton and Mary Gorton ton must answer said petition, filed as afore said on or before the 13th day of April, 1889, or said petition will be taken as true and a judg fCDruary iv, loav.

J. C- McClblland, 21-25 Sheriff. of that country they would thank God their homes are still in Kansas. Another acquintance of mine just returned from Washington territory, and reports that there are at least four workingmen there now to every job. A commercial traveler recently January 29, 1889.

J. C. McClelland. 18-22 Sheriff. OF- A GRAND BUSINSS OPENING.

First publication Feb. 14, 1889. SHERIFF'S SALE. WICHITA AND NEW YORK. CAPITAL.

$500,000. $2,000 to $5,000 Per Year in Sight. James H. Builen Co- ment renuereu iu saiu auuuu saia ue-f endants, Edwin Gorton and Mary A. Gorton, for the sum of fifty dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of 12 per cent, per annum from the 1st day of December, 1888; and for costs of suit; and a further judgment against said defendants, Edwin Gorton, Mary A.

Gorton, Hiram G. Gorton, Effie A. Gorton and George Kendall for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage upon the following-described verted into pork and beef because those farmers who have enterprise enough 'o send north for a superior variety of seed corn two years before their neighbors become interested are Plaintiffs' ney for the order. The land offices at Wichita, Concordia and Independence have been discontinued and their books turned over to the land office at Topeka. Those who have business before the land office should take notice of this and govern their actions accordingly.

Try Ed Wright's flour. caught the Washington territory fever and wrote to a wholesale house there asking for a position, but the reply promptly cured" him. It said: "If you have any trade and a fair salary where you are do not change." It is undoubtedly to the interest of speculators and money loaners to attract large crowds to the "boominsr" places. Crowds of To parties looking for a good, profitable business we will state that the Davis Sewing Machine company is desirous of arranging with some good firm or individual to handle the trade in Kingman. Kansas, and vicinity vs.

The Kingman County Driving Park and Fair Association. Defendant. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the district court of Stafford county, Kansas, wherein James H. Builen Co. are plain not the men who sell corn from the wagon.

They feed it out and make all the money there is in it, as they have a perfect right to do. Early seed will be very generallly planted this year and whether the Democrat is credited real estate, to-wit: tne souto nan (8H) or the southwest quarter (s. w. 24) and the northeast quarter (n. e.

J4) of the southwest quaiter (s. w. of section thirty-five (35) and the southeast quarter (s. e. M) of the southeast quarter (s.

e. J4) of section thirty-four (34), township thirty (30) south, range six (6) west, lying and situated in the county of Kingman, In the state of Kansas, and adjudging that isaid plaintiff has a first lien oo said land and tenements, to the amount for whinh tiffs and Kingman County Driving Park and Fair association is defendant, I will, on Branch Office Kingman, Kansas, Kingman National Bank Building. Money always on hand to loan on farm or city property at LOWEST RATES and NO DELAY. J. riERSON.

Manager Kingman Branch. for their justly celebrated new High-Arm Sewing Machine. The peculiarity of the "Davis" is the Vertical Feed, which enables it to do all classes of work without basting. Its attachments are the finest and most complete of any machine in the world. Its mechanical construction is the most simple and its workmanship is of the higeest order, thus producing a machine that is extremely light running and will not get out of order.

The wood work is of the latest idle men with little money "seeking their fortune" causes to some people who not look beneath the surf -ie prosperous times; but the end con Burt Venable rejoices in the advent at his home of a handsome and vigorous-lunged daughter who first saw the light of day I'ft Sunday morning. The MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1889, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. at the sheriff's office at the building now used for the court house in the city of Kingman, county of Kingman and state of Kansas, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the ritrht. title and interest A judgment will be taken in said action as afore- comes only too soon, and the for. seekers realize that they have made aiu, ouu uruonug biuu jjrvmiBeB ue SOlu without appraisem*nt, and the proceeds applied to the payment of the amount due design and the finest quality ever supplied by a sewing machine company.

The manp ad fortune for the speculators and mon with much or little influence in bringing it about, we can most certainly enjoy the bright prospect that is before our farmers. The city and all its interests depend on the success of of the above-named defendants in and to the vantages combined in the ''Davis make it the ev loaners: and then they hunt for Dest selling macnine ever ma mother and babe are both doing well, and Burt's friends hope he will recover in time to be a candidate for alderman at the April election. nanufactured- Par-1 following-described real property, situated in a highly remuner-1 the county of Kingman and state of Kansas, work, which is not to be found, and the ties wlsninsr to enmure in to-wit: ative business will find it to their advantage "boom" is burs ted. Ina-l io comes The fact is that business all over the Commencing at the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of section twenty-nine 29, and 50 Jaokson street, Chicago, 111 48, 3559 H. W.

LEWIS, JNO. A. Vloe-PresJdent plaintiff and costs of suit, and forever barring and foreclosing Stlid defendants and each of them, and all persons claiming under them, of and from all right, title, estate, interest, property and equity of redemption, in, to, or upon said premises, or any part thereof. Applet Washbok, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Attest: A.

KlIDHAM, EDGAR HENDERSON, President. country is depressed at present: but CRAGUN, Cashier. FRED BULKS Telle) So far as we can learn our farmers township twenty-seven zvj soutn.range seven 7 west of the sixth principal; meridian, thence east eighty 80 rods, thenee south the tide is turning, and every observ per ton at the contemplate planting- an increased McAlister coal for $7 Badger lumber yard. or Trade One yoke of oxen. Enquire at this eighty 801 rods, thence west forty (401 rods.

acreage of corn this season and most For Sale large office. tir thence north twenty 201 reds, thence west forty 1401 rods, thence north sixty 60J rods to ing business man sees safe conservative business prosperity in the near future. Kansas will, in my judgment, rank first in the prosperous states during the next uierK. zb-z Washington's Birthday. place or oeginmng, containing tnirty-nve lab) acres, more or less.

of them will plant some early variety of seed. The first shows that they have abundant faith in the country and First Publication Feb. 21, 1889. SHERIFF'S SALE. Said property is levied upon as the property of the above-named defendants, and will be W.

W. Time TaWe. ten years, and if Kansans realize what is for their best intere.ts they will be advised by a traveling man and will Washington's birthday was with appropriate exercises by our sold to satisfy said order of sale. Said property Is appraised at thirty-two the other that they have sufficient intelligence to grasp the opportunities before them. Jarvis, Conklin Morgan, "1 not move.

hundred 3200 dollars over and above a prior GOING WEST, city schools last Friday afternoon. Following is the programme: KINGMAN NATIONAL BANK Largest National Bank in S. W. Kansas. (SUCCESSOR TO BANK OF KINGMAN.) Oldest Bank in Kingman County.

Capital Paid Up, $100,000. lien of twenty-three hundred 28001 dollars. iaintur, vs. J. THE NORTHERN NIGHTINGALE.

and will not be sold for less than two thirds Robert B. Loveridge. No.l IH1 of its appraised value. Opening Song "America" By Schools. 'O flour.

netendant. Mail No. 5 Freight STATIONS. Sheriff's office, Kingman county, Kansas, Ed Wright is making It is the best. Try it.

By virtue of an order of sale issued out of Express TO CHRISTINE NILLSOK. 7 35 a mi 8 15 pm the district court of Kingman county, Kansas, wherein Jarvis, Conklin Morgan are eDruary isew. J. C. MCCUtlXAND, 20-24 Sheriff.

Land Office at Wichita, Jan. 24, 1889. piaiuuuB wiu auuvn xj. jjoveriage is aeienaant, I will, on As wild Atlantic waves are flung In spume and spray on Norway's The beetling cliffs and crags among, And fiords, deep and grand. MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1889, 745 800 826 4 8 41 86 lfl 940 Notice is hereby given that the following-' named settler has med notice or his intention at the hour of 2 o'clock p.

at the sheriff's office at the building now used for the court house in the city of Kingman, coun to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Al 355 445- 510 535 618 858 723 808 8 41 14 9 39 949 Historical BKetcn oi Mount vemon Association Katie Misner. Recitation, "Paul Revere's Ride" Elma Van Fleet. Song, Tramp, Tramp" By Schools. Letter from Franklin to Washington, and Washington's Reply Ed Van Petten and Lucian Culver. Early Life of Washington Lulu Moore.

Essay "Political Life of Washington" Nellie Morgan. Recitation, "Washington's Memory" Lillie Gorman. Concert Reading, "Charge of the Light Brigade" By Eighth Grade. Reading, "Uses of Bunker Hill Monument" Zoe Thompson. Recitation, Old Ironsides" Fannie Myers.

Reading, "Washington" Mabel Stevens. Sonar. "Star-SDanrled Banner" By Schools. Through the absyms of by soul The tides of memory surge and roll; Whilst roaming in this foreign land I long and yearn for home. O.

Arctio land The midnieht sun ty of Kingman and state of of-1 Needham, clerk of the district court of King Leave Wichita, V. Douglas Ave College Goddard Garden Cheney "i Murdock. Arrive Leave Calista Nlnnescah Cairo Saratoga Pratt Cullison WeUsford Haviland A fire occurred at Norwich, this county, yesterday, which destroyed the hardware store of Haines Bros, and the furniture store of A. W. Davis.

The town has no fire protection except it bucket brigade, and would have suffered much more severely if the wind had been blowing. The total loss is roughly ep'ated at $17,000, with insurance of o000. 10 09 1027 4 10 44 4 ter zor saie at puouo auction, to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right title and interest of the above-named defend man county, at jungman ivansas, on April 18, 1889, viz: Thomas Munn, D. S. No.

18,850, tor the qr of sec. 14, twp. 30, r. 6 w. Gleams on thy oloud-capped peaks of snow; 1103 4 ant in ana to tne ioiiowuur-described real U10 4 property, situated in the county of Kingman He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva 10 34 1050 1135 4 11 68 -4 uiu iuw ui ivauoits, to-wit: Surplus and Undivided Profits, $20,000.

MAIM STBEET, KINGMAN, KANSAS. KINGMAN IRON AND FOUNDRY WORKS. tion or saia iana, viz: The southwest Quarter of section thirty-1 David McDonald, Matt Bennett, John Short- xnere glimmering rivers ioam and run Through gorges to the sea below; Though crowned by earth its queen of song. And kissed by beams of fame, I long For childhood's home of years ago-Loved Sweden Motherland. Tor in thy nine-fringed, sheltered dales 12 08pm 1218 4 1117 1133 1160 lurw too; wwuBnip twenty-nine (zui, range SIX Recitation' "The Old South Church 1230 ot worn ui iue Huui principal meridian.

Said nroverty is levied unon as the nronertv nage, f. ij. wins, all oi Milton, Kingman county, Kansas. 228 J. O.

McCoy, Register, TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. of the above-named defendant, and will be GOING EAST, John Hawthorne. Reading, "Webster's Eulogy on Washington" Mary Arnold. Essay, "Washington" Anna Ketterman. Sons-.

"Mount Vernon" Eighth Grade. Are hearthstones, bright, where, heart-fires soia to satisry saia oraer oi sale. Said property will be sold without annralno-1 STATIONS. mcuh buujbui mi nrst mortgage oz lourteen Recitation, "Mount Smith. Durn.

Sweet, babbling brooks in grassy vales. Begemmed by flowers and waving fern, Though called the Northern Nightingale Br nroudest kings 'twill not avail nunarea U4uuj aoiiars. Recitation. "George II. A Dream" Send to F.

P. Shumwar. Jr. Boston. Massa Sheriff's office.

Kingman countv. Kansas. Alice Morgan" Solo. "Sword of Bunker Nellie Morgar chusetts, for a nil sample copy of the Cottage Hearth, a beautiful illustrated maga ceDruary xv, ioe. J.

MCCLELLAND. Captain S. B. Sproule, of Greens-burg, came in Monday evening and remained two days investigating the salt industry. He is of the opinion that Greensburg is in the salt district and is making it a part of his business to find out about the cost of putting down a well and getting a salt plant ready for business.

His examination of the salt plants here was most critical and Mb report to the people of Greensburg 21-25 Sheriff. xbuuna oiling. Reading, "One World; One Washington" Lillie McFarland. sine, ana mo reauze wnai an extraorainary offer we are making when we offer to send both the Cottage Hearth and the Democrat for a full year for only $1.75 when the price of the Cottage Hearth alone la a rtar. thna Kinman la now supplied with a first-class foundry, where everything in the casting line can be procured as cheaply as from eastern cities.

Store Frois, Pilasters, CoIddis, Door Plates. No. 2 i No.e Express Freight. I 300pm 800am 810 818 4 823 4 838 832 854 4 8 48 4 4 21 4 408 4 508 4 4 14 4 6 15 481 850 446 4 623 I 5 04 4 6 63 5 81 7 43 656 4 810 618 916 636 948 4 6 49 1013 708 4 W43 726 4 U81 T88 4 tin 7 48' 110 4 giving you two tanoaro publications at only twenty-five rents more than the price of one. ffiEHD 1889 Pioneer Bead Catalonia of imaHn Leave Greensburg Arrive Brenham r.

WeUsford Cullison 44 Saratoga t. Nlnnescah CaUsta 44 Kingman Lvi Kingman Ar. Cheney Garden Plain 44 Goddard College Green 44 Douglas Arrive Wichita, V. Recitation, "Independence Bell" Steelman. Song, 'Sequel to "Tramp, Tramp' Schools.

Essay, "Washington's Gertie BueU. Recitation, "Monuments" Chas. Paddock. Concert Five Girls of Eighth Grade. Song, "Red.

White and Blue" Schools. Reading, "Death of Washington" Lizzie Temple. Recitation, "Patrick Henry" Hattie McKinstrv. I love thee best, though bleak and stern, Grand Sweden! Odin's land! Tonight Aurora's banners stream Throuh all the north red, rose and gold-While o'er the snow bright crimson gleam Her fitful storm lights on the world; The gibbous moon, wan, envy pale. Shrinks low o'er hills beyond the dale; With sombre shade the spruce trees fold The landscape, wierd and dim.

The jangle sweet of wrangling bells Float on the night from sledges gay O'er crystal rills in sheltered deils Swift skaters glide and children play. This wild acclaim, the footlights' glare. My crown of song and laurels rare, I'd give to stray through childhood's sceaes In motherland tonight. j.v.Cajtx. Lintel, Sills, Stair Plates and Railing, Ornamental Work of all Kinds and re Complete list of Vegetables, Flowers, Bulbs and Small Fruits, with descrlpfioiia and prices.

Hew Baasa, Hew will be very valuable. Itch, Mange and Scratches of every 'kind on human or animal cured in SO co*ckLE'oPILLS Tali 14 Enfllsh Family Btilela fa nsa for 8 years, all over tao woxlJ. Qf Typa, ansnisHiy i u.a aaa innrH. fjonialns mors varieties than snr other eatalocna printed. elegant pairs of all Come and see us.

Cash Paid for Old Cast Iron. colored plates. SxlOK Inches, and a frontlspiees. Kr.rr or calUratea a nlant person who owns rod oi lane nd noaia nave a copy, race or vices noaai, GtriDB, Reading, 'Washington's Birthday" Frank Bardwell. Recitation, "The Little Hatooet Story" f)'L Alice Johnston.

fattte wva or ft ifjfaVito. 6v hool minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Sold by Tredick 4 Sawver, iinpnaaj; Old papers for sale at the Democrat WBWinini varwuvMv iwu iui i wnia worm oi easaav -ALiiJTIC7 'jTt.

Kingman County Democrat from Kingman, Kansas (2024)


What famous people are from Kingman Kansas? ›

Notable people
  • George Aiton, Major League Baseball player.
  • Clyde Cessna, founder of the Cessna Aircraft Corporation.
  • Martin Dewey, American orthodontist.
  • Eugene John Gerber, Roman Catholic bishop.
  • Don Lock, Major League Baseball player.

What state is Kingman County in? ›

Who is the most famous person from Kansas? ›

Most famous people from Kansas
  • Kirstie Alley, an actress born in Wichita.
  • Bob Dole, former Senate Majority Leader who was born in Russell.
  • Melissa Etheridge, a folk-rock singer born in Leavenworth.
  • Annette Bening, an actress born in Topeka.
  • Martina McBride, a country singer born in Sharon.
Aug 22, 2023

What famous actors live in Kansas? ›

Most Well-Known Kansas Celebrities in 2024
  • Paul Rudd, Actor. Lenexa. ...
  • Jason Sudeikis, Actor. Overland Park. ...
  • Joanna Gaines, TV Personalty. Wichita. ...
  • Kirstie Alley, Actress. Wichita. ...
  • Janelle Monae, Singer-Songwriter. Kansas City, KS. ...
  • Barry Sanders, NFL RB. Wichita. ...
  • Eric Stonestreet, Actor. Kansas City, KS. ...
  • Rob Riggle, Actor. Overland Park.
Feb 9, 2024

What are the demographics of Kingman County Kansas? ›

Kingman, KS is home to a population of 3.05k people, from which 100% are citizens. As of 2022, 0.0328% of Kingman, KS residents were born outside of the country (1 people). In 2022, there were 22.8 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (2.82k people) in Kingman, KS than any other race or ethnicity.

Is Kingman a small town? ›

Kingman is a small town, that is more traditional with people who value their rights and the constitution.

Is Kingman AZ rural or urban? ›

Kingman, AZ Urban Area.

Why is Kingman famous? ›

Kingman is the heart of Route 66, with frequent classic car events, glowing neon signs, and an overall retro vibe that embraces the city's vibrant past. In the late 1800s, Kingman sprang to life when the railroad laid its tracks. Mining, ranching, and of course, the railroad encouraged rapid growth.

What are some fun facts about Kingman? ›

Kingman is the County Seat of Mohave County, the fifth largest county in America (13,470 square miles, 34,886 square km). In 1952, Kingman was the first city in Mohave County to be incorporated (1952), and yet the last county seat in the United States to be incorporated.

Why do people live in Kingman? ›

Kingman is a top tourist destination with a highly amenable standard of living. It also is home to the largest industrial park in Northern Arizona, making it a top location for companies moving to the state.


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.