“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (2024)

I very much hope you will read through and actually enjoy this whole article; if and/or before you make your final judgments on it and this up-coming series.

We all have our own demons to conquer. Even Jesus Christ was tempted by Satan while fasting in the desert. This article series is meant to open your eyes and to provide evidence of both Heaven and Hell. I will also give some bits of information of my own life and experience, though, more in greater detailed articles later.

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (1)

The Archangel, Mīkhāʼēl, resides as the Atom in-between our eyebrows—Contact Him daily.

In the process of evolution, we all lose something, but what we gain is far greater.

“Get thee behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me; for you are not setting your mind on the faith of God, but on the desires of man.”

~ Matthew 16:23:

Imagine being the Apostle Peter and thinking Lord Jesus just called you Satan, but you then realize that He really called Satan ‘out of you’. Even through an advanced Apostle like Peter, Satan still tried to provoke Lord Jesus. For most, this can seem perilous to even try to attempt overcoming. For me, there is no other option.


In this first article of the series: we will connect the dots and discuss the demonic impacts of Satanic influence on society. My goal here is to provide evidence, not to make people feel dirty, scared, hopeless, or to hate themselves, to hate the world, to see evil everywhere, or to feel overwhelmed. I again very much hope you will read the whole article, and if it is too much for you, then just forget it.

If this is all true, then so is the opposite. Take heart and have faith, for the kingdom of God is within.

““Is it not written in your Law, ‘I said, you are gods’?”

~ John 10:34

To be like a god, you will also have to carry the responsibility—Evolve, or remain in the mire of delusion.

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (2)

“Be ye therefore wise as serpents, guileless as doves”

~ Matthew 10:16:

It is the hidden demons in high and low places of government, media, entertainment, music, and society that pose the greatest threats to civilization and evolution:

In our complex and transitional world of modern civilization, the major current influences that shape governance, media, entertainment, music, and societal norms remain demonically obscured for the masses. These demonic forces, operating from the highest echelons of power, wield significant impact on public consciousness and social dynamics.

The idea that demonic forces manipulate societal structures is not new. Throughout history, various forms of clandestine power have been recognized, from the shadowy advisors of monarchs and governments to the secret societies that dictate political decisions and outcomes.

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (3)

From the movie, “Eyes Wide Shut”. The director, Stanley Kubrick died of a “heart attack” six days after this film was brought to Warner Bros. Notice the negative use of ‘Red and Blue’ throughout Western cults: Republican and Democrat. (Also why I never liked nor have been to masquerade parties).

The social awareness that there are invisible strings being pulled behind the scenes has persisted, evolving with the times while retaining its core premise: that there are elements within society whose influence is neither overt nor transparent - but are clearly against the evolution of the soul.

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (4)

George Bush Sr. with his Skull and Bones Secret Society Members. That is the skull of Geronimo used for Black Magic. Both Republicans and Democrats of Secret Societies can be evil, but are not always, as Secret Societies may be neutral (most), positive, or demonic.

“Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.” ~ Martin. Luther King. Jr

This is also where “Bloods (Red/Family) and Crips (Blue/Extreme Ego) came from.

My Grandfather was the Exalted Ruler of “The Elks Lodge”, and I recently found out he was also likely a 32nd or 33rd Degree Freemason. He was a great and noble man, who lived a humble, honorable, and modest life.

Though I have been tempted to join Freemasonry, mostly due to a psychological sense of alienation, I have not joined any Masonic Fraternities. I am very familiar with their teachings. I have also been a Freemason in previous incarnations, including one during the time of King Solomon. Judge me as you wish. It doesn’t bother me. I do no aim to encourage nor discourage people to join The Freemasons (Blue), or their Catholic opposition, and peers, “The Knights of Columbus” (Red).

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (5)

“Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.” ~ Luke 12:3

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (6)

(Notice the Skull and Bones on Heinrich Himmler’s hat. He designed and ran the Nazi death camps and is one of the evilest men to have ever lived)

I will quote the speech that got John. F. Kennedy assassinated:

“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.

We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.

Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions.

Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security (Covid) will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment (Ringing any bells?).

That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it’s in my control.”

J.F.K was Assassinated by the very same type of highly intelligent men in Secret Societies that exist today. He swore an oath to them. He broke that oath. He was then assassinated by them. Those who have not taken such oaths, as myself, are not bound by their laws. I do, however, disagree with absolute transparency and also some parts of J.F.Ks’ speech.

“Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you.”

~ Matthew 7:6

“This is why I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.”

~ Matthew 13:13

Over time, the mechanisms of hidden power have become more sophisticated. In earlier epochs, influence was primarily exerted through direct physical force or coercion, as seen with the Crucifixion, and in many places such forms of control and influence still exist today. In contrast, modern forms of influence and control often, but certainly not always, operate through more subtle and covert means, such as information manipulation through manipulating social media algorithms in favor of hidden, socially disagreeable, and immoral agendas:

“Making the good pasta, reading through some amazing parts of the satanic verses; the (golden) threads begin to intertwine…”

A quote from Jack Dorsey, the C.E.O that was in-charge of Twitter before Elon Musk single-handily crusaded it.

Here’s a link to the Tweet:


Continuing on with modern forms of Satanic influence, there are also: Psychological persuasion and psychological control through media bombardment; also through economic leverage;

as well as through controlling minds by:

  • Listening-in through our cellphones.

  • Analyzing our eye-movements through our front cameras on our devices: where your pupils dilated for split-second in a certain way when you saw a specific item, or were inspired by a specific video, photo, or post on your phone or device.

  • Or even worse, seeing an ad about something you just thought about.. in your head (demonic marketing’s prized accomplishment).

This evolution of corruption reflects some of the broader changes in societal organization and the increasing complexity of governance and communication while combating covert, dark, and nearly untraceable agendas, tactics, and methodology. In a world of ‘hearsay and “superstition”’, evil is masked and reduced to speculation without accountability or true justice.

In the realm of corrupt government, hidden influences manifest through these actions of unelected officials, lobbyists and special interest groups.

These actors operate behind the scenes, shaping policy and decision-making processes in ways that are rarely visible to our current publics’ untrained eyes. The impact of such influence is corruption-personified in its ambitions, destroying worthy legislation, inhibiting constructive regulatory frameworks, and eradicating international relations.

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (7)


The concept of an Oligarchy or the ‘Deep State’ refers to a network of entrenched and imbedded conspirators within the government that operate independently of elected officials. This reveals that there is a layer of bureaucratic and institutional power that remains constant, regardless of changes in political leadership, which goes against our United States Constitution.

Here is a quote from the creator of Eugenics (controlled selective breeding), Margret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood:

“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (8)

A photo of Margret Sanger giving a speech to her cult of K.K.K Members. She also started “The Negro Project” in 1939.

Here is a quote from Hilary Clinton praising Margret Sanger:

“Now, I have to tell you that it was a great privilege when I was told that I would receive this award (From Planned Parenthood). I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision … And when I think about what she did all those years ago in Brooklyn, taking on archetypes, taking on attitudes and accusations flowing from all directions, I am really in awe of her.”

How Oligarchical Media Influences The World

The media has played a major role in shaping public perception, opinion, and direction. Demonic influences within the media significantly impact the information that is disseminated to the public. These influences or now “influencers” come from many various sources, including corporate ownership, political affiliations, and advertising revenue agendas,

“so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.”

~ Revelations 13:17

(No, I do not feel we are in “the end times”. This is a transitional period)

One of the other primary ways demonic influences manifest in the media is through agenda setting and framing. Agenda setting refers to the ability of the media to determine which issues are deemed “important” and necessary for public control. Framing involves the presentation of information in a way that manipulates interpretation and perception. Both mechanisms are used to subtly guide public opinion and control the narrative around ideas fit to give further control to the Oligarchs.

Oligarchically Controlled Entertainment and Music—The Coliseum

The entertainment industry is another domain where demonic influences from film and television to music and literature, where entertainment shapes culture and societal degradation.

Here is the music video “Blackstar” that David Bowie created as somewhat of a deathbed confession:

(Look, I get it. I used to and still enjoy some this music too. I will again admit that I still listen to some of it, but very rarely as the messages are too clear now for me to avoid. My point is to show clear evidence of Satanism/corruption existing, and how it is taking over entertainment, music, and many aspects of society. My goal is not to judge people who don’t know what is really behind what they have been brainwashed into; unless one is completely obsessed with demonic music, culture etc.. then I will see them as corrupt).

Remember the use of skulls like the one George Bush Sr. with the Skull and Bones, and the skull and bones on Heinrich Himmler’s hat, as well as this Black Magic Black women’s use of the skull in David Bowie’s music video (image below). It is used for demonic summoning, death lords, and is a symbol attributed to black magic occult rituals. NOT honoring the dead…

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (9)

David Bowie repeatedly reveals throughout this confessional music video that these are the people and ideas “at the center of it all”. He also continuously repeats that he’s a “Blackstar” or Black Magician.

David Bowie bought several of Alister Crowley’s houses from Jimmy Page. One of those houses is where they would perform some of the Eyes Wide Shut Rituals that was mentioned repeatedly in this song as, “the villa of Ormen”. Here is a video of one of the rituals as portrayed by Stanley Kubrick (not explicit, but is for mature audiences)

“Ormen” means ‘serpent’ in Norwegian, a creature mentioned frequently in the writings of the Satanic occultist Aleister Crowley, with whom David Bowie and many musicians at the time and of today are obsessed with.

A Brief Outline of Alister Crowley and His Old and Modern-Day Followers

Black Occult Practices and Rituals.

Crowley was deeply involved in satanic occultism and was a toleration idol of various Satanic organizations such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and later his own organization, the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.). His rituals involved elements of ceremonial black magic and child sacrifice, which included invoking demonic entities and using symbolic and demonically charged sexual elements that created a system of totalitarian control over his followers.

Black Magic Sex Cults.

Crowley developed and practiced what he termed "sex magick", (Beware anyone who places a “k” where there should only be a ‘c’), which involved using sexual acts for the purpose of creating sex slaves of every age as a way to harness and summon demonic energies, or to barter with Satan himself, as seen in the movie, “Rosemary’s Baby (Mia Farrow is also a hardcore pro-abortionist. Not a coincidence).

Drug Use.

Crowley was known for his extensive and public use of drugs, including cocaine, heroin, and opium. He believed that these substances could aid in achieving demonic states of consciousness and facilitate black magical practices.

Blasphemy and Anti-Christian Rhetoric.

Crowley frequently criticized and mocked Christianity, calling himself "The Beast 666", changing his name to also numerologically be ‘666’. Crowley openly described his work as opposed to Christ and as anti-Christ-ian. He openly hated Christ. His intentionally blasphemous writings and public statements were designed to recruit, provoke, and invoke those susceptible to demonic influence, which they successfully did and still do.Crowley was also good friends with L. Ron Hubbard, the creator of Scientology. A quick quote from L. Ron Hubbard, “You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.” He mixed his science fiction writing with Crowley’s methods to create Scientology.

Self-Proclaimed False-Prophethood.

Crowley claimed to receive payments (Satanism is a transactional system, as have become many superficial human relationships, unfortunately) from a Grey Alien named Aiwass, which led to his writing of, "The Book of the Law". This book became the central text of his new false-religion and philosophy, “Thelema”, which proclaimed, "Do what thou wilt" as its central tenet. Grey Aliens are demonic and opposed to Angels and gods. They, like their followers, operate like a hive.

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (10)

Alister Crowley’s drawing of the Alien named, Aiwass, that he sacrificed children to, just like the Mayans did. Look familiar? See the next two photos and connect the dots yourself.

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (11)

The elongated skulls of the Mayan’s who practiced public and private human sacrifice and who also worshipped demons or false gods. People that glorify Mayan culture often do not realize that the Mayans were far worse than Nazis. Those who glorify the Mayans but hate Nazis are simply hypocritical, or diabolical.

Some of the modern day MS 13 gang members are reincarnated Mayans or similar demonically possessed primitive entities of old.

As well, this is amongst many other reasons that The Knights Templar left little trace of the Mayan cult after they genocided them. Even the God of the Old Testament (not the loving God transformed into the Christ of the New Testament) genocided those of Sodom and Gomorrah, as well as countless other cults and fallen societies. Fortunately, there are no entire races or civilizations that exist today that deserve genocide by God, or man.

The Wizard of Oz or The Wizard of ‘Aiwass’. Aiwass and his race of Grey’s are one of the main influences on social media algorithmic outcomes—he/it who controls communication, controls the world)(Also why so many strange deaths on the set of The Wizard of Oz, similar to The Exorcist, the film was actually demonic in its esoteric implications.

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (13)

“The yellow-brick road” is the ‘Eye of Province’. Originally a pure temple, later and today has been bastardized by Satanists)(“The stone which the builder rejected, became the head cornerstone”) Not all pyramids were built at the same time, with the same science, or were influenced by the same entities, humanoids, Angels, or demons. This also applies to civilizations.

Here are some famous musicians that promoted Crowley and/or subtly or directly promote Satanism (Again, just see the evidence):

Before I get into the musicians more or less inspired by Crowley or Satanism, I think it is fair to mention which music I used to listen to, which bands, singers, musicians, rappers, or groups I may still listen to—As well as give a brief autobiographical description of my youth, why I listened to darker songs as an adult, which ones naturally faded away as I became closer to God, and why I still listen to some darker songs on occasion today. I also do not want to alienate anyone who is seeking the truth. I also want to relate to those who are seeking but didn’t grow up with a cookie-cutter life, and to relate to where many of us in the West came from and how many of us grew up. I will list mostly the mainstream music I listened to as that makes sense to exemplify the impacts of such music on a mass scale.

I grew up in a house that listened to most genres of music, but mostly Rock, Hip-Hop, and Rap, with some good D.J music and Regge as well. My middle-school years were spent as a skilled skateboarder, listening alone, or with my friends mostly to Rap, and Hip-Hop; from the Chronic 2001 Album (most kids my age listed to that album), to the more laid back music my brother introduced me to such as: A Tribe Called Quest, Gangstar, Morcheeba, Guru, D.J Shadow and many others.

As I hit High School, I got into Punk Rock but I still listened to all the same old Hip-Hop and Rap groups. Some of the Punk Bands I used to listed to were: The Sex Pistols, The Dead Kennedy, Dropkick Murphys, NOFX, G.G. Allen (kidding), Black Flag, The Misfits (one of my favorites), Iggy Pop and quite a few others. None of that Blink 182 or Greenday crap. I also listened to a decent amount of Reggae, like: Bob Marley, Barrington Levy, Eek-A-Mouse, Sister Nancy, Peter Tosh, Steel Pulse, Gregory Issacs, and a few others. But they mostly sung about God. I always thought Bob Marley was and still is the only Gospel music I ever cared for. Modern Gospel has no depth, and is boring and generic as all hell (pun intended).

The other music I listened to in High School more or less inspired by God or Satan was old-school Rock and Heavy Metal like Metallica, Slayer, Korn, The Doors, The Rolling Stones, The Moody Blues, plenty of Queen (Freddy was the man), tons of David Bowie, some Ten Years After, Traffic, The Who (not much), and Jimi Hendrix, who I will get into in just a bit.

Some of the Rap and Hip-Hop groups I got into in High School were: Mac Dre, Andre Nickatina (wasn’t a huge fan but listened to it mostly with friends), Too Short, E-40, Redman and Method Man, Wu-Tang Clan, Eminem, Bone-Thugs and Harmony, Afroman, Slick Rick, Biz Markie, Hieroglyphics, Ice Cube, was never a big Snoop Dog or Ice T fan, Cyprus Hill and plenty others.

In my more rebellious days after High School and even years as an adult and after starting the Spiritual path, I also listened to more ambient or electronic music like Aphex Twin, a lot of Thievery Cooperation, Clams Casino, Infinite Scale, Sneaker Pimps, Zero 7, a lot of Alina Baraz (I very much loved being entranced by the voice of a lyrically poor siren. Still do at times), and countless Blues artists, from Stevie Ray Vaughn to Buddy Guy, from B.B King to the Winter Brothers, from Robert Johnson (the character that supposedly sold his soul to the Devil to learn how to play guitar, which the movie, “The Crossroads” was based upon) to Chuck Berry, but one of the main people I listened to during this period of my life was Jimi Hendrix. I felt that choosing him as the master of guitar that I would learn all my guitar skills from, that he was best. I have all of his albums and learned many of his songs by ear as I never learned how to read music… and I am going to take this as an opportunity to show off the guitar I made which is still very much on-topic :-)

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (14)
“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (15)

Continuing on.. The rest of the other music I continued to listen to was some Rap like: Kendrick Lamar, some Childish Gambino, and on my darker days, some ASAP Rocky, and as embarrassing as it is to admit, like two old-school Doja Cat songs… Yes, go ahead and vomit… I am right there with ya. One of the two songs is listed below.

Now, I don’t listen to much of any of it. Very little Rock or Metal, and very little Rap, with the occasional Kendrick or Childish Gambino song (fun to dance to). I moved away from a good amount of music naturally, not from suppression, as most adults do. I now mostly just listen to Ambient, Electronic, and less lyrical music, as most modern day lyrics are rubbish, or corrupt.

“When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.”

~ Corinthians 13:11

Now, onto those clearly inspired by Alister Crowley or Satanism.

Led Zeppelin (Even as a guitar player, I was never really a huge fan for some reason. Check out the free YouTube documentary, “Led Zeppelin, Plagiarism”. That will also burst some bubbles)

  • Jimmy Page: The guitarist for Led Zeppelin was a well-known admirer of Crowley. He purchased several of Crowley's former residences, including the Boleskine House, in Scotland and collected Crowley memorabilia. Page also included references to Crowley and his teachings in Led Zeppelin's music and artwork. The famous song Stairway to Heaven was inspired by a demonic poem written on the wall of Crowley’s old house that Jimmy Page bought.

  • Here is a video of Stairway to Heaven being appropriately and not coincidentally played for the Obama’s (look at Robert Plant’s face. He only smiled because his son was playing. (“Smile and wave. Smile and wave”) Notice the black hats as well:

The Beatles (John Lennon, not the entire band)(They have some great songs but I always found John Lennon to be a douche. John Lennon, who was a Crowley fan, knew the implications and influence of his song, “Revolution”. It was no surprise to me that a British man with as much knowledge, influence, power, and allegiance to his Communist wife, promoting a false revolution in America, that he was assassinated. Who else knows that Yoko Ono is Communist cringe?)

  • Crowley's image appears on the cover of their iconic album "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" among a collage of other influential figures.

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (16)

Each of the band-members contributed some of their greatest inspirations and influences. One of John Lennon’s “inspirations” was Alister Crowley.

David Bowie (Loved his music. I still listen to it, though, nothing directly about Crowley or that I am aware of, will I ever listen-to to enjoy)

  • Bowie referenced Crowley in his song "Quicksand" from the album "Hunky Dory," where he sings, "I'm closer to the Golden Dawn, immersed in Crowley's uniform of imagery."It also is my observation that the song, “Starman” by David Bowie is actually about Aiwass. Now that you know David Bowie was a fan of Crowley, and Crowley summoned Aiwass often, listen to the song, “Starman” again and you will see it from the true lens it was written from.

The Doors (I listed to it a lot, but not so much anymore as it is too dark and depressing for me. I still will listen to, “Riders on the Storm” and a a decent amount of other Doors songs occasionally)

  • Jim Morrison, the lead singer, was interested in various dark and light esoteric and mystical traditions, including Crowley's teachings.

    “Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (17)

Ozzy Osbourne (Obvious)(Was never a huge fan of Ozzy after Black Sabbath. I remain an admirer of Toni Iommi, the guitarist for Black Sabbath who later became the guitarist for, “Abba”)

  • Ozzy released a song titled "Mr. Crowley" on his solo album "Blizzard of Ozz." (Noticing the theme yet with Wizards, “The Wizard of Oz” and Satanism?) The song explores Crowley's Satanic life and practices. The song, “Black Sabbath” was inspired by an experience they had after taking a bunch of acid and reading a Satanic book written in Latin. They, “unintentionally”, summoned a demon and wrote that song about the experience afterwards.

Iron Maiden

  • Their song "Revelations" from the album "Piece of Mind" includes lyrics inspired by Crowley's works and philosophies (Iron Maiden sucks).

Marilyn Manson (They hid in the 60s’. Now, Satanist are proudly out in the open, and much of the world doesn’t seem to see them as a threat)(I never liked Manson or his music. I always thought he that he/it is repulsive on every level)

  • Manson has cited Crowley as an influence and referenced him in interviews and performances. His interest in occult and controversial figures aligns with Crowley's image.

Jay-Z(Vomit worthy. I always thought his voice, music, and lyrics sucked)

  • While Jay-Z has not explicitly mentioned Crowley in his lyrics, his fashion choices have. He was seen wearing a hoodie with the phrase "Do what thou wilt", which is Crowley's most famous maxim.

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (18)
“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (19)

Eminem(Most kids in America from my generation listened to Eminem. I grew out of it, as his music is too hyphy, immature, and corrupt for me to listen to as an adult, let alone, any age; he also likes to bully and intimidate younger musicians)

  • In his song, “Rap god” Eminem says,

“It's curtains, I'm inadvertently hurtin' you

How many verses I gotta murder to

Prove that if you were half as nice,

your songs, you could sacrifice virgins too?”

Though no direct mention of Crowley, Eminem’s Satanic influence is obvious.

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (20)

Tyler, The Creator (Never got into his music)

  • Tyler has referenced Crowley in his music and interviews.

ASAP Rocky (Another Obvious One)(During my darker days I used to listen to some of his songs, but not anymore)

  • In his music and videos, ASAP Rocky often incorporates Satanic imagery and themes. His interest in the the demonic occult and demonic aspects of culture aligns with Crowley's influence, but no direct references to Crowley that I am aware of.

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (21)

Doja Cat( I listened to just two of her songs many, many years ago. I liked her melodies, the sound of her singing, and the music in this one, but always thought her rap breakdown and the lyrics sucked, as I think with many other songs or genres including Rock, Metal, and so forth…)

  • Though no direct references to Crowley, Doja Cat also has clearly Satanic messages in most of her lyrics.

At the end of, “So High”, the very last lyrics are:

“6 hits to the dome, down on the ground.

6 hits to the dome, down on the ground.

6 hits to the dome, down on the ground,

Down on the ground.”

Notice the number pattern there? (666).

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (22)

These are just ‘a very few examples.’

The content produced by the entertainment industry today almost entirely reflects and reinforces the agendas of those with demonic agendas and power.

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (23)

The music industry frequently depicts extreme violence, demonic lust, and extremely debaucherous and deviant behavior, which has lead to desensitization and normalization of corrupt culture, and the near collapse of Black society (a wet-dream for Margret Sanger). Those who are pawns of modern-day Margret Sangers are known as “industry plants”, which is about 99% of ‘major’ musicians today.

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (24)

(Nicki Minaj being exalted with a standing ovation by the entire Grammy’s crowd while mock-performing oral sex on Catholic Priests—and exposing herself as clear as day that she is possessed by “Legion” or many demons, not just one or two)(I never liked her and always thought she was extremely evil)

(Imagine how many people every minute die while listening to demonic music)

The Ramifications of Devolution

Repeated exposure to demonic lust with violent imagery and themes creates apathy, increases extreme aggression, as that is seen in ghettos which are one of Satan’s primary targets at the moment. This cultivates a worldview where public lust, extreme hatred, apathy towards matrimony and family, and encouragement of violence are seen as a legitimate and desirable means of self-expression and enjoyment.

The cumulative effect of these influences is mass negative karma, often resulting in natural consequences, unless mitigated by the Higher Power. This cultural degradation leads to a peppered hell on earth, as seen in the worst ghettos, or in the most soulless “elites”.

By consistently promoting corrupt ideologies and behaviors, the entertainment industry has successfully eroded the vast majority of the moral and ethical fabric of society. This degradation manifests in increased cynicism, a decline in community cohesion (Trump/Red vs Biden/Blue), and the erosion of true principles, morals, and values:

“Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand.”

~ Matthew 12:25

“Divide and conquer.”

~ The Blackstars.

Youth are particularly effected by the influences of the entertainment industry. During formative years, exposure to the extensive amount of demonic types of media content shapes the youth’s identity, beliefs, and behavior patterns. The normalization of violence, substance abuse, and hyper-sexuality in youth-oriented media has taken a lasting and detrimental effect on generational development.

Another significant consequence is the erosion of critical thinking skills, as highly proven by the use of apps that encourage short attention spans like Tik-Tok, Reels, etc…

The entertainment industry often prioritizes sensationalism and superficiality over substantive content, using your “news feed” like a pig-trough for short attention spans. This emphasis on corrupt entertainment over enlightenment has lead to a populace that is easily susceptible to manipulation and less capable of critical thinking or self-analysis.

The entertainment industry also plays a role in perpetuating social and economic inequalities. By glorifying wealth, fame, and consumerism through all forms of media: this content reinforces class divisions and creates unrealistic aspirations and expectations for the commonwealth. This perpetuation of inequality hinders social mobility and exacerbates societal tensions.

Hollywood and the Propagation of Egomania

Hollywood is one of the most prominent examples of an entertainment hub with significant influence over global culture. Through its films and television shows, Hollywood has historically promoted Satanism and demonic lifestyles, aligning with governmental and corporate interests.

Psychological research suggests that repeated exposure to certain types of media content shapes subconscious beliefs and attitudes. The concept of cognitive dissonance explains how individuals reconcile conflicting information, often aligning their beliefs with the dominant narratives presented in media, and by the masses of their mislead peers. This alignment leads to the destruction of true values that do not align with a truly rational or intuitive moral framework.

The entertainment industry's influence deeply corrupts mental health, with media consumption linked to issues such as anxiety, depression, and body image disorders. The constant bombardment of idealized images that only 1% of humanity will ever be burdened with, and the lifestyles that follow them: creates delusional, self-centered, egomaniac expectations, and fosters dissatisfaction with one's own life. This impact on mental health further contributes to societal degradation, as individuals struggle with personal well-being, reality of what really matters, and being truly happy in the present moment.

Media as A Tool for Social Control

Those behind the curtain and those cooperating corporations therein have long recognized the power of the entertainment industry as a tool for social manipulation and control. By controlling the narratives and symbols disseminated through media, these entities have detrimentally influenced the public though opinion and behavior while creating the illusion of free choice. This control is used to maintain power, suppress dissent, and promote specific and diabolical political agendas.

Sexual Music Played in Grocery Stores, Gyms, and Clothing Stores Where There Are Kids, and the Youth

The presence of sexually explicit music in public venues where there are kids, young-adults, families, and the elderly, such as grocery stores, gyms, and clothing stores etc.. again, frequented by families and children, raises significant ethical, psychological, and sociocultural questions and issues. The proliferation of music with sexual themes in these settings warrants a thorough examination of the societal sexualization of children and the perversion that exploits and enjoys it.

The exposure of children to sexually charged music in public settings has far-reaching psychological implications. Research in developmental psychology suggests that children are highly impressionable and can internalize messages conveyed through media. Lyrics that objectify individuals or glorify hyper sexual conquest misshapes young minds, negatively influencing their perceptions, future responsibilities of relationships, and self-worth. This has also contributed to the decline in marriage, lasting families, and social order and stability.

Additionally, the constant barrage of such content desensitizes children to superficiality and the emotional absence that comes with hyper sexualized agendas, groups, and individuals, reducing human beings to a mere carnal-cognitive-dissonance. Your kids are being groomed by corporate entities to have no nobility, all while we shop together and listen to p*rnographically explicit music… Its not super often, but often and subtle enough to raise large concerns, as it is ‘intentional.’

The deliberate choice of sexually explicit music in environments frequented by children raises questions about corporate agendas and their complete lack of moral stewardship. Businesses have a legal duty to create spaces for all patrons, including minors. Imagine going over to someone’s house with your kids (who are minors) and all they play is perverted music: or maybe you are comfortable with grown men planning on playing sexual music to your kids? Now, imagine corporate entities getting together and planning on playing sexual music to kids en masse… Seeing a problem here?

The corporate or individual decision to play music with overtly sexual lyrics to minors should be viewed as criminal; prioritizing adulteration of minors as their consumer preferences over the ethical well-being of all-generations and customers. This ethical lapse calls for prosecution of the corporate Oligarchs who use sex to adulterate minors as well as create the craving sense in adults while they shop.

Corporations and Their Demonic Marketers Feed on Sexual Exploitation Towards the Youth, and Everyone Else

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (25)

They start with innuendo ads, like those seen from Carl’s Jr., or countless other corporations, and then they brainwash our kids with playing grimy songs like: “Da Ya Think I’m Sexy?” by Rod Stewart, all the time in public setting around kids and the elderly. This is honestly one of my least favorite songs. Hearing it near kids, families, or the elderly at grocery stores is common and is honestly the definition of ‘cringy.’

I am not saying that, “sex is evil”. That would be foolish and hypocritical.

I am saying that society should be heavily concerned with the exploitation of sex with the agenda to brainwash minors and to create the sense of craving by using sexually charged music for subliminal and direct programming while we all shop. If that doesn’t make sense to you, please do not read any more of my work as you are too corrupt to gain anything from it.

Yeah, first thing I thought of today was, “Man, I really hoping to get an erection from those peaches at the supermarket later.” We literally have most major corporations and companies sexualizing inanimate objects like food and platonic processes like grocery shopping, and all common shopping experiences… Let alone, hyper sexualizing the youth, everyone, and everything else in their process of control.

“By the people, for the people”

Enhancing and creating legislation for corporate transparency and accountability is absolutely crucial in mitigating the effects of demonic influences. This involves increasing the openness of government processes, ensuring media independence, and promoting ethical standards in various sectors.

Encouraging civic engagement towards creating new laws and legislation for corporate transparency allowing for an active public participation is vital for countering the deep corruption using corporate influences. When citizens are actively involved in governance and community affairs, it becomes more difficult for these unseen forces to exert control. Civic engagement fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility, promoting a more resilient and responsive society.

Promoting ethical leadership is essential in addressing these challenges posed by hidden influences. Leaders who are committed to transparency, accountability, the commonwealth, and the public good can counteract the negative effects of concealed power. Ethical leadership involves not only personal integrity but also the creation of a noble culture that prioritizes ethical behavior and decision-making, not corruption and selfishness at the expense of personal freedom in trade for false securities.

(To be concluded in Part 2: “DAMN THE PURITANS!!!” Is ‘Puritan’ a trigger-word for you? A look inside the modern hatred for pure living: where the very words “purity” and “Puritan” are greatly hated trigger-words and taboos for corrupt individuals and a corrupted culture).

Written and Copyright by Nicholas Morrissey 2024 ©

“Get thee behind me, Satan!” Exorcism and Culture — Part 1: (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.